Friday, October 9, 2009

The Ignoble Appease Prize

For those that are shocked  and appalled by the Nobel Peace Prize being given to President Obama , let me just run down his accomplishments that clearly qualify him.First, there was Beer Fest! Sitting down with a cop,a teacher, and Vice President Biden over a few brews proved once and for all that in an artificial setting; surrounded by  television cameras,we can bridge that racial divide and truly "all get along".
Second, the "Cash Giveaway" in Chicago. Nothing brings people  closer together than standing in line for hours for "Free Money" like some third world Marxist sheep. It really brought a tear to my eye. Can standing in line for toilet paper be far behind?
Third, the Gala Halloween Party  President Obama threw at the White House in the Rose Garden. Not only did he bring together free clinic doctors for a photo-op, he provided them with doctors costumes "free of charge". I just wish he had worn his"Joker" costume!
Fourth, he tried to pass "forced" government health care.Yep , nothing makes Republicans and Democrats forget their hatred of one another than a united hatred for a government trying to force you to do something.
I guess it reminds us that our love of freedom is what unites us , no matter what.
Fifth , and in my opinion, the most significant achievement, he Bombed the Moon. And in so doing ,he has finally brought peace to the warlike tribe of Moonkins that were getting ready to invade the Earth.They surrendered without even firing a shot! I guess they figured that, after that first pre- emptive strike at them , Obama means business!
 And last , but not least,by giving President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize , it virtually assures that there will be no " surge" of troops into Afghanistan. After all, the President cannot comply with General McCrystal's request for more troops to fight a war of agression after winning a Peace Prize, can he?
The very reason he is receiving this award is to "neuter" him in the war on terror, and thereby assuring a victory for the Taliban and Al Queda in Afghanistan.
So, what does the Taliban and AlQueda think of Obama's Award? They think he deserves it.After all, he agrees with them that America must be defeated and , as long as Obama is in the White House,he will assure that defeat and end the U.S. reign as an oppresive "Superpower".
It's too bad President Bush didn't win this award.He certainly deserved it more, by bringing freedom to Iraq and Afghanistan , and in particular, ending the oppresion of their women. And what about his work in Africa? No sitting President has done more to end poverty and disease in that country than Bush; which is why he is revered in Africa as almost a saint.

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