Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Joe Wilson's revelation

Should Joe Wilson apologize before Congress for his outburst during President Obama's speech? Of course not.Joe Wilson was correct.Obama was lying.Two times an amendment to the Healthcare bill was proposed that would prevent illegals from being covered and both times the proposal was rejected by House Democrats. Joe Wilson was one Republican who fought hard for this to be added , and his rage during Obama's speech is, therefore, understandable.
The march on Washington has made it glaringly evident that the American people do not want this Obamacare bill which has nothing to do with healthcare, and everything to do with securing the power and voting base of the Democratic Party.After all , who is more likely to keep voting  Democrat than millions of illegals who understand where their bread is buttered.
However,I hope Obama and the Democrats keep pushing for this socialist smorgasboard. I would like nothing better than to see the Republicans sweep back into power in 2010. The liberal Democrats spent eight years calling President Bush a "Liar" during his speeches, and now its our turn,and after the 2010 elections, it's going to be a "very bumpy ride" for President Obama indeed.

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