With the release of the anniversary edition of Walt Disney,s Peter Pan comes the question;is this cartoon suitable for children? Well, lets examine the content and see.First, lets examine the author of the story himself,who had some legal controversy over his associatons with
children,sound familiar Michal Jackson? But that aside, lets look at the cartoon itself.I myself had not seen it since I was a kid ,so it kind of surprised me to see it through the cynicism of an adult perspective. To begin with ,Peter Pan is seen in menacing sillouette on the rooftop of the children,s home,waiting , believe it or not, for the parents to leave the house so he can break in the home through the children,s bedroom window! Then, he begins a thorough ransacking of the kids room, looking for his shadow supposedly! Yeah , that,ll hold up in court Pete! Next, he kidnaps them, and takes them to his hidden island filled with other children that he has abducted .
It gets even better. Captain Hook at one point shoots and kills one of his pirate crew for singing too loud,and I don,t mean the way Bugs and Daffy shot each other during rabbit and duck season, where they simply have blackened faces and burnt feathers, no I mean he shot him dead in the context of the cartoon.
The scene involving the Indian tribe is interesting too. The braves are colored the brighest red this side of an apple, and offer a peace pipe to children who are clearly too young to smoke!
And The kids,led by bad influence Pan, smoke it too!
My personal favorite, is the scene involving no less than Tinkerbelle in a blatant act of terrorism! It seems that when Miss Belle grows jealous of Pete,s attentions to the underage Wendy,she first attempts to make her crash while flying, and later even goes as far as to betray her to Captain Hook, resulting in a bomb planted in a clock designed to blow Wendy and everyone else to kingdom come! Watch the DVD, I,m not making this up!
Now of course I,m not really outraged by this, and other examples in the film ,but simply demonstrating how easy it is to fake outrage over complete non issues. The Bugs Bunny,Bullwinkle, Speed Racer , Jonny Quest and many other great cartoons that I remember as a kid were violent and written on an adult level; but are still far better than the mindless,drivel being made for kids now that are nothing more than an insult to childrens intellegence.Its not the violence but the intent behind the violence. Does good triumph over evil?Is the violence humerous? The three Stooges were. And still are to new generations of viewers. In summation for all of it,s politically incorrect flaws, the moral and heart of the cartoon Peter Pan is good and fine for kids then, and now.No matter what politically correct liberal phonies say.When popular Xbox games glamorize crazy postal workers and murderous drug gang goons you need not breathe very deep to smell the hypocracy.
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Your off your rocker
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