Monday, December 28, 2009

The Christmas Miracle of Copenhagen

Who would have thought that an event marked by blinding snow storms , violent street riots, and Al Gore would turn out to be the greatest gift I have ever received for Christmas. I am, of course, referring to the ClimateGate Convention in Copenhagen. With this one gift, the entire liberal agenda has been exposed for what it is; a money grabbing fraud.
You see, the ugly little secret about the Global Warming movement , the EPA, and the Greenpeace movement in general is that they have nothing to do with protecting the planet. This was finally revealed as dictators, tyrants , and warlords from around the world gathered in Copenhagen to pontificate; not about saving the planet, but about the evils of American Capitalism. That's the real threat . In the midst of panic among Global Warming fanatics over hacked e mails that prove the scientific community has withheld and manipulated evidence that proves our planet is cooling , not getting warmer , and has been since the early 90's.
With this Hoax exposed,Greenpeace liberals have been forced to drop their civilized veneer of lies and reveal their true face. And it wasn't pretty. In this regard, nothing spoke louder than the speech by Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who ranted and raved against the evil free market system that American capitalist pigs get rich off of. This speech was received with thunderous applause,despite the complete lack of any mention of Global warming threat by the dictator.
Why should this be a surprise to anyone? The agenda is clear, to those that wish to see it. Not one country on earth will follow the Kyoto protocol that they signed on to. China, in particular, has made that perfectly clear. No , the goal here is to make America follow it to the letter,and pay for it with billions of our tax dollars. This, of couse, will weaken our economy, and hopefully destroy our standing in the world as the no.1 superpower. That's all this is. That's all it ever was. An attack by the liberal left on American Capitalism, which they hate for one reason alone.They simply can't stand the fact that the U.S is still the leading nation on earth. They don't like being part of a winning team that dominates the competition. It offends their sense of "equality and fairness", which is really just code words for facism and communism. They, like Hugo Chavez and other dictators, want everyone to be equal ; just as long as they are just a little bit "equaler" than everyone else.
This mockery of a gathering was made complete as the heavens brought down blinding snowstorms and peace loving "greeners" rioted violently in the streets of Norway. And some where , I'm sure the fact fudgeing Al Gore was shedding a tear, as he realized his mad dream of a melting earth was vanishing in a white blanket of snow, proving once and for all, that God does have a sense of humor , and is apparently, a Conservative .

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Whom The Gods Would Destroy

"Whom the gods would destroy, they would first make mad". The Greek dramatist Euripides uttered these words over one thousand years ago. Did he have a premonition of the future Obama Administration?
President Obama ; standing before the Norweigan King and Queen, gave a Nobel acceptance speech full of godly echo and reverb, but seemed less than god-like in confused , schizophrenic content. The one verbal skill that Obama has mastered is his ability to move  almost seemlessly from right wing , cowboy rhetoric,to left wing appeasement apologist without even drawing a deep breath .He knows the perceived hypocracy  and irony of receiving a Peace Prize on the heels of troop buildup in Afghanistan; and sheepishly acknowledged so. But more importantly , for the first time, President Obama was forced to admit before a captive Norway audience, in full echo, the truth about Peace and Freedom; the ugly little secret that the liberal left stubbornly refuse to recognize. Obama refused too, when he was mere Congressman and Senator; but as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, he must now face reality .
Peace and Freedom are not won by speeches and diplomacy . No, history has proven that these concepts are only possible with war and the threat of war.Not one country on earth currently enjoys a peaceful, free society without a long bloody struggle against evil preceding it. And, as long as the majority of nations on this planet continue to be run by petty Dictators, Despots, and Tyrants,they never will.
Obama finally admitted to this. And he did so in another country; his usual venue for bashing America and its imperialist methods.  He even went so far as to say that such tyrants as Hitler and Stalin could not have been stopped by anything other than military action. Impressive. Sure, he followed that statement up with talk of withdraw , timelines , the closing of Gitmo , and the banning of waterboarding; but that was simply from liberal reflex.
 The truth is; he knows!! He now knows!! He knows the awful , terrible mistake he has made. He knows that Bush was right , whether on the war , tax cuts , or The Patriot Act. He now must face the most painful revelation of his young Presidency. 44% of Americans now say they would prefer having Presidenr Bush back in office. 44%!! That is an astounding admission of the mistake the nation has made in entrusting our safety and freedom to the hands of this liberal man-child.
 This will not , however, cause him to abandon his destructive path of wealth re-distribution and government expansion, and his speech proved this.No, like all liberals , his hatred of all things Bush will force him to stay the course on this destrutive path ; at least domestically.He can do nothing else. Like Captain Ahab,he will continue to stab and slash at the memory of the Bush legacy, even as it pulls him down into the wine dark depths of political doom.
'From Hell's Heart I stab at thee! " For hates sake, I spit my last breath at thee!"The words of Captain Ahab as he plunged his pike into Moby Dick , even as the Whale dragged him to his death. That whale is now personified as resurging conservatism,and the liberal left will continue to stab, slash , and fight uselessly, driven to madness by their hatred of Bush and Republicans. This hatred has its roots in a basic contempt for the concept of Freedom; their White Whale personified. If the gods have truly inflicted this madness upon the Obama Administration, as Euripedis has suggested ; then they are truly playful and without pity in their dealings with mere mortals

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

In light of the hacked e-mails that prove scientists have been covering up data that would disprove Global Warming ; should Al Gore be forced to return his Oscar. The simple answer is no. The real question is, what category should his film have been nominated in? He won in the best documentary category, but in light of recent circumstances , perhaps docu-drama would have suited his film better. If we re-route his award to this category, he doesn't have to change anything about his film. As a docu-drama , he can feel comfortable playing fast and loose with the scientific truth , and still scare the bejesus out of people with photoshop images of polar ice caps melting, and polar bears drowning. He could still maintain his audience; without the messy details of factual evidence to worry about.
Hell, his film will still do better than the recent release 2012; that uses ancient Mayan calendars to prove the end of the world is fast approaching, despite the fact that the Mayan's themselves say that this was not the meaning at all. But again, why let facts and the truth interfere with a great concept for a film?
In many ways, "An Inconvienent Truth" is really the sequel to a 1970's era scare tactic pseudo-science docu-drama,"The Hellstrom Chronicles". In this film, persecuted scientist Dr. Hellstrom; who has been shunned by his peers for his extreme views, tries to warn the general public of the coming threat of , wait for it....Insect Invasion!!! Blending actual real info on insects and their behavior with an " Alien Invasion" fear tactic, the film creates a compelling arguement for the very strong possibility that insects could easily wipe us out as a species just by sheer numbers and their ability to survive any catastrophe or environmental changes. All very compelling, and equally frightening ; especially since it had a great deal of factual info on what insects are really capable of.
But the film is science fiction, not science fact , just like "An Inconvienent Truth". Both films are effective for one reason; they use science facts to weave their webs of fiction ,and that is what sells them to the audience. The flaw in both films , however, is that they impose human traits and attitudes on two separate forces of nature that are oblivious to man,; and function without malice or agenda , or concern for human influence , or human paranoia. It will continue to do so, long after man has ended his brief stay on this ever changing, ever evolving planet that will, eventually grow tired of our presence , and will shake us off , like a dog with fleas.
But, don't despair, there is still plenty of time for Mr. Gore, to play sorcerer's apprentice  again to Dr. Hellstroms legacy , and produce another "docu-drama" that will once again exploit man's greatest weakness as a species; over weening pride and vanity.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's The Great Appeaser Charlie Brown!!

Let me summarize the Obama speech  given before a near comatose West Point Cadet audience. "We will never falter , never waiver in our pursuit of total victory over Al-Queda and the Taliban,as long as it doesn't take longer than eighteen months and it's too expensive."
Maybe the best way to fully explain the speech is through the words of Linus from "A Charlie Brown Christmas"., which Obama so callously pre-empted with that snoozer of a speech;  "Can anybody tell me what the Obama speech was really all about?", asks Charlie Brown, out of frustration and confusion. "Sure Charlie Brown", says Linus, "I can tell you what it was about".
"It was about pre-empting our Christmas special ; so that the liberal left that hates this Christian Holiday  doesn't have to listen to me reading from the Bible again, while Snoopy dances in the  background. " You see, Charlie Brown,the liberal left doesn't like having  Jesus' Birthday rammed down their throat every year by a bunch of cartoon characters like us ", "And also it was about retreat and surrender , to appease the left, with some good old fashioned Bush -Cowboy, Rambo style rhetoric to keep the right off his back too"
"I see", says Charlie Brown, "Now it all makes sense"." The President is just playing politics with the war instead of trying to win it". [At this point, Snoopy starts dancing while Schroeder plays the piano.]

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Hour of the Hoax Part 2

And last , but not least,the Great Global Warming scare has finally been exposed for what it is, just another tax-grabbing hoax with no scientific data to back it up. The coverup, exposed through hacked e-mails bring an end to a long running con that was started by greenpeace in the 60's and continued by Al Gore,and encouraged by the Obama Administration.
Why cover up scientific data that proves Global Warming non-existant? Simple;because ther is money to be made in Global Warming . Take Al Gore , please!!, He is a billionaire due to this scam,and the government stands to make a lot of bucks from it too.
But, enough of all this; now that the hoax is exposed,let's start doing what works.Tax cuts work. Tax cuts will solve everything guaranteed . Bush proved this with his permanent tax cut that gave us a booming economy for 6 years; until Pelosi and pals took over.Since Bush can't run again, the next best thing is to vote the Democrats out in 2010, put tax cutting Republicans in,and get out of the free markets way.
You see, you'll never get a tax cut from a Democrat . Tax cuts shrink government, and that is definitely against their playbook; dedicated to government control.

