Friday, October 16, 2009

The Grimm Fairytale of Socialism, Part 2

Every Liberal should find someone in need and cut him a check. If every Socialist Liberal would do this, problem solved. Show how caring, how concerned, you are with your fellow man's welfare with your own cash.
But, this is not, and never will be, a socialist country , and you can't make me by Government force have a health care program if I don't want it.That's called Marxism,which belongs in second rate Marxist countries. Our Tax dollars are for funding the military defense of our country, foreign and domestic. Period.
And stop using Jesus as a Socialist crutch. Jesus spoke about you, as an individual, helping your fellow man, not the government collecting money from unwilling citizens for "forced charity" If it's forced' it ain't charity , President Obama! Why do you think Jesus attacked the money changers in the Temple? Because they were using his Father's house as a means of making a profit, just like the Obama Administration, pulling the " Jesus" rabbit out of their hats, to sell their Tax and Spend Socialist Agenda, which benefits no one,except Liberal Democrats, by expanding their power base and securing control over their voting base.

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