Monday, March 23, 2009

Relief Pitcher; Sarah Palin

Barack Obama had himself a busy week.During which, he has managed to lie about the AIG bailout bonuses,along with his henchmen Dodd and Geitner;To call for all injured soldiers to pay for their own health care ,and last but not least;to insult people who compete in the Special Olympics.
This is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces? He knew the the AIG bonuses were in the original contract and he knows that the main responsibility of a sitting president is to protect and defend this country and it's soldiers that give their lives toward this end.
He goes on Jay Leno and makes fun of his bowling skills by deriding  Special Olympic competitors.This is the man who was touted to be smarter than George Bush?What nonsense.George Bush's school records have been released, Mr. President, how about yours? Of course I can readily understand why he won't release them. Anyone who thanks himself during a speech because his teleprompter told him to obviously ain't a rocket scientist.
Hope and Change? Yeah; let's "Hope" we can "Change" Presidents real soon. I'm sure Sarah Palin is ready to step in at a moments notice.You know Pres. Obama, the crude hick who didn't have any experience? Except for running an entire state ,that is. Long live George Bush!!

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