The Hour of the Hoax

You gotta hand it to President Obama, he'll go anywhere to meet with anyone, whether it's middle eastern terrorists,{without preconditions}, Chinese Emporers, Olympic voting committees, even to the United Nations Building to once again apologize for America in front of a room full of tyrants , warlords, and dictators.Yep, he'll go anywhere to talk to anyone all right.
Except to Afghanistan to visit the troops on Thanksgiving, of course.He still doesn't seem to understand that the main role of President is Commander -in-Chief of the Armed forces; and that during war especially, his place is with the troops. President Bush understood this, and made sure he paid them a visit and shared a meal with them on the holiday.Obama goes for months without talking to General McCrystal,and then phones in a best wishes to the troops on Thanksgiving.
I guess President Obama would rather be commander-in-chief of banks, car dealers, and insurance agencies. After all, the military is a bit of an expensive nusiance really. It costs a lot of money to maintain and doesn't really help the Obama agenda, which is to grow government power.
Let's face facts Americans, we are living in the Hour of the Hoax;
The Balloon Boy Hoax,
The White House Party Crashers Hoax, and of course;
The Obama Administration Hoax.
Everything they have done so far has been exposed as a fraud and a deception.
Heal;th care is a  Hoax
The stimulus bill is a hoax
Cap and Trade is a hoax.

Cash for Clunkers was an embarrasing hoax;

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Court Martial of Honor

Our Government is now going to court martial Navy Seals for giving a captured terrorist a fat lip. They should be court martialed. For not doing more to him. This is the man who, four years ago, in Fallujah, butchered and burned contract workers ,then dragged their bodies through the streets ,and then hung them from a bridge by their feet.
Now, we're going to court martial the seals who finally captured this terrorist scum, just because they got a little rough with him?
Enough is enough! We are at war. The President,instead of making paper- Rambo statements about finishing this war needs to send the troops that his field General McCrystal asked for , so that they can kill the enemy, occupy the area,to prevent a resurgence of the Taliban, and then come home. That is the mission. Kill the enemy with a scorched earth policy- blitzkrieg strategy that will make the enemy beg us to let them be, and ultimately lead to democracy and freedom in Afghanistan,as it always does wherever it is used.
Who would have thought Japan would be our ally? Yet today they are.
Who would have thought Viet-Nam would be a tourist friendly , vacation hot-spot democracy one day? Yet they are.
Our own country was founded on a long, bloody war with England , a war that began with the same issues we face today; heavy taxes from an out of control government.
Yet today they are our partners in liberty , and our staunchest allies in the fight against terrorism.
Learn this lesson, President Obama. Forget the Bush-Bashing, Paper- Rambo like  rhetoric,forget the court martial of Navy Seals that should be given medals of honor, and unleash hell on earth against our enemies, so that the people of Afghanistan can live in peace and freedom. The war is just, and history is on our side.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Benedict Arnold Syndrome

According to our Constitution, In article II, section 4, the President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment  for,and conviction of Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdeameanors.According to ,there are districts in various states in our country that have been either creating or saving jobs; all proof that our stimulus tax dollars are working,and more incentive for Speaker Pelosi to call for a second stimulus bill. Sounds good, except for the fact that there were no jobs created or saved. Not only that,but the districts where this supposedly happened; simply do not exist.
The President's own website has blatantly falsefied information related to job creation and growth, and to help back their arguement,they have created non-existant districts where this fantasy land exists. The question is why? Why would they do this? The President, when asked about this issue on a recent Fox News interview, said these were just errors and dismissed the entire thing as a "side issue"not even worth his full attention.
So, billions of our tax dollars that are unaccounted for are not even worth discussing, even as the President and Speaker Pelosi have the brass cojones to call for another stimulus, and continue to push the Health Care Reform bill through the Senate , despite the fact that the people have spoken, and do not want it.
This raises two important questions; Where is the money, and why does the House continue to push for a bill that very well get those that vote for it thrown out of office? Well, actually , the two are linked. The money , quite frankly,is being used to bribe State and Federal gov't. officials , such as Democrat holdouts Senator Mary Landrieu, (LA), and Senator Blanche Lincoln,(AK), to vote in favor of the Health bill , and thereby assure the 60 votes needed to get the bill through to the next vote in the Senate. That's all this stimulus is. Slush fund money collected under false pretenses , to be used as the President wishes to assure future votes he needs to grow government power and weaken the private sector and the free market.Money that can be given to hold-out blue dogs for their state projects. This will assure, for many years, that Democrat controlled states remain that way,especially as ever increasing taxes further destroy the economy and force states to depend more and more on gov't. bailouts simply to function.
There is no job creation, green jobs,or green technology , there never will be, under this administration, the number of government jobs, however, will undoubtably increase, even as the private sectors unemployment rate continues to rise.
 So, if you're looking for missing stimulus money, look no further than states run by blue-dog Democrats , the money trail will lead directly to them, as Obama and Pelosi use the American taxpayers hard earned dollars to bribe government officials to vote their way, now, and in the future.
Now, if all this is mere speculation on my part, then where is the money?, and why is a second stimulus being pushed by Pelosi , amid doubt and suspicion? The answer is simple. The money is being used for exactly what it was intended for. To grow gov't. power, control the voting base , bankrupt the country , and force the private sector to rely on nanny state handouts to survive.
The plan is clear.
The plan is obvious
The plan is Obama's vision for America.
The planis also treason , and an impeachable offense,according to the Constitution of the United States.
 The Legacy of Benedict Arnold will go on , apparently.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Trial of the Towers

Kahlid Sheik Muhammed and his partners in terror are being brought to New York to stand trial for the attacks on 9-11. This was the plan. From day one of the Obama Presidency, this was the plan. Attorney General Eric Holder, who has a history of being soft on terrorists , began orchestrating this months ago; when he announced an investigation of the Bush- Cheney CIA, for possible war crimes related to torture.This also was part of the plan,and, if the truth be told;the main reason that George Soros, , Acorn, SEIU, and every Bush hating liberal in the country elected  Barack Obama .It wasn't just to bring about "change" or re-distributing wealth from those that earn it to those that don't,no, it was for a more basic reason; revenge.
By bringing the trial of 9-11 mastermind Kalid Sheik Muhammed and fellow terrorists to a N.Y civilian court, rather than a military tribunal, as it should be, you set the stage for the final act in this mockery of justice that rivals Shakespere's Richard III for devious subterfuge. Once the trial begins,the terrorists will finally have the soapbox forum they have always wanted to spout their ideaology before an indignant jury, and a politically correct Judge and legal team.
The defense for the terrorists can, legally ,introduce any evidence they choose,and waterboarding will be at the top of the list.Once this happens, the trial is effectively over.The charges can be dismissed by reason of a "forced confession" under the duress of the over 100 incidents of waterboarding against Kalid Sheik Muhammed, not to mention the complete lack of Miranda rights for the terrorists.
While this circus rolls on, the real trial will be happening; the trial of Bush and Cheney; and their CIA.The defense team for the terrorists will be able to introduce all the evidence they need to get their acquittal , while at the same time relentlessly attacking theCIA's "illegal" methods that violated the rights of these murderers.
 Sure, the acquittal of these extremists will enrage all Americans, as it should. but then President Obama will employ a technique that has become his favorite ; and one he uses frequently when under fire; just blame Bush. The Bush Cheney war crimes will be the reason why the terrorists will walk, and then the "real" trial can begin. The one that was always intended from day one. The trial of President Bush and Vice-President Cheney for war crimes; a trial that he believes will vindicate his belief that we are the problem, not the terrorists. You see, in President Obama's world, America is always guilty, always to blame, and the instigators of 9-11

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Enemy's True Nature

This Veteran's day, as we honor those that have defended our freedom , there are also painful questions that need to be asked regarding the Fort Hood massacre. A Major in the U.S Army suddenly attacks and kills his fellow soldiers on our own soil? Why? Why did the Fort Hood massacre happen? Forget the Obama administration's political correctness on the subject;here's the grim reality of why;  It happened because Major Nadal Hasan is a Muslim terrorist who was educated, trained, and was promoted to the rank of Major in the U.S. Army, all on the taxpayers dime, despite the obvious warning signs of who and what this man was.
President Obama's appeasement, apologist policies have weakened the military, weakened the CIA, and weakened our strong stand against Islamic Terror that existed under President Bush. Why did this happen? Because under Obama's Presidency , we have military bases that have become "gun free zones" and breeding grounds of political correctness, that are afraid to recognize that we are at war with an enemy that has already attacked us on our own soil, and has been commandedby the prophet Muhammad to kill all infidel non-believers in order to reach heaven; and , of course, the seventy virgins. We, as a Christian nation,are infidels and must be destroyed by command of Allah.
President Bush recognized this,and the result was eight years free of terror attacks on our own soil.President Obama, who has shown disdain for the "Bush Doctrine" of pre-emptive strike and "cowboy diplomacy", does not recognize the threat, and here is the result. Have I summed it up fairly accurately?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Sunshine Superman's Sunset

