Friday, September 4, 2009

The Swimmer's Legacy

Ah' Senator Edward Kennedy. He Worked tirelessly for 47 years to help the poor, the sick, the unemployed,and yes, those without Health Insurance. Yes, Ted never relented in his quest to make sure that every American has adequate Health Insurance.I say "Insurance" because everyone already has "Healthcare" in this country, so I assume he was talking about Health Insurance.It has always been his dream to accomplish this.All on the taxpayers dime.
This is a man from a wealthy family, and whose personal wealth at the time of his death is staggering , to say the least. Yet, he still felt the best way to champion his various causes was to force as much tax dollars out of the pockets of Americans who work,and give that money to those who don't. Why didn't he use his vast wealth toward these ends, instead of using other people's money? How much of his fortune was donated to the poor and uninsured in our country? Did taxpayers foot the bill for his funeral too, or was that donated by the Jack Daniels Cmpany?
Yes, Ted wanted to help so many people in need, everyone except Mary Jo Kopeckne ,that is. She was abandoned for eight hours in Ted's waterlogged car before he even bothered to tell anyone she was there.Maybe if she needed Health Insurance , Ted would have been more concerned with her welfare.Even William Shatner called 911 when he found his wife at the bottom of his swimming pool.
 However, on a positive note,Ted Kennedy was a tireless worker in the Senate.His name is on more pieces of legislation than any Senator in American History.Too bad most of it was designed to undermine our country and the constitution. Whether trying to get guns banned,or illegal immigrants citizen status,or third world socialized medicine in our country, he was indeed a tireless worker.
He fought for abortion rights,and cheated on his wife openly,yet remained  a Roman Catholic.
He called for the overthrow of Saddam Hussien and warned of his weapons of  mass destruction,yet later called President Bush a liar when we declared waer on Iraq and the weapons were not found.
He supported Barack Obama for President and assured Obama's nomination with his endorsement , despite the evidence of Obama's Marxist ties that linked him to communists and dangerous radicals that hate this country and seek it's downfall. The result is a growing deficit, gov't takeover of private businesses and a gov't run medical system being proposed that is straight out of communism 101.Yeah, thanks for your endorsement Ted. When Obama's not pushing radical programs, he's hiring actual communists to work for him, right Mr.Van Jones, Mr. Green Czar?
And the cherry on this commie sundae is the recent decision by Attorney General Eric Holder to prosecute CIA agents for 'illegal" activities while interrogating terrorists and preventing attacks on our soil for eight years. Didn't President Obama say he wanted to 'move on" and said he would not pursue this " MoveOn.Org', get George Bush" agenda? One more broken promise I guess, just like no middle class tax increase.
Senator Kennedy once told his son,who had lost his leg to cancer,that there was nothing in life that he couldn't do. Good words. And True words. It's just a shame that Ted Kennedy never had the same faith in the American people to also overcome their own obstacles and pursue their dreams.without a government handout,coutesy of the American Taxpayer.

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