Could this tradgedy have been prevented? Probably not. When some nut decides to go on a shooting spree and then take himself out,he,s probably going to do it.
Does this mean that students and faculty alike should just line up like sacrificial sheep going to the slaughter? No! This campus was asleep at the switch in notifying students after the initial shooting,asleep in providing armed security to protect the grounds ,and criminally negligent in their public declaration that this campus was a gun free zone. Imagine advertising the fact that you are unable to protect the children that have been placed in your care , and in such an arrogantly , smug and politically correct manner! When is this anti gun
nonsense going to end?How many more of our children must die because of some misguided liberal agenda that promotes gun control for the good guys and in the process turns our school grounds into a shooting gallery for these scum who don,t have the guts to do the decent thing and just blow their own twisted brains out and leave our children alone.
Am I promoting arming our schools? You bet your sweet bippy Iam! The simple fact is that past on campus incidents like this one were prevented from escalating be cause of students and faculty that had guns and knew how to use them.This tragedy may not have been prevented but armed faculty and even students could have lessened the number of innocent lives lost.
Sound crazy and extremist?I really don,t care. I am right and you are wrong and my method lets more chidren live than your method.
One final thought. The previous worst mass murder on our soil was in Texas a few years back, wnen a psycho crashed his car into a mall restaurant and began calmly shooting the customers, one by one. One of the diners was a local Texas congresswoman
who was eating with her parents. She realized she could take him out , since she had her gun in her purse and the killer had his back to her.
Her heart sunk , when she realized that she had left her gun in her car, due to a new local carry permit law that said guns must be left in your vehicle. That law cost her the life of both of her parents, who were shot to death right in front of her.So much for worrying about what the public thinks. I Want my child to live, even if it,s over the body of your mass murdering child, and you can bet thats one congresswoman that wont let public perception influence her personal safety decisions again.
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