Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Shadow Committee

As the deadline looms for the Super Committee, there still appears to be ; resolution . Nor will there be. The Super Committee exists for only one purpose; get Barack Obama re-elected President. Senator John Kerry, a member of the committee, said it best, 'We are a deficit reduction committee , not a tax reduction committee". He's only partly right, since there will be no deficit reduction either. The Democrats will not allow it. Ever. Nor will there ever be a spending reduction . And, most assuredly, there will be no tax cut, tax reform , tax restructuring either . Democrats , you see, do not , under any circumstances, , cut taxes. For any one. For any reason. Ever.
The clueless Republicans that have been roped into this farce still don't get it. The committee is a tax . A tax on the American people. It was so, the minute it was put into operation . The pretense of a problem solving committee was just a smoke screen , a facade , to accomplish Democrats two objectives;, to hike taxes through the sheer expense of the committee operation itself, and two, to establish the Democratic alibi for 2012, that Republicans are blocking all deals , and refuse to raise taxes on those that are the root of all economic problems, namely, the rich.
No deal will be made. Even if the Republicans give in to everything the Democrats want, they won't agree to it. They can't , and they know it. The President's only hope for re-election is to prove to the weak kneed , indecisive , so-called 'Independent' voters, that Republicans are preventing Obama from passing much needed , job creating legislation . Republicans are therefore , the problem , that must be defeated in 2012, by electing Obama for President , again. And, since Democrats cannot run on the Presidents abysmal record of socialist wealth re-distribution , they must use Republicans, the unwitting pawns in this farce of a shadow committee, as the last , best hope of winning re-election . How pathetic. Since 2008, they have owned the House, The Senate, and the Presidency. Yet, in three and a half years, have failed to do anything other than pass legislation designed to take money from those that earn it;..and give it to those that don't . Their old strategy ; blame Bush, after almost four years , now seems a stretch , for even the most liberal Democrats . Therefore, the Republican party itself, must be the new target , which will hopefully enable the Democrats and Obama to hold on to power , and the entitlement street urchins that vote for them , because of entitlements that their party supplies to them.
The one major flaw in the committee's strategem is this; the occupy Wall Street spectacle. No riots, no violence, no vandalism , no public urination , no public defecation , no rapes , no robberies , no drug dealing or usage, . No property damage, no trash cleanupo . Iam , of course , talking about the Tea Party , not the Occupiers . The contrast is startling , and quite rervealing , as to the stark differences in these two organizations, and what they stand for. No clearer lines could be drawn between good, and evil. The Tea Party left no destruction , violence, trash, or hate , of any kind , in their wake. The Occupiers ,,on the other hand , have been the petri-dish in the political laboratory of debate . They have, in effect, by their gathering , revealed the viral contagion that is at the root of liberalism. There it is , isolated , and finally exposed , for all the world to see, as if it were on a slide of a microscope in a laboratory. The disease has been exposed and isolated by the protestors . It's called liberalism , and the cause of the disease is hatred , violence , envy , and pure evil. The cure?Conservatism , of course, and the Tea Party that represents it. Our first vaccination is due in 2012, when Barak Obama becomes an ex-president.
And the Occupiers , like a tumor, will begin to shrink and vanish , as the entitlement freebies , that fuel their evil, are finally cut off completely.

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