This has been an interesting week. As Nancy Pelosi tries to bar Tea Party protestors from the halls of Congress, she begins to resemble more and more with each passing day a matronly, modern day Marie Antoinette, arrogantly oblivious to the protests of her constituents and the significant losses of governor seats in Virginia and extremely blue-state New Jersey. She doesn't want to admit these losses are a direct statement against Obama policies,nor does she believe that the protestors are anything more than a racist, hate filled rabble. She hasn't used the "let them eat cake" line yet,but she definitely wants them to swallow her incomprehensible Health Care tax scam.
As this situation unfolded,President Obama had his own self revealing moment of frightening arrogance, first claiming that he was unaware of the election results and was instead watching a documentary on himself that evening. Strange behavior, considering his repeated personal appearances in New Jersey and Virginia, no doubt hoping the old Obama magic would rub off on Governor Corzine and Deeds; both of whom could give even President Obama lessons on how to tax and spend into total oblivion. Then, the following evening,Obama outdoes himself in self-absorbed insensitivity; by waiting nearly  twenty minutes before mentioning the tragic shooting massacre at Fort Hood , while in the midst of laughing, joking, and giving "shout outs" during a speech at a Native American conference. He almost seemed to regret that he had to interrupt his fun to report on the worst act of terror on our soil since 9-11. One more indication of the sheer contempt that this President has for our military ; who still wait in endless limbo for their  commander-in-chief to make a decision on sending more badly needed troops into Afghanistan.
How could we , as a Nation,have reached this point in a years time? What is this really all about? Is it really about Health Care? Immigration Reform? Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae? Acorn? Green Jobs? The Global Warming Hoax? Nope. It's all about taxes. That's all .They want your tax money by hook or by crook, and once they have it,they will do as they please with it, and will find other "smoke screen" bills and agendas and liberal causes to force more money out of the wallets of the true rulers of this country; those that get up every day and actually work for a living. That's all this is.That's all it ever was. Nothing the government promises will ever work or see fruition, it's all an illusion; a masterpiece of misdirection.And the man behind the curtain?, he's just a liberal Democrat who wants your money,he's entitled to it.He feels that it's already his, to use for one of two purposes; either to secure government power over it's citizens , or just to waste frivolously on environmental green agendas, as they see fit.
And they know it doesn't matter how many protestors show up in the halls of Capitol hill, because they believe that weak, dependent, scared citizens will always willingly give them more money; just for the "illusion"of govt. controlled security and nanny-state peace of mind.
Nothing speaks louder of the terrible waste of our hard earned money than the Fort Hood massacre at the hands of Major Hassan. Here is a man who was educated , trained, became a six- figure earning military Psychiatrist ,and reached the privileged rank of Major; without ever leading troops or seeing combat; all on the taxpayers dime. And while this "sleeper cell" bad mouthed the military, the U.S., and our war on terror to troops he was supposed to be counseling for battle stress, he had the nerve to to protest being called up to deploy to Afghanistan; even going as far as to hire a lawyer to help keep him from actually doing what Uncle Sam and the tax paying citizens of our country specifically trained him to do.
More than a mere ingrate,this loser can only be characterized as a 'sleeper cell"; an active double agent jihadist  whose mission was to bring down our military from the inside. He's not the first incident of this type . And , as long as we turn a blind eye to the obvious warning signs that this muslim extremist displayed; while keeping our military bases "gun free" zones,it won't be the last. And again,remember it was our taxes that funded this preventable tragedy. That's the most offensive, most sickening part of this spectacle that our govt. has become.
The protests this week in Washington and all across this nation have spoken quite clearly. It's our money. Not President Obama's Not Speaker Pelosi's, not Washington's. You can't have it, except for those necessary things that defend our freedom from our enemies, those items that are clearly outlined in our Constitution."We the People" have said it quite eloquently. You can keep your Health Care, Green Jobs, Cash Handouts and Nanny- State  Utopia.We prefer freedom. You see, Americans know trhe hard truth. There is no real security, no real peace of mind, no real end to the struggle against tryanny. No, Americans understand that these things require constant vigilance by all free men. Constant vigilance, that is after all , the price for; to quote the Superman T.V. Show opening,"Truth, Justice, and the American Way". Definitely not the motto of "Sunshine Superman" Barack Obama, who now faces what must be called the sunset of his young Presidency.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Four Horseman of Obama's Apocalypse

This Halloween,President Obama welcomed Trick or Treaters to the White House for a "candy redistribution", and a 'spreading the Sweet Tarts around experience", a real life  horror is lurking in the shadows; poised to destroy his Presidency.
With the 'monstrous" health care bill , and the New York , New Jersey, and Virginia elections for Governor looming with a menacing  Republican shadow, seemingly poised to win all three., you have assembled , in effect, Obama's Four Horseman of the Apocalypse of his Presidency. All four of these elements are proving to be the payoff to the summer Teaparties; when many an angry Obama voter, filled with buyer's remorse, tried in vain to make their Representatives listen to them, with their shouts and protests falling on arrogant  and disinterested ears.
Indeed, if these elections and the health care vote do not go the way the conservative Republicans want them to; it means the Tea Party movement was meaningless . Screaming , shouting, and marching up and down the country with anti- Obama signs is all well and good, and a strong example of our freedom of speech at work, but it's all a mere Halloween apparition, that evaporates with the coming All Saints Day dawn if they are not followed up with practical political action.
 The one, perhaps the only way to truly stop the Obama agenda is not with phone calls , E mails or shout downs at Townhalls , but with votes cast during key elections .Elections do have consequences, as the election of House Majority Democrats and the election of  O bama have proven.
In less than a year, this spiteful , Anti- Bush agenda style voting has taken our country to the brink of total economic disaster. But all is not lost, yet. "We the People" still rules the day. The people have spoken to those in Washington loud and clear , and now is the time to back up those words with action.
We must use the most powerful tool we have as a free nation , and use these upcoming votes like the Four Horsemen,; reigning terror and destruction down on the Democrats , and bring about the Second Coming of a Conservative Wahigton, and America.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Young Hamlet's War

President Obama, who continues to act like a brooding Hamlet, pondering the war in Afghanistan, while our soldiers die, has now found a war that he is ready , willing,and able to fight; the war against Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
The reason is clear to see.After all, the Obama Administration controls the rest of the media like Liberal puppets on a string; but not Rush,and not Fox.They have no liberal socialist agenda and do not fawn over Young Hamlet like pre-pubescent schoolgirls. No, their only agenda is the truth, which is proving to be Barack Obama's worst enemy.
Stick to fighting against the Taliban and Al Queda Mr. President.That is, after all , your job. Not Health Care reform,or Green Job creation. That's all baloney.Those issues are the private sector's business , not yours.If you really want to create jobs and improve the economy, the answer is simple; Cut Taxes!! For Everyone!! That is the only method that is proven to work, and the only thing that you are authorized to do; according to the Constitution.
You said the "Real War" against terrorism was in Afghanistan, Mr. President. That was the good war, the one we should be concentrating on.The extremists that attacked us on 9-11 are in there , you said.
Fight the war against those that killed our people on our own soil, because the war against Rush and Fox News is a war against the truth, a war you cannot win; and a war that will make them stronger and eventually bring down your Presidency.
The playbook from a previous administration seems at work here, and with each passing  day, President Obama seems to resemble Richard Nixon more and more. Yes, Nixon also kept an enemies list, and this, ultimately led to his downfall with the Watergate scandal.
How ironic that the man who was touted as the "New Kennedy" by the media is now ,because of his ever increasing paranioa and arrogance,proving to be , in reality, the "New Nixon", complete with his own version of Haldeman and Erlichman-like enforcers, whose chief function is to silence all of the President's critics and political opponents.
All of this would be laughable,of course, if not for the fact that while  President Obama carries on with this nonsense , our soldiers in Afghanistan continue to be ignored,while General McCrystal pleads their cause to a man-child President who will not listen; still seemingly transfixed ; like a deer in the headlights of his own Presidency.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Grimm Fairytale of Socialism, Part 2

Every Liberal should find someone in need and cut him a check. If every Socialist Liberal would do this, problem solved. Show how caring, how concerned, you are with your fellow man's welfare with your own cash.
But, this is not, and never will be, a socialist country , and you can't make me by Government force have a health care program if I don't want it.That's called Marxism,which belongs in second rate Marxist countries. Our Tax dollars are for funding the military defense of our country, foreign and domestic. Period.
And stop using Jesus as a Socialist crutch. Jesus spoke about you, as an individual, helping your fellow man, not the government collecting money from unwilling citizens for "forced charity" If it's forced' it ain't charity , President Obama! Why do you think Jesus attacked the money changers in the Temple? Because they were using his Father's house as a means of making a profit, just like the Obama Administration, pulling the " Jesus" rabbit out of their hats, to sell their Tax and Spend Socialist Agenda, which benefits no one,except Liberal Democrats, by expanding their power base and securing control over their voting base.

The Grimm Fairytale called Socialism

Let me explain why Socialism will always be wrong, will never work in America , or any free nation, and is nothing more than a Left Wing agenda that both Hans Christian Anderson and the Brothers Grimm would dismiss as a Fairytale.
It comes down to four words; "You can't make me".
-You can't make me get Health Insurance
-You can't make me care about non-existant Global Warming.
-You can't make me care about Green Jobs.
-You can't make me care about giving homes to people who can't afford them.
But, if you, the Liberal, Radical Left, do care, Pay for it yourself.Don't get the Government to force me to pay for something I don't want.
If you want Health Insurance for everyone,get out your , I repeat, your, checkbooks, and put your money where your mouth is.

