Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Perfect Fighting Machine

The difference between Republican and Democrat is fairly easy to define. Forget the  political ideology of following the Constitution , or socialist leanings. The real difference in nuts and bolts reality is simply this ; Republicans cut taxes . Democrats raise taxes . That's it , pure and simple . Both parties are addicted to spending , both have scandals , both have flip-flopped on issues that should clearly define them . Tax cuts are it . A democrat , left to his own devices , will never , never, never, cut taxes , or spending , for that matter . History has proven this. Kennedy was the last Democrat President to actually cut taxes across the board , of his own violition , across the board , and prosperity reigned during his time in office  because of it.
But, that was a different time , and Kennedy , if he ran today, could not be a Democrat . The party would reject him for his strong military support , and , of course , those tax cuts. Clinton was forced to cut , by Newt Gingrich , and a Republican majority House and Senate. So, his prosperity during his reign , was not his doing at all, despite what liberals would like to believe . So, if tax cuts define the essential difference between the parties , what then , defines the difference between Republican , and ;.......Conservative?Many Republicans are not conservative , but , all Conservatives are Republican , or at least vote tht way . How then, do we define , in basic nuts and bolts terms again , the difference between people that, on the surface , believe in the same principles and should then , be the same. Shouldn't they?No. There is actually a very important differnce , and that difference is what formulated our victory last November.
While Republican and Conservative believe in the same Constitutional principles that founded our country , a Conservative does more than mearly believe in these principles of freedom. A Conservative lives them . Every day. And, a true conservative will never compromise those principles . To a true conservative , they are written in stone. No compromise of them with Democrats for political gain is possible ; in their world . No compromise .No surrender . This is how we won our freedom ; how America was born . This is how we won in November. This is how we must deal with the debt debates with the President ; no compromise , no raising of taxes , no raising of the debt ceiling . Force the Senate to vote against our budget proposals .
So far, Republicans have stood strong on the tax issue . But, the debt ceiling must remain untouched as well You cannot make deals with Democrats . They will never follow through on their end . Look what happened with Pres. Reagan';s "deal"  with Democrat House leader Tip O'Neil.Reagan agreed to raise taxes , and Tip agreed to cut speding . Tip did not cut spending . Reagan learned from this, finally cut taxes , as he originally planned , and prosperity reigned. As a Conservative , you know that you must simply defeat Democrats, and force them to your plan , your will ,the will of constitutional gov't. , by the people and for the people .
Presidential Candidate Michelle Bachmann understands this, and has remained unflinching on both taxes and debt , and , I am confident she will remain so. . Even if Boener and Cantor weaken , she will not . Why?Because she is the purest form of political animal, the perfect political fighting machine , that , by it's nature ,. cannot be defeated , since truth is it's main weapon . She is a Constitutional Conservative . She lives the principles that founded our country . She is relentless , unstoppable unbending , unbreakable , indestructable. And, she stands a very good chance of being our next President of the United States .Once done, she will repeal Obamacare. She will cut taxes , which , of course, is the only true way to economic prosperity;  Despite meaningless debt ceiling debates . If taxes are tax , including corporate gains taxes, and Obamacare, businesses can make more money . Then , they can hire more employees. This will create more taxpayers , which , of course , creates more revenue to the government. It's as simple as that. And, all done without raising taxes . Consevatives undertand this, and Michelle Bachmann , the leader right now of their party , says what she will do, and yes, will do what she says.
And that, my friends , is the difference between a mere Republican , and , the perfect political fighting machine ;Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann , Presidential candidate, and proud conservative, who dares to live her principles .

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