Sunday, July 10, 2011

Usurper's of the Throne

What is the purpose behind the Debt Ceiling meeting tonight between House Leaders and the President?From the President's point of view, the purpose is clear; actually, it's been his only purpose , his only mission , since taking the office ; raising taxes. Why? After collapsing the economy by entitlements for almost three years , and putting unemployment at 9.2%,why in God's name would he think raising taxes would be the answer to our problems?Because , President Obama is a Socialist and a Marxist, and completely destroying the economy through taxes is the first step to Obama's two part plan to  establish a socialist government , right here , in America.
Is he doing this on purpose? Yes, because he feels this is the way. Socialism and Marxism  work , and just need to be implemented here , in the U.S. , and then, it will work all over the world too. This is truly what Obama  and the liberal left, believe , and heavy taxes  in a struggling economy , are the 1st step .The second step? Well, that has been implemented by Attorney General Eric Holder , at the Mexican Border . The so-called, 'Fast and Furious "agenda , that urged gun dealers to sell to Mexican drug cartels , so that the weapons could then be traced back to the Drug gang leaders , was an abysmal failure . Or, was it? No effort was apparently made to actually track these weapon purchases , leaving the Mexican drug gangs well armed and several ATF agents dead , at  their well armed hands. Hands that were armed by our Attorney General.
The true purpose of"Fast and Furious " is clear . It was not designed to destroy Drug Lords , but to destroy the 2nd Amendment , and the organization that supports it , the National Rifle Association . This, you see, is the second part of any government plan to introduce socialism to a nation ; you must take away the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms freely. Once done, the final step to take away freedom has been implemented . For , you see, a free people that cannot defend that freedom against possible government tyranny will not remain free for long. Demonizing gun dealers would lead to more restrictions on them , more regulations , and yes , ultimately, more taxes on their businesses. Which would eventually put them out of business, and make guns far too expensive for the common man to own . Plus new security restrictions would make it difficult to own a weapon anyway.
This is the two part plan . The Obama plan that was always intended , and the plan that, now , with Obama's stance on taxes , and the border scandal , has been fully exposed , for what it is; an attempted socialist coup . But unfortunately, for the President , his time to implement such things is almost up . 2012 rapidly approaches , and with it , no doubt, a new Republican President.
But, it's possible that, long before this happens , the ATF scandal may wind up being Obama's Watergate . A scandal could get Eric Holder fired , and possibly arrested , and , when traced back to the President himself, may lead to his impeachment , long before he needs to worry about the looming presence of Sarah Palin , or the other Tea Party candidates , that are poised and ready, to usurp his throne , and return his power to it's rightful owners , namely, the People of the United States of America.  

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