Nuclear November

A friendly warning to all Liberal Democrats and Moderate Republicans ;Drop the Public O ption completely. As a matter of fact, drop the entire healhcare proposal.All democrats should vote it out of existence , and pretend it never happened.Just chalk it up to a temporary attack of Marxism , but you're felling much better now.
Look at it from a practical political point. If you use the nuclear option,you virtually assure taxes for the Middle class go up. They have to.Once this happens,the DNC is done.You will lose big in 2010,probably all the seats that are up for grabs.Polls already show big trouble for Reid and Pelosi, in particular. And , history has proven that a President who promises no new taxes and fails to deliver, becomes a lame duck President. President Obama will, in effect, became the new Jimmy Carter, and this assures that he will undoubtably be a one term president; with no accomplishments , a country in massive debt, a Nobel Peace Prize on his mantle at home,and a permanently broken Democratic Party in his wake.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Ignoble Appease Prize

For those that are shocked  and appalled by the Nobel Peace Prize being given to President Obama , let me just run down his accomplishments that clearly qualify him.First, there was Beer Fest! Sitting down with a cop,a teacher, and Vice President Biden over a few brews proved once and for all that in an artificial setting; surrounded by  television cameras,we can bridge that racial divide and truly "all get along".
Second, the "Cash Giveaway" in Chicago. Nothing brings people  closer together than standing in line for hours for "Free Money" like some third world Marxist sheep. It really brought a tear to my eye. Can standing in line for toilet paper be far behind?
Third, the Gala Halloween Party  President Obama threw at the White House in the Rose Garden. Not only did he bring together free clinic doctors for a photo-op, he provided them with doctors costumes "free of charge". I just wish he had worn his"Joker" costume!
Fourth, he tried to pass "forced" government health care.Yep , nothing makes Republicans and Democrats forget their hatred of one another than a united hatred for a government trying to force you to do something.
I guess it reminds us that our love of freedom is what unites us , no matter what.
Fifth , and in my opinion, the most significant achievement, he Bombed the Moon. And in so doing ,he has finally brought peace to the warlike tribe of Moonkins that were getting ready to invade the Earth.They surrendered without even firing a shot! I guess they figured that, after that first pre- emptive strike at them , Obama means business!
 And last , but not least,by giving President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize , it virtually assures that there will be no " surge" of troops into Afghanistan. After all, the President cannot comply with General McCrystal's request for more troops to fight a war of agression after winning a Peace Prize, can he?
The very reason he is receiving this award is to "neuter" him in the war on terror, and thereby assuring a victory for the Taliban and Al Queda in Afghanistan.
So, what does the Taliban and AlQueda think of Obama's Award? They think he deserves it.After all, he agrees with them that America must be defeated and , as long as Obama is in the White House,he will assure that defeat and end the U.S. reign as an oppresive "Superpower".
It's too bad President Bush didn't win this award.He certainly deserved it more, by bringing freedom to Iraq and Afghanistan , and in particular, ending the oppresion of their women. And what about his work in Africa? No sitting President has done more to end poverty and disease in that country than Bush; which is why he is revered in Africa as almost a saint.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Ultimate Weapon

The President seems to find time to waste the taxpayers money on a failed bid to bring the Olympics to crime ridden Chicago , yet seems to find very little time to do the actual job he was hired for; namely acting as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Our troops are fighting a war against al Queda in Afghanistan, yet the President has spoken only once in 70 days to General McKristal , his ground commander in the field of combat.
Sure, he was shamed into talking to him in between bidding on the Olympics and chatting with Oprah during the plane ride, but he still has not committed to giving his troops what they need to win ; namely, more troops.He claims that more time is needed to evaluate the best strategy before acting. There is only one strategy, Mr. President. You fight a war to win, or you don't fight it.You destroy the enemy completely, and then bring our boys home. We are not there to nation build , or to gain the confidence of Afghan citizens.Defeating al Queda totally ,and preventing them from using Afghanistan as a safe haven, or home ground permanently will accomplish that quite effectively.; and more troops is the only way to achieve that. Yet, we have a president who seems quite willing to spend  billions of dollars on everything from healthcare to Acorn, yet hesitates when it comes to giving our troops what they need to win in the war on terror, even when that hesitation may cost soldiers their lives.
Our President seems to have  contempt for the military, even going as far as to prosecute CIA officials for war crimes related to so-called torture of Gitmo Prisoners ,and the most shocking of all; the removal of  missle shields designed to protect our allies; Poland and the Czech Republic in an attempt to appease the Russians.
This is also a man who has , like other liberal Democrats, spoken in favor of bringing back the draft, which , by the way , was eliminated by President Nixon ; a Republican,because it was proven to be unconstitutional.
In fact, the Vietnam war , begun and escalated by Democrats,was ended by Nixon.The news media, at the time, called President Nixon insane when he decided on unlimited bombing raids on key hot spots, but it finally got them to surrender didn't it?
 War is the greatest weapon for peace we have, but it must be fought to win,with no quarter given to the enemy ,until he surrenders or is destroyed. There is an episode of "Star Trek" that illustrates the need for war and why it is  the greatest weapon for peace that exists . In the episode, an alien pits Kirk and crew against evil antagonists on a planet to prove which is stronger ; " good or evil". When Kirk and crew,{including Abraham Lincoln!} are victorious, the Alien is still puzzled. Even though good was the winner, it seemed to the Alien no different than evil. "Good and Evil use the same methods,"he said, "And achieve the same results"
Kirk then asks the Alien, "What did they ask for if they won?" "What they valued most, Power", The Alien said. Captain Kirk responded, "We asked for the lives of our crew".
"Enough", the Alien said, "I now perceive"
Just a T.V. show? sure, but it illustrates an important point, and one that the Liberal Left will never "perceive".
We go to war to kill ,destroy, maim, so that men can live in freedom.Freedom from the Tyrants that try to enslave them.Not one country we crushed in war had our values and ideology imposed on them by force. We do not conquer, we leave them free.Just ask Japan.We dropped two nuclear bombs on them, yet now the Nation of Japan is one of our staunchest Allies, and Partners in Liberty.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Legion of Doom Part 2

There is nothing wrong with our country. Nothing. You are the problem, you are the one who doesn't like America , which of course, is why Castro seems to like you so much. Did you notice the smiles on trhe faces of Ahmadenejad, Chavez, and Ghaddafi? They were laughing at you. They will not be "partners" in stopping terrorism around the world.They are terrorism. They are oppression. They are misery.They are evil ; and now they know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are weak.
You'll sit down and chat with these lunatics , but turn down Gordon Brown 5 times for a sitdown. Five Times!England is our ally Mr. President!
Well , "We the People" do like America as it is, so you better recognize this while you still have a Presidency to salvage. "Hero Up" before it's too late . This country cannot survive another Jimmy Carter!

The Legion of Doom

So we have a President who is trying to prosecute the CIA for protecting our country,cancel missle shields designed to protect our allies , and claims that the exposing of Acorn corruption is not a big deal and that he didn't even know how much money they were receiving .They were recieving billions of tax payer dollars Mr. President!
Now , the "groveler in chief" stands at the U.N in the midst of our enemies and once more throws Israel under the bus and says that ,"America can no longer go it alone , and can't force democracy on anyone.
 Well,to borrow one of your campaign lines ,"Yes We Can",Mr. President! That's what makes us exceptional, our ability to do what's right , regardless of what totalitarian regimes around the world think of us.
 We don't care Mr. President, what these countries think. They are either with us, who believe in freedom,or they are against us. That's the way it is. So stop apologizing for America before our enemies all the time,and stand up for our allies. Stand up for the military who is destroying terrorists and "Hero Up" for our country before it's too late.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Burden Of Power

As a free nation, we have a responsibility to protect and defend that freedom from enemies both foreign and domestic.This is the President of the United States main job.He is Commander in Chief of the Armed forces ,not commander of health care or Captain of Acorn.This responsibility also includes other nations that want to live free and need protection from Dictators that would deny them that freedom.
Freedom is for all men.It was given to us by our creator.Just as we don't need a birth certificate to prove that we are alive , nor do we need the Constitution to tell us that we are free.Our Founding Fathers just wrote down on paper what they already knew. That all men are created equal, and are entitled to Life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness .Anything that infringes on that freedom must be stopped,whether it threatens us or our allies around the world.
The decision to abandon the missle shield around Poland and the Czech republic on the 70th anniversary of the invasion of Poland is a slap in the face to these allies,a breaking of a promise from the Bush administration and an act of appeasement to our longtime enemy, the Soviet Union and the former KGB agent that currently runs what's left of it.
How can he do this?First he criticizes Israel for "Land Grabbing" from the Palestinians , now he chooses to appease the Russians over allies that we promised protection from long range missle attack with this shield.
The President seems to prefer the company of our countries enemies  over our allies and seems to believe the best way to deal with them is to avoid doing anything that displeases them.That is not the job he signed on for.His job is to protect this country by destroying our enemies and the enemies of Democracy everwhere.President Obama should take a tip from Andrew O'Keefe and Hanna Giles, the two Young Lions of Liberty that had the guts to finally expose the corruption of Acorn.They understand what the President does not grasp.That you can't reason or appease evil,you can only confront it with the one thing it respects. strength.
 With great power comes great responsibility".These words were penned by Stan Lee in the first issue of Spiderman way back in 1961, but they still ring true today.President Obama needs to take the words from that first issue of Spiderman to heart and "Hero Up" before it's too late.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Joe Wilson's revelation

Should Joe Wilson apologize before Congress for his outburst during President Obama's speech? Of course not.Joe Wilson was correct.Obama was lying.Two times an amendment to the Healthcare bill was proposed that would prevent illegals from being covered and both times the proposal was rejected by House Democrats. Joe Wilson was one Republican who fought hard for this to be added , and his rage during Obama's speech is, therefore, understandable.
The march on Washington has made it glaringly evident that the American people do not want this Obamacare bill which has nothing to do with healthcare, and everything to do with securing the power and voting base of the Democratic Party.After all , who is more likely to keep voting  Democrat than millions of illegals who understand where their bread is buttered.
However,I hope Obama and the Democrats keep pushing for this socialist smorgasboard. I would like nothing better than to see the Republicans sweep back into power in 2010. The liberal Democrats spent eight years calling President Bush a "Liar" during his speeches, and now its our turn,and after the 2010 elections, it's going to be a "very bumpy ride" for President Obama indeed.

