Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Line is Drawn

Kim Jong Il is dead, and his son is now poised to take over as Dictator of Noth Korea. Iran continues  to push forward on their nuclear program and is now on the verge of developing a nuclear weapon that will surely br used against Israel. The war in Iraq has been artificially ended by President Obama , in a last ditch effort to create something positive on his resume as his re-election bid looms near. But, with our troops fully withdrawn , will Iraq be capable of sustaining its fragile democracy and prevent an Iranian takeover?
The next commander in chief of our armed forces will be facing these , and other mideast challenges as the war on terror presses on .Who best then , to lead?In truth , all of the candidates would be far better as president than our current commander -in-chief. On both foreign and domestic issues, they all have proven records of conservative values and legislation. Even Romney , who most closely resembles at times , that poltical species known as a Rino, and who has been on both sides of every political issue ;..including global warming , and abortion ; would still be readfy , willing, and able to end Obamacare , cut taxes, and strengthen our military.
Newt is, of course, the most likely candidate to win it all, since he alone has done what all the others are mearly talking about  doing ;namely, turn the country from debt to deficit , unemployment , and despair, to free market prosperty and growth,
Obama is the maimn goal, the only target . He must be defeated . That is the plan . That is the purpose . That is the only mission , all that matters , and all of these Republican candidates can do the job.All that is, save one. Texas Congressman Ron Paul , who , at first glance, is a strong , by the book , hard core , fiscal conservative, with strong faith in our founding fathers vision of self-government.
However, upon closer scrutiny, we see the truth . This man, who has tried repeatedly , over the years to become commander in chief , is , in fact, an anti-military , appeaser whose beliefs regarding our guilt in 9-11 and willingness to collaborate with our enemies by allowing them nuclear weapons makes Obama look like Bush by comparison.
In the last debate before the I

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