Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Enemy's True Nature

This Veteran's day, as we honor those that have defended our freedom , there are also painful questions that need to be asked regarding the Fort Hood massacre. A Major in the U.S Army suddenly attacks and kills his fellow soldiers on our own soil? Why? Why did the Fort Hood massacre happen? Forget the Obama administration's political correctness on the subject;here's the grim reality of why;  It happened because Major Nadal Hasan is a Muslim terrorist who was educated, trained, and was promoted to the rank of Major in the U.S. Army, all on the taxpayers dime, despite the obvious warning signs of who and what this man was.
President Obama's appeasement, apologist policies have weakened the military, weakened the CIA, and weakened our strong stand against Islamic Terror that existed under President Bush. Why did this happen? Because under Obama's Presidency , we have military bases that have become "gun free zones" and breeding grounds of political correctness, that are afraid to recognize that we are at war with an enemy that has already attacked us on our own soil, and has been commandedby the prophet Muhammad to kill all infidel non-believers in order to reach heaven; and , of course, the seventy virgins. We, as a Christian nation,are infidels and must be destroyed by command of Allah.
President Bush recognized this,and the result was eight years free of terror attacks on our own soil.President Obama, who has shown disdain for the "Bush Doctrine" of pre-emptive strike and "cowboy diplomacy", does not recognize the threat, and here is the result. Have I summed it up fairly accurately?

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