The Northern Star of Freedom

"Today, freedom was attacked by a faceless coward". The words of President Bush on a day of tragedy for the Nation were to be followed by eight years of killing the enemy that hates us so badly , just because we are free. The President told us he would do this. As he stood on that smoking pile of rubble at Ground Zero,he announced to the crowd, "I hear you, and soon, the world will hear all of us". They did hear us. Thanks to President Bush , our Brave Troops, THe Brave Citizens who stood strong, and especially the passengers of Flight 93 whose courage can only be called Super -Human.
Thanks to all of you,but especially President Bush,who stood unwavering and steadfast in the face of eight years of attacks by his enemies,both at home and overseas.
"I am as constant as the Northern Star", the words of Julius Caesar to Brutus before his enemies daggers brought about his tragic demise.
President Bush had also endured many daggers over eight years from his enemies, but try though they did, they could not bring down this Caesar. The price of freedom is constant vigilance. We must follow President Bush's example and never forget this again.
So, to all the liberals and 9-11 conspiracy theorists and other cowards who tried to blame America and this President for this attack,I have a question;Why do you fear these Muslim Terrorists? Freedom has a price, and blaming Bush and Cheney will not spare you from the terrorists wrath, no; it just makes you easier targets to them.After all , it's always easier to kill a sheep than a Lion.

Freedom's spoiled children

How did we reach this point? We have a President who pushes for third world,wait in line government controlled health care,who appoints Czar's that have communist backgrounds and believe in forced abortions, and , in the case of "Green Czar" Van Jones , sign petitions to investigate the Bush administration for orchestrating 9-11.
I guess if the people who voted for Obama had been watching something other than American Idol", or "Dancing with the Stars", they would have been informed enough to see who Barack Obama is and would have voted for McCain. It's ironic that many of the protestors of Obamacare are Democrats that voted enthusiastically for him. Next time, my fellow Americans, think before you vote. Do some research,find out who it is that might be commander in chief before you pull that lever.
Obama's socialist Marxist ties and leanings are clear to see , way back to his college days. Whether hanging out with terrorist Bill Ayers, or race baiter Reverand Wright, this man has let it be known from day one of his desire to 'change" our America into a government controlled Marxist Utopia that Obama feels is superior to freedom.
Well, he is wrong.On everything he believes. And the American people,who may have been duped by this man are now rising up and saying "no" to the government sticking it's nose into something that , number one, is no one's business but their own and their doctors, and number two, does not ,according to the Constitution , fall under the items that the government should be involved in.
If President Obama continues to push for this "Anti- American" program it will be the end of his Presidency.You see, Americans are spoiled. They don't like anyone telling them what they have to do, or what they can't do. They are just too used to Freedom. Even if they choose not to have any Health Insurance, that is their choice. You can't impose some government penalty because of their personal choice. What country has Obama and his merry band of Czars been living in?
Sell it to some other country Mr. President, because the American people don't want it. They prefer Freedom, and do not want to suck like a helpless baby at the government's teat.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Swimmer's Legacy

Ah' Senator Edward Kennedy. He Worked tirelessly for 47 years to help the poor, the sick, the unemployed,and yes, those without Health Insurance. Yes, Ted never relented in his quest to make sure that every American has adequate Health Insurance.I say "Insurance" because everyone already has "Healthcare" in this country, so I assume he was talking about Health Insurance.It has always been his dream to accomplish this.All on the taxpayers dime.
This is a man from a wealthy family, and whose personal wealth at the time of his death is staggering , to say the least. Yet, he still felt the best way to champion his various causes was to force as much tax dollars out of the pockets of Americans who work,and give that money to those who don't. Why didn't he use his vast wealth toward these ends, instead of using other people's money? How much of his fortune was donated to the poor and uninsured in our country? Did taxpayers foot the bill for his funeral too, or was that donated by the Jack Daniels Cmpany?
Yes, Ted wanted to help so many people in need, everyone except Mary Jo Kopeckne ,that is. She was abandoned for eight hours in Ted's waterlogged car before he even bothered to tell anyone she was there.Maybe if she needed Health Insurance , Ted would have been more concerned with her welfare.Even William Shatner called 911 when he found his wife at the bottom of his swimming pool.
 However, on a positive note,Ted Kennedy was a tireless worker in the Senate.His name is on more pieces of legislation than any Senator in American History.Too bad most of it was designed to undermine our country and the constitution. Whether trying to get guns banned,or illegal immigrants citizen status,or third world socialized medicine in our country, he was indeed a tireless worker.
He fought for abortion rights,and cheated on his wife openly,yet remained  a Roman Catholic.
He called for the overthrow of Saddam Hussien and warned of his weapons of  mass destruction,yet later called President Bush a liar when we declared waer on Iraq and the weapons were not found.
He supported Barack Obama for President and assured Obama's nomination with his endorsement , despite the evidence of Obama's Marxist ties that linked him to communists and dangerous radicals that hate this country and seek it's downfall. The result is a growing deficit, gov't takeover of private businesses and a gov't run medical system being proposed that is straight out of communism 101.Yeah, thanks for your endorsement Ted. When Obama's not pushing radical programs, he's hiring actual communists to work for him, right Mr.Van Jones, Mr. Green Czar?
And the cherry on this commie sundae is the recent decision by Attorney General Eric Holder to prosecute CIA agents for 'illegal" activities while interrogating terrorists and preventing attacks on our soil for eight years. Didn't President Obama say he wanted to 'move on" and said he would not pursue this " MoveOn.Org', get George Bush" agenda? One more broken promise I guess, just like no middle class tax increase.
Senator Kennedy once told his son,who had lost his leg to cancer,that there was nothing in life that he couldn't do. Good words. And True words. It's just a shame that Ted Kennedy never had the same faith in the American people to also overcome their own obstacles and pursue their dreams.without a government handout,coutesy of the American Taxpayer.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Obama Rationing; First Healthcare, then Toiletpaper

The main reason that Obamacare cannot and will not pass and will never exist in this country is that it eliminates choice. Forget euthanasia or long waiting periods for treatment,the real reason is that the system . by eliminating choice, is , in fact Un- American.
What if I don't want health insurance? What if I just don't want it, just to be contrary? Just because I know it will tick Obama off?. That's my right as an American. The government cannot force a free citizen, living under our constitution,to take Health Insurance if he does not want it. The Obama plan specifically states that any one who does not enroll in Obamacare,or does not have existing private insurance, will automatically be enrolled in Obamacare. What nonsense is this? This is not Cuba, and Obama is not a dictator or a Czar.He works for us; the citizens of the United States.He is our employee, as are the rest of the House and Senate.They will do what the people want them to do or they will be fired.It's as simple as that.
Ya see, freedom has spoiled us.We don't like elected officials telling us what to do or where to go.Now, I know that many Obama supporters feel offended when Americans question Obama's Anti- American Health Plan, or even his birth certificate. Well, that's tough.Ya had a good time bashing Bush for eight years did'nt ya? Well, now it's our turn. Get used to it , cause we got four long years to enjoy it. I can question any of my employees any time I wish, and I can also fire them when I see them concocting Third World nonsense like this anti- Humanity Health Plan.
Look, I understand the frustration of Obama supporters.They see their leader exposed for the socialist fraud that he is.Well, if you don't mind waiting months for medical treatment,told you are too young, old, or handicapped to receive treatment,then move to a third world country,like Cuba or Venezuela,because you obviously are too cowardly to accept freedom as a way of life. You are, in fact, Third Worlders that just happen to live in America. Go to Cuba. They already have Obamacare. You can enjoy waiting months for treatment, in addition to waiting in line for Toilet Paper.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Myth of Obamacare; A real life Soylent Green?

