Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Slaves of Plato

The Greek philosopher Plato had a term he used to describe those that preferred government security over freedom; he called them , "Natural Slaves".
In a fit of pique over the Republican Party's proposed budget cuts , President Obama has stated that all the programs on the chopping block are, in fact, the"Thing that make America great '.That's funny, I thought what made America great is Freedom; not Freebies. We have more freedom and liberty than any nation on earth , with a military that is willing to lay down their lives to protect that freedom , and yet there are still those that protest, whine , and complain  that a nation , on the brink of complete financial collapse, still owes them , "entitlements".
What are we , as Americans , truly "entitled " to ?Answer ; Nothing. With freedom , you already have more than 99.9% of all other nations on earth . Our tax dollars are not for health care. , education , housing, or free meals. Our taxes are for the military ; to keep our soldiers well equipped , well fed , and safe, while they risk all to keep us free. So, yes , I want people dying in the street, children uneducated and starving , and the elderly homeless and hungry, right there along with all the other union entitlement protestors .
But, while they lay there, in the street , starving, uneducated , homeless , and old , I want them to think;....and see the truth. The truth is, that yes, Republicans do want our tax dollars to go to education , meals, homes and healthcare ;...for the military. They keep us free , and for that , they are the only true 'entitled" Americans . The only one 's that 'We the People", have a duty and responsibility to take care of ; with our tax dollars .
President Obama will continue to whine and complain that Republicans are killing the elderly and the sick and the homeless and leaving children starving and uneducated , with their proposed cuts ; cuts that are a mere pittance , cuts that will never pass in the Senate ; cuts that do not include the worst offenders , such as Obamacare , and Planned Parenthood. Cuts that will never happen .
The reason is simple; you cannot propose cuts in Washington spending without first proposing cuts in taxes ; for all Americans. For , if you don't cut taxes first, you simply give Obama reason to raise taxes , to compensate for budget cuts. Government will never , never, never, stop spending , unless we cut up the credit card they are using. And that credit card is the American people's tax dollars.
Without tax cuts , there is no economic recovery . Without tax cuts ; there can be no budget cuts . Without tax cuts ; there will be no end to Obamacare, or Planned Parenthood.  Our money, that "We the People"  earn , is the economy. Without it, there is no economy . There is , only ; ....Government. And, those that work and slave to serve it. It's called communism , and , without tax cuts , we will remain on the path towards this grim fate.
Republicans now have the House . That means they hold the purse strings. They can defund all the entitlements that have been created in the two years of the Obama Presidency . This must be done . But, if it 's to mean anything to the free market recovery ; Congress must follow the history of the Kennedy , Reagan , Clinton , and Bush administrations , and cut taxes permanently , to save our economy and freedom.
Always remember, our taxes are for our soldiers ; to preserve the Republic , not for earmarks , special deals, or entitlements for parasites on our system.
Ultimately, entitlements serve only one purpose , not to 'help people" , but to get politicians elected. The time is now . There is no tomorrow. Republicans , use your purse strings, and defund everything , except our freedom.

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