The recent foiling of a terrorist plot to attack Fort Dix has been fortunately prevented, thanks to a store clerk who had the good sense to look at the film they had dropped off for processing, and realize that this was not an NRA spring outing that he was looking at. Good to see that some people realize that the solution to terrorism is not in the hands of Homeland Security crackdowns, but in the hands of the people, you know, as in WE THE PEOPLE! We must never forget that ultimately our freedom and security are in our own hands, after all, that,s how we formed this great nation of ours to begin with, by rising up against our oppressors and taking back our God given rights from those who thought they could run our lives better than we could. The cost of freedom is constant vigilance. Ben Franklin said that, think and it is as true now against Islamic extremist as it was then against the British.We must take heed and follow this private citizens example, just as private citizen Franklin,s example set the wheels of democracy turning more than 200 years ago
People seem surprised to learn that Islamic extremist have now begun to use characters like Mickey Mouse to promote Jihad among school children.Why? This is a common tactic in extreme movements, PETA used comic books for their message, cigarettes used a cartoon camel,even the Nazis had their own special youth program!
What to do about it? Simple really. Use cartoons to promote anti terror messages! It,s not as goofy an idea as it sounds. During WW2, a whole host of anti axis cartoon shorts were produced for movie audiences , many of them featuring Bugs Bunny using his beloved dynamite in a carrot trick to blow up many a Nazi and Japanese solldier! Even Superman showed his politically incorrect side when he encouraged his comic reading fans toSLAP A JAP! The simple fact is these methods are designed to form the thinking and ideals of our youth.For they will eventually shape the world in their image and ideals . Ijust hope they are not learning those ideals from Jihad Mickey!
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