Monday, August 15, 2011

The Ultimate Machine

If there existed a device , an ultimate machine , if you will, that could calculate the outcome of any contest , any event, by sheer mathematical reality; who would it say won the Republican debate the other night? That's easy. Newt Gingrich, with Michelle Bachmann coming in a close second. The reason? Everything that all the candidates are talking about doing, to turn Washington around, and save our economy , our free market, and our country; Newt has actually done.
President Clinton was going under quickly, with the same socialist policies that Obama embraces ; until Newt became Speaker of the House , and the Republicans took control of the House and Senate , for the first time in many years. Speaker Gingrich and the Republicans cut taxes , cut spending , passed Welfare Reform , and saved our country from bankruptcy. Prosperity reigned. All on a Liberal Democrat President's watch. Newt actually did what all the otheres on stage Thursday night were only talking about doing. Therefore, he could do it again ; using the same methods he used before. He has job experience , not just in ideas and beliefs , but in actual accomplished Legislation.
Michelle Bachmann , would be the ultimate machines second choice . Why? Because , she also has been in the arena of practical Washington experience, and has proposed and stood strong on pure conservative legislation that would cut taxes , cut spending and, most importantly , end Obamacare. Although , as Tim Pawlenty pointed out , she did not actually accomplish passed legislation , she never varied , never waivered , never cut deals , , and never compromised her beliefs. She knows that Democrats must be defeated , not negotiated with . Congresswoman Bachmann was unfortunately outnumbered in Congress before last November's big Republican sweep , and that is the only reason she , technically , accomplished nothing .
The otheres are eliminated simply because they have waivered on issues , made deals with Democrats ,. or they have no Washington experience; being ex-Governors, or local State officials, or corporate Pizza moguls. Ron Paul and John Huntsman are, unfortunately, flawed for different reasons , that make both oif them unelectable. Paul is a military hating , isolationist, who would choose to defund the military , end our war on terror, and leave us clueless and vulnerable , to enemies determined to destroy us . Huntsman is , at best, a Rino, and at worst, a liberal Democrat . His record as Governor speaks for itself ; and proves his true colors. Santorum is a strong conservative , but inflexible on rape and incest issues regarding abortion . This will always hurt him in any election. Herman Cain is also a strong conservative , with business experience and an instinctive grasp of how thr free market operates , but his lack of knowledge of foreign affair issues regarding the war on terror, seems strange for a man running for the office of commander in chief of the armed forces.
However,the Ultimate Machine would probably throw out these results now that Rick Perry has entered the race . Gingrich and Bachmann are good , Perry is better , for one reason. In a country with a shattered economy , his State , Texas , has a booming economy ; the result of his low taxes and oil drilling. Also, he has a strong pro Second Amendment stance , and strong Christian values that create a state that is business and family friendly , always helpful to an economy.
The Ultimate machine result? Perry reigns supreme , with Newt and Bachmann 2nd and 3rd. Governor Perry has accomplished the impossible , an island of free market prosperity , surrounded by a crumbling , socialist , leaning country . His Texas  is an oasis of conservatism , that will spread , once he becomes President , that is .
One final question remains ; what is the ULTIMATE MACHINE? It's the American People . Us. The single greatest force of self government , liberty , and freedom , ever to exist on earth. And , for that Ultimate Force, the choice will always be, not in individual candidates , but in the princilples of conservatism that founded our nation.

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