Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama; The Man who would be Bush.

So , six months in the Obama Presidency have gone by, and what has he accomplished?
He failed to create new jobs and improve the economy.
He failed to close the Gitmo Bay prison.
He is failing miserably to get his joke of a health care plan passed, a plan that will insure long waits for medical treatment and cut off care to the elderly. The only thing he has been sucessful at is wasting millions of taxpayers dollarson moronic bailouts and pipe dream, non-existent green jobs.
I stated in a previous blog that Obama needed to be more like George Bush, in order to save his Presidency.I said he needed to stop being "Bush Lite". I have been proven correct.
Obama needs to forget Health Care and copy everything his hero, George Bush has done,if he wishes to have a sucessful presidency, which means;
Increasing military spending and continue to be strong on the war on terror by continuing the fight in afghanistan.
 Make the Bush tax cuts permanent. It's the only proven way to improve the economy.
Get the Government out of private sector businesses.It's called Free Enterprise and Capitalism,maybe Obama's heard of it.
 If he does this,he may achieve some sucess.Of course, he can never be as great as his hero Bush.
 For instance, he will never be able to pitch a baseball as well as the former President, as he proved the other day. And he certainly will never be as popular as Bush in Africa, but the fact that he tried to be with his recent trip to the dark continent at least shows that he's making an effort to be more like his hero. Maybe a cowboy hat would help.

1 comment:

Kierkegaard said...


You can't ask for Obama to be "Bush Lite", it is contrary to his nature. We don't need more of Bush (spends too much, afraid of recession), but office holders who have the principle of less government power and trust in the people to solve our counties problems.