Sunday, October 16, 2011

Invasion of the Puppet People

Are the Wall Street protestors the liberal version of the Tea Party? No. The Tea Party has a solid plan , a purpose, and a pro-capitalism agenda. The protestors want one thing; other people's money . The Tea Party wants their own money , and an economy that allows them to earn it, and keep it. Tea Party members show up for free. Wall Street protestors are there for freebies ; free booze, free cigarettes , and the money they're paid to be there , funded by and SEIU. Tea Party rallies have had zero, I repeat , zero  arrests . Wall Street protestors have been arrested by the hundreds and have even defecated on a police car . Tea Party rallies haven't even left behind one scrap of trash on the ground , and have had no incidents of violence whatsoever .
Those   puppets that stagger through the streets for George Soros' eleven dollars a day and freebies may be mindless , but those behind them do have a purpose to this movement , namely, collapse the economy, and strengthen their political position by doing so. This is what all communist leaders do. The Tea Party purpose , on the other hand , is simple; cut taxes to the bone for all Americans, and then get the hell out of the way, and let the rulers of this country , namely us, get on with the business of preserving the greatest free market , and greatest country ever to exist on earth.
On second thought , the protestors themselves do have a purpose;..they want stuff for free , and have been instructed by to continue their attack on Wall Street , in return for these freebies. Wall Street , you see, is evil , and has been stealing money that should , rightfully , be given to the protestors , or so they've been told. Actually, this is partially right. , but for the wrong reasons. Wall Street is guilty , but not of corporate greed , but of being in the governments pocket. You see, Wall Street cannot fail, because the government insures that our tax dollars will bail them out, and prevent this failure . This is the root of the Wall Street problem.
Any business , that is not allowed to fail ;...cannot suceed, since risk and competition breeds quality and integrity . Security breeds only contempt and incompetance. The puppets who wander our streets like homeless waifs, need to wake up and recognize the real enemy , the Democrat government that backs Wall Street , and the President , that is the puppetmaster behind this invasion that has been orchestrated for one purpose; get him re-elected.Yes, ultimately, the only job the President is trying to save , is his own.

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