Boy, I hate being right all the time. Arlen Spector and Kathleen Sebelius have found out that the people do not want "ObamaCare" that takes away choice and is virtually a death sentence for the elderly. You see, like the Grinch, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny, "ObamaCare" is a myth , a fantasy, that when exposed to the light of reality, evaporates into nothingness.
I hate to keep repeating myself,but there is nothing wrong with our health care system. It is the best in the world.You want reform,get the trial lawyers and their frivilous lawsuits out of the system. That however, won't happen because trial lawyers are one of the largest contributors to the Obama campaign.Not to mention the corrupt union bosses.
The people have spoken.Their protests at townhall meetings across this country have shown that they want healthcare to remain between the Doctor and the Patient.Not Obama. Not the Government.Obama is not a doctor.Who is he to stick his nose in healthcare?
If everyone is really for universal healthcare that keeps you on a waiting list for treatment and refuses treatment to the elderly,then where are they at these townhall meetings? I'll tell you where they are.They are hiding. They are hiding because they are illegal immigrants.That's what this Obamacare is all about.Giving health insurance to the millions of people that are here illegally.They are the only ones that can't get health insurance. It's available to everyone else who is a citizen.Insuring illegals guarantees Democrat votes for many years to come, and that , my friends, is the true motive behind the myth of Obamacare.
And, no one can use the arguement that they lost their job and therefore can't afford insurance.Nonsense. You can't afford health insurance but can somehow afford the case of beer and the carton of cigarettes you purchase every week. You can afford it. Everyone can.It's called freedom of choice.It's called the free market. There is not a hospital in this country that turns people away because they don't have insurance. They just pay what they can for services rendered. It's called capitalism, and it's what makes us number one in the world when it comes to health care.
And, if Obama's plan is so wonderful, why then is every politician in Washington on a private health insurance program, including Obama? Apparently, the program is good enough for the common masses, but not good enough for elitist like Obama , Pelosi, Reid,Spector, and their ilk. And, Arlen Spector should thank God he is not on this program.Because, due to his age and the cost of his treatments for his cancer,he would have been turned down for care, and relegated to Obama's list of people who are not really productive members of society anymore, and are costing the government too much money to keep alive. As Obama said; maybe a pain pill would be a better option for these people"
Can Soylent Green be far behind in this bill?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama; The Man who would be Bush.

So , six months in the Obama Presidency have gone by, and what has he accomplished?
He failed to create new jobs and improve the economy.
He failed to close the Gitmo Bay prison.
He is failing miserably to get his joke of a health care plan passed, a plan that will insure long waits for medical treatment and cut off care to the elderly. The only thing he has been sucessful at is wasting millions of taxpayers dollarson moronic bailouts and pipe dream, non-existent green jobs.
I stated in a previous blog that Obama needed to be more like George Bush, in order to save his Presidency.I said he needed to stop being "Bush Lite". I have been proven correct.
Obama needs to forget Health Care and copy everything his hero, George Bush has done,if he wishes to have a sucessful presidency, which means;
Increasing military spending and continue to be strong on the war on terror by continuing the fight in afghanistan.
 Make the Bush tax cuts permanent. It's the only proven way to improve the economy.
Get the Government out of private sector businesses.It's called Free Enterprise and Capitalism,maybe Obama's heard of it.
 If he does this,he may achieve some sucess.Of course, he can never be as great as his hero Bush.
 For instance, he will never be able to pitch a baseball as well as the former President, as he proved the other day. And he certainly will never be as popular as Bush in Africa, but the fact that he tried to be with his recent trip to the dark continent at least shows that he's making an effort to be more like his hero. Maybe a cowboy hat would help.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sarah, Sarah Palin; King of the Wild Frontier

Forget about Obama's healh care plan. It's a failure. It was a failure the minute it was proposed.Our health care system is the envy of the world because it is run by the private sector, with no government interference.That's why people come to our country for treatment of serious ailments. They know they won't be put on a waiting list, or be refused treatment because of their age; two things that will happen under Obama care.
This health care reform package is nothing more than a scam to raise taxes and get illegal immigrants free medical care. Why, you ask? Because illegals are guaranteed Democrat votes.It's no wonder Sarah Palin stepped down as Governor of Alaska. She saw the corruption in this new administration as she was costing her state millions of dollars defending herself against false ethics violations charges ;so she did the logical thing, and decided to change the playing field to where she could be more effective.
Much like former congressman and fellow outdoorsman Col. David Crockett did, she has decided to take the fight for freedom to a different venue. A run for congress? Maybe. Senator palin? Possibly. "Be sure you are right, then go ahead". Those were the words uttered by Crockett shortly before his resignation from Congress, and it fits Sarah Palin as well. Palin for President in 2012? You Betcha!!
Davy Crockett's final address before Congress amid goverment corruption and betrayal of the American Indian land treaties made by President Jackson was, "You can all go to hell, and, as for me, I will go to Texas".
Maybe Sarah's final statement to the press before stepping down should have been,"You can all go to hell; and as for me, I will go to the White House"

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Michael Jackson, Tortured genius, or just a pervert who wrote tunes?

Let me sum up the King of Pop as simply and clearly as possible, Musical Icon? Humanitarian? Inspiration to millions? You have got to be kidding! This is a drug addict who deformed his face and slept and showered with children while drinking "Jesus Juice" with them! Nobody but a pedophile lunatic would do the things he did. His behavior is no mystery at all.He was out of his mind on hard drugs for years . Probably started on them right after he got burned while filming a Pepsi commercial back in the 80's.As a matter of fact, that's when the whole plastic surgery thing became an obsession too. And ' of course, it introduced him to the wonderful world of painkillers and other assorted narcotics.
Yep, I guess you can blame it all on Pepsi Cola. Jacko should have cut a deal with Coke; they use less explosions to sell their product.
But, whatever the cause ,the simple fact is his strange behavior was the result of the fact that he was a drug addict; period. A famous one, but a drug addict, nontheless. "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" cannot excuse a lifetime of insane behavior , and an unhealthy attraction to small boys.If he just loved children, where were all the little girls? He seemed to invite only young boys to his lair.
 I think if people really want to mourn this man,they must first ask themselves this question; Would you let your child sleep and shower with this man?

Friday, July 3, 2009

Freedom's Trinity

While celebrating the 4th of July this year,there are three words that all Americans should keep in mind. "We the People". This is the best system of  government yet devised by man , a system that allows the citizens ,"We The People", to govern ourselves , as was intended by our creator. Watching the struggles of Iraq and Iran against opressive terrorist regimes makes it even more clear how precious, how wonderful freedom is; and how it should never be taken for granted.
We don't need free health care
We don't need free schooling
We don't need free handouts of any kind.
All we need is what we already have , Freedom.
Freedom to live,work,and worship as we choose, as individuals.
Despite what President Obama thinks,there is nothing wrong with our country,nothing wrong with our people, and nothing wrong with our constitution.
Our Government exists to protect us , not to help us.
If the President wants to give us real Health Care, he should increase funding for our missile defense systems.
I can't think of a better way to protect our fellow Americans "Health" than by preventing Iran or North Korea from blowing us up .
So , as we eat our hot dogs and launch our fireworks  on this great nation's birthday, let us not forget those three words that best define America; "We The People". They are the only words you'll ever need.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cowboy Obama?

Congratulations Obama fans! You voted for change and whast you got was, in many ways, the third term of  George Bush. Although I would probably call Obama Bush Lite. He has continued the war on terror; even increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan. He opposes Gay marriage, supporting the Bush endorsed traditional man woman approach to the institution.
He spends tax payers money like a drunken sailor,just like the Bush administration. Yes it's true that he has reached out to middle eastern dictators with his "apologize for America" speeches recently,but the response has been hostile, almost as if they sense the same arrogance and ,dare I say it?, Cowboy attitude in this President as it was in the previous one.
Both Obama and Bush have the same attitude toward the terror supporting dictators. Only their approach differs. Obama seeks to control them with words and platitudes, Bush did it with a show of strength and threat of force, which is actually the correct approach, since the Middle Eastern mentality respects strength above all other qualities. They hated Bush, but they respected him. It seems that Obama is regarded as weak and naive. This is certainly not the result Obama was hoping for with his bowing before Saudi princes.
Now,with riots occuring in the streets of Iran over their recent sham of an election, Obama has decided to once again play at peace maker, refusing to make a definitive statement in support of the rebels, for fear of ruining his relationship with Ahmadinijad ,which exists only in Obama's own mind. The question is,should the U.S. involve itself in the election conflict of another country? You bet we should. Anytime a nation of people want to rid themselves of a dictatorship and live free , as God intended ,it is our obligation , as it is all free nations to aid them toward this end in any way we can. The U.S. itself would not exist  without help from France ,so the moral  obligation is clear.
The fight for freedom is a universal one , and we cannot , in good conscience, turn our backs on other nations that want that freedom and are willing to fight for it. Besides, Pres. O bama has a perfect example of the result of turning our backs on an oppressed nation.
During the Clinton administration, Dictator Kim was a growing problem in North Korea, a problem that could have been cut off at the pass at the time with proper sanctions and forceful action against the nation. But, instead , Clinton sent secretary of State  Madeline Albright over to schmooze with Kim, massage his fragile ego with flattery ,and essentially sit around having Tea and cakes with a mad despot, who totally bamboozeled Albright and, in turn, Clinton into giving him everything he wanted; including the means to build a nuclear arsenal that would one day threaten world security. This was done all in the name of trying not to interfere in another country's business. Yeah that works really well , right Neville Chamberlain? Had Mr. Chamberlain taken action against Hitler  when he should have,World War II would never have happened,and millions of lives would have been spared.
Remember Pres. Obama, "Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it"., and by your inaction with both Iran and N. Korea; who is now threatening to launch nukes at Hawaii, you risk becoming the new Neville Chamberlain , with the stain of decades of blood on your hands. Stop being Bush Lite.Release the inner Cowboy that lurks inside of you and put a stop to this now while there is time. Stop with the "middle of the road" rhetoric designed to please everyone, because it doesn't work, it just pisses everyone off and makes you look weak and indecisive.
 I find it interesting that Obama has taken a strong stance on issues like waterboarding and late term abortion, and he can't wait to close down Gitmo Bay , which houses enemy terrorists. The pres. actually feels that sprinkling water on a terror suspects head is inhumane, but killing a full grown fetus in a woman's stomach is perfectly fine.
So when Gitmo does close, what do you do with the  prisoners? No state in our country seems to be willing to take them, and the prisoners may wish they were back in Gitmo if they wind up in one of our Maximum security prisons. They aint getting lemon chicken and rice pilaf for lunch anymore, that's for sure.
 The solution is simple; imprison them in our abortion clinics. Sure, why not? Since waterboarding is illegal,and late term abortionis not,why not threaten  them with this procedure? You could show them films of one in progress , remind them of the legality of it, and force watch a few being done in the facility. Explain to them that "late term" applies to them also and is supported by the President himself. I think that they just might decide that Waterboarding was not that bad after all, and certainly beats being  "aborted". Indeed, the Obama  administration could adopt a new slogan to support this method in the fight against terror, "Remember terrorists, it's never too late to be  aborted".

