Monday, December 28, 2009

The Christmas Miracle of Copenhagen

Who would have thought that an event marked by blinding snow storms , violent street riots, and Al Gore would turn out to be the greatest gift I have ever received for Christmas. I am, of course, referring to the ClimateGate Convention in Copenhagen. With this one gift, the entire liberal agenda has been exposed for what it is; a money grabbing fraud.
You see, the ugly little secret about the Global Warming movement , the EPA, and the Greenpeace movement in general is that they have nothing to do with protecting the planet. This was finally revealed as dictators, tyrants , and warlords from around the world gathered in Copenhagen to pontificate; not about saving the planet, but about the evils of American Capitalism. That's the real threat . In the midst of panic among Global Warming fanatics over hacked e mails that prove the scientific community has withheld and manipulated evidence that proves our planet is cooling , not getting warmer , and has been since the early 90's.
With this Hoax exposed,Greenpeace liberals have been forced to drop their civilized veneer of lies and reveal their true face. And it wasn't pretty. In this regard, nothing spoke louder than the speech by Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who ranted and raved against the evil free market system that American capitalist pigs get rich off of. This speech was received with thunderous applause,despite the complete lack of any mention of Global warming threat by the dictator.
Why should this be a surprise to anyone? The agenda is clear, to those that wish to see it. Not one country on earth will follow the Kyoto protocol that they signed on to. China, in particular, has made that perfectly clear. No , the goal here is to make America follow it to the letter,and pay for it with billions of our tax dollars. This, of couse, will weaken our economy, and hopefully destroy our standing in the world as the no.1 superpower. That's all this is. That's all it ever was. An attack by the liberal left on American Capitalism, which they hate for one reason alone.They simply can't stand the fact that the U.S is still the leading nation on earth. They don't like being part of a winning team that dominates the competition. It offends their sense of "equality and fairness", which is really just code words for facism and communism. They, like Hugo Chavez and other dictators, want everyone to be equal ; just as long as they are just a little bit "equaler" than everyone else.
This mockery of a gathering was made complete as the heavens brought down blinding snowstorms and peace loving "greeners" rioted violently in the streets of Norway. And some where , I'm sure the fact fudgeing Al Gore was shedding a tear, as he realized his mad dream of a melting earth was vanishing in a white blanket of snow, proving once and for all, that God does have a sense of humor , and is apparently, a Conservative .

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