Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Village called Reality

I live in a special village called Reality . In this village, all things are as they are . What is ; What was ;...was. What will be;....will be. No spin , no political manuvering, just reality. Hrsh, stark, black and white . This is the village of conservatism .
In this village, Barack Obama is a socialist, because his political record and redistribution of wealth policies say so. That is reality.
The economy is shot , because Obama has taken money from those that earn it, and gave it to those that don't. That is reality.
Tax cuts for all those that earn money in the free market ; the only thing that will correct this problem . That is reality.
A Democrat will never give you a tax cut and will never cut govt. spending , unless it's in the military budget. That is reality .
The Occupy protestors want only one thing;, free money , taken from those that earn it, and given to them , by the government. That is reality.
Any of the Republican candidates , except Ron Paul;, would make better Presidents than Obama , but Newt Gingrich is the logical choice , because he, as Speaker under Clinton, took an economy worse than Obama's and turned it around with tax cuts for everyone. Period. That is reality.
There is no appeasement of Islam extremeists. Their religion is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed , who says that all non-believers in Islam are infidels, and therefore , must be killed. That is reality.
If Iran gets a nuclear bomb , they will use it on Israel, because they are infidels , like us , who deserve death.That is reality.
The ultimate goal of the terrorists is a world under Muslim rule . Nothing else will be tolerated . That is reality.
Newt Gingrich knows this;..and wants John Bolton as Secretary of State.That is reality.
The main difference between Republican and Democrat is the fact that Republicans cut taxes and recognize the war on terror as a fight against Muslim extremeists; one else. And they understand, that they must be destroyed. No other option is possible. That, is reality.
The  President doesn't see this , nor does he see the fact that we are a self-governed nation , and that the govt. must be the people, not Washington. And, that is the reality , that will end his Presidency.
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Nothing more . Nothing less . It is the most celebrated holiday world wide, because the message of Christ is the greatest message ever to be given to man , and is the very foundation of our freedom , and our country. That is reality.
The Liberal left hates Christianity  because it takes power away from those in  government , and puts it where it belongs ; in the hands 0f the people who run this country , and in the hands of the God that created them ,rather than the false god in washington , that taxes them . That is the ultimate reality.

1 comment:

Prof. said...

wow your vision of reality is pretty distorted. I am not a fan of Obama, yet I also recognize, because of much education exactly what socialism is, and Obama does not approach it. What does approach Socialism are the programs that have been in place in the U.S for a very long time. Programs such as Fire Companies, Police Stations and Ambulance Units. These entities are there to ensure everyone gets equal care and response, a socialist ideal, would you privatize these groups as well? To wait while your credit card or payment goes through before firemen are sent to put out your home that is ablaze or before the emt's are sent to save your elders from a heart attack, or how about a police officer who requires payment before they react to a violent crime committed against your person? There is very little black and white in the world, the truth is reality is different for all and change according to perception, environment and social situation.