Tuesday, April 24, 2007

3 In 1 Blitzkreig

A few comments on a few issues. First, the Virginia Tech massacre.This reprehensible psycho should not have been able to kill these kids with impunity, when one armed goodguy could have taken him out. All of these  school type killings  occur in gun free zones . The killers are aware they are gun free zones. They planned their cowardly murders based on this fact. Why are they not targeting gun shows or NRA conventions?Guess it takes away some of the fun when you shoot at someone who can shoot back,Huh?
 Don Imus. He was fired because he is a liberal who works for a liberal radio station and a
liberal news network.Liberals are like pirahna fish, they tend to eat their own.Stern, O,Reilly,
Limbaugh,and Hannity have said far more controversial things,yet they still have their jobs.I rest my case.
Alec Baldwin. I actually thought he was pretty funny in his Cat in the Hat movie. He plays a man who gets revenge on a woman who rejects him by threatening her children . The kids, however, have the last laugh by cleverly outwitting the enraged, but slow witted Baldwin.With
the help of the hatted one, of course.Sound familiar?I mean,except for the cat part , of course.

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