Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Northern Star of Freedom

"Today, freedom was attacked by a faceless coward". The words of President Bush on a day of tragedy for the Nation were to be followed by eight years of killing the enemy that hates us so badly , just because we are free. The President told us he would do this. As he stood on that smoking pile of rubble at Ground Zero,he announced to the crowd, "I hear you, and soon, the world will hear all of us". They did hear us. Thanks to President Bush , our Brave Troops, THe Brave Citizens who stood strong, and especially the passengers of Flight 93 whose courage can only be called Super -Human.
Thanks to all of you,but especially President Bush,who stood unwavering and steadfast in the face of eight years of attacks by his enemies,both at home and overseas.
"I am as constant as the Northern Star", the words of Julius Caesar to Brutus before his enemies daggers brought about his tragic demise.
President Bush had also endured many daggers over eight years from his enemies, but try though they did, they could not bring down this Caesar. The price of freedom is constant vigilance. We must follow President Bush's example and never forget this again.
So, to all the liberals and 9-11 conspiracy theorists and other cowards who tried to blame America and this President for this attack,I have a question;Why do you fear these Muslim Terrorists? Freedom has a price, and blaming Bush and Cheney will not spare you from the terrorists wrath, no; it just makes you easier targets to them.After all , it's always easier to kill a sheep than a Lion.

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