Monday, May 4, 2009

Some Advice for the Anointed One.

A few lessons in being President; You don't release records of interrogation methods to the public,because now our enemies know how far we are willing to go.
-If you release these records ;then you must release all of them. This includes the records of how many terror attacks we have stopped using these methods.
-Show the congressional records of support for these methods.I'm sure there are plenty of Dems that signed off on these techniques and approved of them.Techniques that amount to nothing more than an elaborate frat house hazing hijinks. And, if it was your family that was at risk, you know that every technique ; including waterboarding, would be acceptable.
-When a communist dictator, like Chavez,hands you a book that bashes this country ; you don't accept it.You look him straight in the eye, and say,"I was elected to lead, not to read."
_You don't start war crime hearings because you will expose two things; One, that the war was , in fact, justified,and two,that most Democrats backed it fully; including Nancy Pelosi.
-And last , but not least,if you are going to use Air Force One to take some pictures of the Statue Of Liberty,without informing trhe public;at least make the photos of Lady Liberty more interesting using Photoshop.I think a shot of the Statue half buried in the sand on a beach; with a loinclothed Charlton Heston staring up at it in horror, while screaming , Damn you all to hell!!" would probably be more appropriate for this administration and its policies.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Captain Obama and the Pirates

I would just like to congratulate President Obama for his sucessful "Apologize for Bush and ban nuclear weapons in America tour".However, I have a few suggestions to help spruce up his image and help prevent the British and German press from labeling him "chatty, boring and meek" as they have done this time.
First, bring some entertainment with you next time. The Dixie Chicks would be perfect. While you're apologizing for America's arrogance ; the Chicks could be in the background,singing and dancing and dropping the occaisional "F" Bush" just to liven things up.
Also; why not do T.V. commercials for car products? Since the president apparently wants to run GM anyway,why not do a few T.v spots for Midas Mufflers?Hell, If it helped George Foreman sell some grills,it should sure help the Pres.sell a porkulus bill or two.Maybe some spots for a Used Car lot also.After all ,he seems to have natural car salesman skills, so much so that I think he missed his true calling in life; standing in a GM lot, in a plaid jacket , schmoozing with customers as he talks them into 'extended warrantees' on partsAnd last but not least,why not really promote his appearance at Notre Dame University. Sure, he believes in late term abortions,sure the Catholic university believes in the sanctity of life,but that problem can be worked out out with a simple change of slogan.
Instead of Notre Dames current one,"The Fighting Irish"; they could change it in honor of the President's visit.
 I think the,'Sit down and talk without preconditions Irish",sounds about right,and it will always serve as a reminder of the "anointed ones" visit to their very prestigious, very Catholic uiniversity. Talk about great press for the President,Huh?. And as far as the Somali Pirate situation goes,let me congratulate the Navy seals for a fantastic rescue operation that seemed right out of a James Bond movie. The President did, of course , authorize the mission and the only question now is how Joe Biden will find a way to take credit for it's sucess.I'm sure he'll think of something.
Now' to prevent this type of thing from happening in the future I recommend that the Pres. appoint a special Pirate Advisor. I think Johnny Depp would be quite suitable.After all , who knows more about pirates and their habits than  Capt. Jack Sparrow himself? We could send him over there to talk to them,gain their confidence,and then take over as their leader . Then, with Depp as Captain ,he could order them to steer the ship into our waters where we just clap the bracelets right on them. What could be easier? It sure beats actually getting aggressive and acting like the commander in chief of our armed forces,doesn't it?Hell, that's why these countries don't like us,and after all, that is Obama's ultimate goal isn't it? To have all these countries think we are just swell.
 Time to wake up Mr. President. Get out of the Health care business, get out of the Banking business , get out of the car business,and start acting like the commander in chief. Stop talking health care when pirates have taken an American ship and it's Captain.Stop bowing to Saudi princes . The U.S President doesn't bow to anyone. We are the number one force for good in the world .
Without us; the world as we know it would fall into economic and militaristic chaos ,and you know it.We have nothing to apoligize for,and we never will. The U.S. has freed more people and destroyed more tyrants than any nation on earth and the world is the better for it. We don't care if countries hate us. As long as they also respect us.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Relief Pitcher; Sarah Palin

Barack Obama had himself a busy week.During which, he has managed to lie about the AIG bailout bonuses,along with his henchmen Dodd and Geitner;To call for all injured soldiers to pay for their own health care ,and last but not least;to insult people who compete in the Special Olympics.
This is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces? He knew the the AIG bonuses were in the original contract and he knows that the main responsibility of a sitting president is to protect and defend this country and it's soldiers that give their lives toward this end.
He goes on Jay Leno and makes fun of his bowling skills by deriding  Special Olympic competitors.This is the man who was touted to be smarter than George Bush?What nonsense.George Bush's school records have been released, Mr. President, how about yours? Of course I can readily understand why he won't release them. Anyone who thanks himself during a speech because his teleprompter told him to obviously ain't a rocket scientist.
Hope and Change? Yeah; let's "Hope" we can "Change" Presidents real soon. I'm sure Sarah Palin is ready to step in at a moments notice.You know Pres. Obama, the crude hick who didn't have any experience? Except for running an entire state ,that is. Long live George Bush!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Go ahead; make my Sunday!!

Should school cops carry guns? Is the Pope a Kraut? This is a no brainer.We send our children to these schools under the condition that they will be in a safe environment with instructors that will protect them. Not only should school cops carry guns; but the teachers should be armed too. These wackos know they are in "gun free" zones  and  feel secure in the knowledge that they can commit their brazen atrocities without fear of retaliation.
And with the recent shooting of a Pastor during a church sermon in Illinois; I think the idea of arming our pastors, priests , and rabbi's is not only an option, but a necessity. Church should be a santuary of peace, in which people can commune with God , without fear of some lunatic pulling a stunt like this.
Remember,they do it because they know there will be no retaliation. After all, it's church. Who arms themseves in church? Well I think it's high time that all clergymen take heed;pack some heat,and protect their parishoners .Remember, even Jesus instructed the Apostles to carry swords with them, during their travels into strange towns to heal people.
Teachers and clergymen have a duty and an obligation to protect those whose lives have been intrusted to them; or to put it another way; "Go ahead punk, make my Sunday!!"

Obama , Following in the British Tradition

I find it surprising that Obama is showing such disdain for the British.
He returns the bust of Churchill , and gives Prime Minister Gordon a gift  of movie DVD's which, in light of Gordon's gift of a pen set carved from the wood of a famous British battleship,proves the old adage that it's not the gift , but the thoughtlessness that counts.
Actually' Obama should like the British; first, he seems bound and determined to emulate their tax system from the 1700's ; and secondly' his method of dealing with mideastern terrorists is similar to another Gordon; the British hero, General Charles Gordon.
In 1883, the General  volunteered to be sent to Khartoum ,Sudan , where thousands of civilians were being threatened by Muslim fanatics; led by a man simply called the Mahdi.
Like Obama, Gordon thinks he can walk on water and just say the magic words that will just melt the radical terrorists hearts and solve the problem . Like Obama, the General fails to understand that the Mahdi is following  Allah's will ,and therefore all the infidels within the city walls must be slaughtered in accordance with that will. The massacre was carried out and the great miracle worker Gordon died a hero's death trying to defend the beseiged city.
A life sized bronzed statue of General Gordon on horseback still stands in England , a tribute to his courage , not to mention his arrogance and stupidity.
Since Obama sent back the bust of Churchill , perhaps PrimeMinister Gordon should send him the statue of Gen. Gordon to replace it; since Obama seems determined to follow in the Generals footsteps, and he sure ain't no Chuchill, that's for sure.
In fact,it may be the only way to save his God like image , as his presidency continues to fail under his spendulous " plan which is bankrupting the country. He could make that trip to the middle east to emulate Gordon , fall like a British hero, while trying to "reason" with Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Who knows? He might even get a bronze statue of himself out of it , maybe even on horseback! After all, never let it be said that we forget our heroes!

