Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Wrath of Zeus

The ancient Greeks worshipped Zeus, Father of all gods,knowing that to do so, and offer their sacrifices in his name, would bring bounty and prosperity to them.
That was the ancient myth . Here is the modern reality;We, the People of the United States, are , in fact, Zeus. At least, as far as Greece and the other third world socialist countries are concerned. Here is the cold, hard reality of socialism, communism, Marxism , and the countries that embrace these failed systems of government. They have only survived to this point of history because of the free market system of the United States, and the tax dollars that we send to them to prop up their economies. This is a fact. Our economy,
Our free market
Our freedom based , Judeo Christian , self-governed , self-ruled system of government, is, in effect, the glue that keeps socialism together, and props up facist regimes around the world . Without the bailout money that hard working Americans provide, through their tax dollars,. ....socialism cannot survive.
It must stop. The lie of socialism must be finally exposed as unworkable , without the United States to prop it up.
We must end all bailouts , all handouts , to these countries. No more . Greece, with its riots and collapsing economy must stand, or fall , on it's own , just as these other, arrogant,  contemptuous,anti-American nations must fall , or stand,......on their own. They think their systems of government are superior to ours. Well, I'm from Missouri . You have to , 'Show Me".
Show me by relying on your own economy , your own money,your own products and goods, your own Marxist system,to stay afloat;... without our help.
Let's see how long you last.
Without America,there is no world economy .
Without America, all other nations must fall.
Without America, the world itself will be a very , very, dark, dismal, cold place indeed.
Now, its time for us to prove it . We need to cut off all aid to countries that refuse to embrace freedom, and are, in fact, our enemies.
The time has come to expose just how fragile socialism truly is; without a free nations ' dollars to back it up.
When the ancient greeks had angered Zeus, and the other gods, thunderbolts and destruction were rained down upon them .
Well, now, we are Zeus. Yes, we, the United States of America, are the god that runs the world. The world has angered us.
It's time to unleach  our thunderbolts upon it, by cutting off the freedom created bounty that , "We the People", have so generously bestowed upon them.
They must embrace free market capitalism , on their own ;......or be destroyed.

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