Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This is the credo that scientists and researchers live by , and the most appallingly obvious one that conspiracy theorists stubbornly ignore. Whether you,re talking about bigfoot, aliens, Kennedy assasination,or
global warming, you have to cut through the theoretical crap and look at the cold hard
evidence that backs up your premise.Unless you are willing to do this, you have left science
behind and have crossed over into the boundaries of fanaticism.
Wanting something to be true is not the same thing as proving something to be true, right
evolution theorists?
I believe in the possibility of an unknown species of hominid walking the forests of North America,in fact unknown species are uncovered all the time,but to have the balls to start a
website with members who pay dues to the homage of a still unproven creature is foolish
and also has the stench of cheap fairground tricksterism.
This also applies to Al Gore and his global warming theory.Back in the seventies, it was the
global ice age theory,which was great for scaring gullible people, but also had no hard scientific evidence to back up the hyperbole.
This is what I,ll be raving about in this and in future entries,plus any political theories thatI feel need to be addressed, such as the cold hard fact that war is the only true proven way to assure peace. History proves me correct on this, so don,t dispute me, crack a book once in a while, and you,ll get a dose of truth, not theory.
One final thought regarding global warming and the flooding of the earth it will cause. Take a
glass , fill it halfway with water and add ice until the ice extends over the top of the glass. Now, if Mr. Gore,s theory is correct , as the ice melts, it should flow over the glass, spilling
on the table it sits on. But proven science, not hysterical theory,has proven that the ice can
only occupy the same amount of space as a liquid that it occupied as a solid, therefore creating no spill.But I guess Mr. Gore would,nt know this, since since ice is banned in his house. You see, it wastes energy for his fridge to make it .
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