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Stimulus Bill for Dummies

Let me sum up ,in clear as crystal language,President Obama's simulus plan speech from the other night.
"My fellow Americans, I intend to tax the rich corporate scum out of existence , which , of course will bankrupt the country, increase debt and force everyone on the dole of the few hard working taxpayers who somehow survive my plan. The increase in taxes on corporations will force small businesses to pay more for the goods that they use for their operations, thereby forcing them to lay off more employees and send their companies overseas, where low taxes make doing business profitable.
This will, of course, create more unemployment, and even the jobs that my " stimulus plan" creates will be gone, since they are all " make work" jobs that do not produce anything, but simply create more tax burdens on the working man that must now pay the salary of someone building a bridge, or tennis court, or cleaning out a swamp to preserve some "swamp mouse" for Nancy Pelosi.
But, my fellow Americans, there is a positive side to all this mess. You,the struggling, out of work citizen who prefers to sit on his couch, eating cheetos, and watching Oprah in the afternoon, will now be able to sleep soundly at night, because those rich, hateful, corporate fat cats that you spent so much of your life envying because they had more than you will now be reduced to your level. Yes, my fellow Americans, you will not be any better off than you are now, but at least you will have gotten revenge on the rich at last.
Thank You, and God Bless the United States of America.
 I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

From Racism to Tarzan; In one easy lesson

Eric Holder, our new Attorney General, has called the citizens of the U.S "racial cowards".Cowards Mr. Holder?You mean the cowards that fought and died in the revoulution to assure freedom for all men? Or the cowards that fought and died in the Civil War to bring about the end to slavery in our country; and then waged a political war to assure that the freed Black man would have the right to keep and bear arms to defend that freedom from those who would try to take it from them?
You are the coward Mr. Holder.You hide behind non- existent race issues that this country bled to eliminate while you try to get the  Second Amendment repealed .The very Amendment that insured free men had the right to defend that freedom. Remember Mr. Holder ; you can't beat , bully or lynch an armed citizen.The Second Amendment truly made them free.
Now, the second issue on the subject of racism; the cartoon depicting cops shooting a chimp was a comment on the stimulus bill and a crazy woman's pet that had to be shot, after it had mauled her unsuspecting friend .The key word here is Wild. This was a wild animal ; and as such should never have been living in this woman's house like a roomate.But as far as claiming racism in the cartoon,this is ridiculous. Nancy Pelosi and congress wrote the stimulous bill ,not Obama. If anyone should be insulted, it should be chimpanzees for being compared to  Pelosi and congress.
 Now, as far as the killing of the chimp goes, all I have to say is; Why did it take so long?He should have been taken out much sooner , since he had attacked people previously.
Remember the golden rule in owning animals; wild or domestic.If you can't take him in a fight,you should not have him as a pet. Even Mike Henry, who played Tarzan in several films in the late sixties,was attacked on set by a chimp that was playing the role of Tarzan's beloved Cheetah.Henry wound up suing the movie's producer , Sy Weintraub,and had to get plastic surgery to boot .
The lesson here is simple;If Tarzan, the King of the Jungle and the Lord of the Apes can't handle a chimp,what chance do the rest of us have ? So heed the warning of Tarzan's dilemma and avoid making wild animals your pals.Otherwise, you'll wind up in a long court  battle ; either suing the owner of the creature that attacked you or getting sued by an angry actor in a loincloth for unsafe working conditions and physical injuries. Not to mention the possibility of being accused of racism somewhere along the way .
Hey, there's a reason Tarzan carries a knife, and it ain't for shaving!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Instant Karma for Bush Bashers!

To those who continue to bash President Bush and call for him to be charged with war crimes ; It's over.Bush won twice. He got Saddam and sons and a whole lot of terrorists,and Iraq now has free elections and no more rape and torture rooms . Bush is retired on his  Texas ranch , and having a well deserved , good ol' fashioned home style BBQ to celebrate.You didn't get him. Get over it.
But, it's not all that bleak, because you see, now it's our turn.Obama's President and now the fun begins.But, don't worry Bush bashers.We conservative Republicans will treat your President with the same amount of respect you showed ours.
 So, as Bettie Davis once said; fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride! For liberals that is.
And, with the appointment of a tax dodge as Secretary of the Treasury and a "Stimulus bill" designed to bankrupt the country;it may be a bumpy ride for all of us.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Everybody's gone waterboarding; Waterboarding USA!!

As President Elect Obama gets ready to take office,once again the issue of waterboarding has been brought up by Eric Holder; Obama's choice for Attorney General.In addition to being completely against the Second Amendment and our right to keep and bear arms; Mr. Holder also believes waterboarding is torture and that we should never use this technique under any circumstances even if it would save lives and prevent another terror attack. This attitude is, of course  non- sensical and absurd.Any person with half a brain will admit that if it was their family being threatened and their lives were at stake; of course you would torture to save them.
Why then does this same issue not apply when it comes to protecting our country and its citizens in general?Sounds like a selfish attitude to me.Besides if any of these people against waterboarding would take the time to Google the procedure, they would see how tame it really is by torture standards.Let's face it ; the Spanish Inquistion would never adopt this technique. It's laughable by their standards.It does no physical or mental damageto the individual. It is however,very effective , and in the three times it has been used, it has saved lives.
Waterboarding is so tame, in fact,that I would equate it to no more than typical frathouse hazing hijinks.And, as any ex- frathouse member will tell you,hazing works.It builds character.Besides,if torture of the enemy is so bad ,then why is the T.V show 24 so popular?That's what torture gets you.Jack Bauer is a hero who defends his country by torturing the enemy ,and has his own action figure.You don;t get your own action figure  by doing something bad do you?
We tortured during WWII , and if you don't believe that then you are living in a fantasy world of marshmallow flowers and unicorns. As Pres. Bush said in his final address to the nation;"There will always be good and always be evil; and there can never be a compromise between the two.Evil must be destroyed .It's really as simple as that.And please forget the liberal concept that destroying evil makes you evil as well.That is nonsense . We kill to save lives and preserve freedom.They kill to appease their evil God ; who bids them to destroy infidels such as Christians and Jews.
Besides, it's just a little waterboarding.Personally, I think they should take it up a notch, just to make it more fun for everyone involved. Maybe bring in Frankie Avalon in a bathing suit with his surfboard. He could sing a few tunes during the waterboarding.Maybe even some beach bunnies in bikinis and some sand ,just to give it that Beach Blanket Bingo feel. So on the subject of waterboarding; I have just two words; Cowabunga!, and Surfs Up!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Anti War Armchair Quarterback Syndrome

There's a good reason why the anti-war movement is lost and will always be lost.It's not that these people are too radical.  Quite the opposite. It's the simple fact that they are nothing more than political armchair quarterbacks . The toughest decision these people have to make in their lives is whether to order the large or small espresso at Starbucks.Let's cut through all the B.S. here.
When you sit in the chair of the commander in chief ; and the CIA intelligence briefing is put before you that indicates a serious threat to the safety of our nation; you can't pull out a protest sign and call your advisors liars that are just eager to start a war for oil.No, what you do is make the only decision that the President can make in this situation,and that is to protect this country and it's people by military force if necessary.
Barack Obama will do exactly what Pres. Bush did; he has no choice.He will also keep Gitmo Bay open for business.He now knows how important it is to our security. Why you ask? Because he's President now .
You see folks, Pres. Obama's days as a radical armchair quarterback are now gone forever. Now he has a job to do, and he will do it. The Anti- war movement will also continue to do it's job too;which amounts to expressing opinions loudly and obnoxiously without thought or reason to back up their stupid signs which attack our country and  President.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Crocodile Tears From Hamas

I find it laughable that Hamas has been crying foul over the sustained attacks by Israel.They claim that they are deliberately targeting civilians. This coming from an organization whose main trademark is planting bombs that kill civilian targets; and often strapping these bombs to the bodies of their own women and children.Can you say Mondo Mega Hypocrisy?Look, the only thing Israel has done wrong is failing to start these attacks years ago. Adopting a scorched earth policy regarding Hamas and the Palestinians is the only way to resolve this issue once and for all.
Sound harsh?Remember, Hamas is an organization that has called for the complete extermination of Israel and all Jews in the process.They believe their God ,Allah, has instructed them to do so.Once you have established that fact there is nothing more to talk about; and no need for negotiation.The Israelies are in a fight for survival . This is war ;and a war must be fought to win and winning means forcing the enemy to admit defeat.Until then,Israel must keep attacking ,until Hamas begs them to leave them be.
Three old sayings come to mind in summing up this conflict;
1 What comes around goes around.
2. Don't mess with the eagles if you don't know how to fly.
3.When you invite abuse; it would be impolite not to accept it.
And finally, always remember, all out war often is the only thing that changes attitudes and brings people closer together.Sound strange? Well, look at Japan, for example.
They were our mortal enemies during WWII ,but after a long bloody war and two nuclear bombs dropped on them, they are now our best buddies, and partners in Democracy.They support us in our fight against terrorism and even manufacture autos for us  in one of the cities we bombed ; Hiroshima.That's right folks . The Mazda plant is located in Hiroshoma which just goes to prove that from the seeds of complete destruction often comes rebirth and new hope for a future where all men shall live in freedom; as our creator intended.