Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Nebula Children

Does the President support the Wall Street protestors?Of course, or , at least , he supports the purpose behind it. So what is that purpose? There is none, at least according to those that are interviewed while they block traffic and defecate on Police cars. They claim to want jobs , but want to punish corporations that create jobs . Let's face it, they don't want jobs,  they just want the money that people with jobs have.
Apparently, evil corporations are good enough to supply them with I Pods  designer jeans , and a place to pee, but not good enough to be a job source. What mind -numbing logic. So, why would they continue this long with this meaningless protest? Answer; ...they are being paid to . The real purpose is to demonize the rich , blame them for the economic collapse, and get Obama re-elected. And the funding for this campaign strategy is from the usualk suspects;..Michael Moore, SEIU,and George Soros , of All capitalists to the max, who pretend to be socialists for profit.The question is ; why would any organization or individual , who makes his cash in our free market , devote so much time and money to collapsing that market? Because , these individuals envision a government controlled free market , which will leave most businesses and corporations working for the government, the Obama government, they hope, which will, in turn , funnel taxpayer cash right into their hands . Crony capitalism is their ultimate goal, and the American people must be broght to realize that , they don't work for themselves , but for the government , the unions Michael Moore, and George Soros , who , by the way , became a multi-billionaire collapsing economies around the world.
But, to accomplish this on the United States economy, one thing must occur . Obama must be re-elected , and demonizing the wealthy is the only card the liberal Democrats have left to play , and their plyers are the nebulous , lost children , who gather and protest , for the right to other people's money , and a more sinister purpose , that they will never comprehend.

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