Friday, July 3, 2009

Freedom's Trinity

While celebrating the 4th of July this year,there are three words that all Americans should keep in mind. "We the People". This is the best system of  government yet devised by man , a system that allows the citizens ,"We The People", to govern ourselves , as was intended by our creator. Watching the struggles of Iraq and Iran against opressive terrorist regimes makes it even more clear how precious, how wonderful freedom is; and how it should never be taken for granted.
We don't need free health care
We don't need free schooling
We don't need free handouts of any kind.
All we need is what we already have , Freedom.
Freedom to live,work,and worship as we choose, as individuals.
Despite what President Obama thinks,there is nothing wrong with our country,nothing wrong with our people, and nothing wrong with our constitution.
Our Government exists to protect us , not to help us.
If the President wants to give us real Health Care, he should increase funding for our missile defense systems.
I can't think of a better way to protect our fellow Americans "Health" than by preventing Iran or North Korea from blowing us up .
So , as we eat our hot dogs and launch our fireworks  on this great nation's birthday, let us not forget those three words that best define America; "We The People". They are the only words you'll ever need.

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