Boy, I hate being right all the time. Arlen Spector and Kathleen Sebelius have found out that the people do not want "ObamaCare" that takes away choice and is virtually a death sentence for the elderly. You see, like the Grinch, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny, "ObamaCare" is a myth , a fantasy, that when exposed to the light of reality, evaporates into nothingness. I hate to keep repeating myself,but there is nothing wrong with our health care system. It is the best in the world.You want reform,get the trial lawyers and their frivilous lawsuits out of the system. That however, won't happen because trial lawyers are one of the largest contributors to the Obama campaign.Not to mention the corrupt union bosses. The people have spoken.Their protests at townhall meetings across this country have shown that they want healthcare to remain between the Doctor and the Patient.Not Obama. Not the Government.Obama is not a doctor.Who is he to stick his nose in healthcare? If everyone is really for universal healthcare that keeps you on a waiting list for treatment and refuses treatment to the elderly,then where are they at these townhall meetings? I'll tell you where they are.They are hiding. They are hiding because they are illegal immigrants.That's what this Obamacare is all about.Giving health insurance to the millions of people that are here illegally.They are the only ones that can't get health insurance. It's available to everyone else who is a citizen.Insuring illegals guarantees Democrat votes for many years to come, and that , my friends, is the true motive behind the myth of Obamacare. And, no one can use the arguement that they lost their job and therefore can't afford insurance.Nonsense. You can't afford health insurance but can somehow afford the case of beer and the carton of cigarettes you purchase every week. You can afford it. Everyone can.It's called freedom of choice.It's called the free market. There is not a hospital in this country that turns people away because they don't have insurance. They just pay what they can for services rendered. It's called capitalism, and it's what makes us number one in the world when it comes to health care. And, if Obama's plan is so wonderful, why then is every politician in Washington on a private health insurance program, including Obama? Apparently, the program is good enough for the common masses, but not good enough for elitist like Obama , Pelosi, Reid,Spector, and their ilk. And, Arlen Spector should thank God he is not on this program.Because, due to his age and the cost of his treatments for his cancer,he would have been turned down for care, and relegated to Obama's list of people who are not really productive members of society anymore, and are costing the government too much money to keep alive. As Obama said; maybe a pain pill would be a better option for these people" Can Soylent Green be far behind in this bill? |
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Myth of Obamacare; A real life Soylent Green?
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