Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Nuclear War Monkeys

This entry will explain the meaning of the name of this blog, "warmonkey".
President Bush has done nothing for this country, killed Americans for oil and the people who elected him are brain dead rednecks.When is this ignorant cowardly rhetoric going to end?
The war was justified,Saddam had weapons, used them on his own people,shot at our planes during a cease fire, and blocked weapon inspectors.AND did I FAIL TO MENTION  FINANCING AND TRAINING TERRORISTS?
Saddam is well gone,his child raping and murdering sons are well gone,and we are fighting this thing until it,s over, end of story. I love these peace loving bush haters who hate the war but tolerate gang shootings, and drug warfare in their own neighborhoods that kill their own children.Guns killed their chidren not the drug dealing scum that pointed and fired the weapon.
AND HOW ABOUT SMOKING? Everyone screams about smokers rights,while cigarettes kill more people every year than the Iraq war ever will. Why don,t you Bush haters admit the real issue?You are afraid of the terrorists,so you,re trying to show them that you support them by hating our president.It,s called Stockholm Syndrome,look it up somtime geniuses.
Face facts peace lovers.You who cut people off in traffic, insult waitresses, pick fights with salesgirls and bartenders,need to accept reality.We are a warlike hostile species war is the best path to peace and always has been. History proves this . The Japanese and South Koreans are staunch supporters of our country and the fight against terror, despite the long and bloody conflicts that we had with both countries, not to mention Germany,another peace loving nation, thanks to us of course.
Yes, we are a violent , warlike species, but we fight for freedom in the U.S, NOT TYRANNY, AND THAT IS WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT!
After all, The Japanese had two , count em, two, nuclear bombs dropped on them by us, and now their president visits Graceland with our President.Nothing brings people closer together than nuclear war apparently.


Anonymous said...

You're an idiot.

George Bush likes to present himself as a straight-talking, regular guy. But it's an act -- regular guys don't go to Andover Prep, Yale and Harvard Business School, and straight-talking guys don't pretend to be regular guys after growing up in one of the most privileged homes in world history. Not only was Bush's dad president, his grandpa was a U.S. Senator and wealthy Wall Street banker, and his mom's blueblood family owned (among other things) the estate in Maine that Bush still hangs out at.

Now, as Bush's regular guy act is wearing thin, some of his other deceptions are becoming more obvious.

George Bush, Junior sold 60% of his stock in Harken Oil in June, 1990 for $848,560. That was brilliant timing; in August, Iraq invaded Kuwait and Harken's stock dropped 25%. Soon after, a big quarterly loss caused it to drop further.

A secret State Deparment memo in May of that year had warned that Saddam was out of control, and listed options for responding to him, including an oil ban that might affect US oil prices.

We can't be sure that the President or an aide mentioned these developments to his son, or that Harken's representative who was admitted to meetings with the President picked up something and reported back to Junior. But it is the simplest and most logical explanation. The Bushes acknowledge that George Senior and his sons consult on political strategy and other matters constantly.

Furthermore, Harken's internal financial advisers at Smith Barney had issued a report in May warning of the company's deteriorating finances. Harken owed more than $150 million to banks and other creditors at the time. George Bush, Jr. was a member of the board and also of Harken's restructuring committee, which met in May and worked directly with the Smith Barney consultants. He must have known of these warnings.

These are pretty clear-cut indications of illegal insider trading. The Securities and Exchange Commission, controlled at the time by President George Bush, investigated but chose not to press charges.

Junior also violated another SEC rule explicitly. He was required to register his sale as an insider trade by July 10, 1990, but didn't until March 1991, after the Gulf War was over. He was not punished or cited.

Anonymous said...

Number of American troops in Iraq, June 2007: Approximately 156,000.

Number of American troops in Iraq, May 1, 2003, the day President Bush declared "major combat operations" in that country "ended": Approximately 130,000.

Number of Sunni insurgents in Iraq, May 2007: At least 100,000, according to Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar on his most recent visit to the country.

American military dead in the surge months, February 1-June 26, 2007: 481.

American military dead, February-June 2006: 292.

Number of contractors killed in the first three months of 2007: At least 146, a significant surge over previous years. (Contractor deaths sometimes go unreported and so these figures are likely to be incomplete.)

Number of American troops Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and other Pentagon civilian strategists were convinced would be stationed in Iraq in August 2003, four months after Baghdad fell:): 30,000-40,000, according to Washington Post reporter Tom Ricks in his bestselling book Fiasco.

Anonymous said...

Hassan had weapons provided by the US. He was allowed to use them on his people by the US. This was during the Gulf War.

He didn't have any of the WMD as claimed by the Neo-cons as the basis of the latest attack on Iraq.

Anonymous said...

"Saddam is well gone, his child raping and murdering sons are well gone, and we are fighting this thing until it,s over, end of story."

That sounds all well and good. But how do we know when "it's over"? That underscores the illogical point of a war on terror. It's a tactic, not a country! There won't be a surrender and a signed treaty. So basically it's an endorsement of a policy of endless war against an undefined enemy. And if you support a policy of endless war and are healthy, perhaps you should enlist to help with the effort. We had a recruting shortfall in the military right now.

When will ever be able to know that the war in Iraq is over? Of course, if one of the unstated goals was to build permanent bases in Iraq and eventually oversee production of their oil, then a policy of endless war in Iraq sort of makes sense.

I was opposed to invading Iraq, not because there weren't legitimate human rights reasons to do so, but strategically I saw it as unnecessary, would result in a quagmire (as Dick Cheney said from 1991 until 9/11/01), and a drain on valuable resources. I thought....Why Iraq? Why now? Terrorism and especially al Qaeda is most prosperous in areas with weak governments lacking power(i.e., Afghanistan and Pakistan). I thought toppling Saddam might just create a situation that is more friendly to al Qaeda during the power vacuum that would ensue. It was the old devil you know being better than the devil you don't know.

We're spending $10B a month of our tax dollars, approaching $1 Trillion total since March '03 to try to help Iraq build a stabile government. And none of that has been paid yet, due to the way the Bush Administration has budgeted the war funding. Our children and grandchildren will have to pickup that tab.

If we had leadership that used their head more than their guts, perhaps we wouldn't be in the situation we are. Whoever has the fortune/misfortune of inheriting this mess and other domestic problems in 2009 (New Orleans still hasn't been rebuilt, healthcare, infrastructure repair, budget deficit, housing bubble, etc) has one hell of a job to do.