The old saying, there are no free lunches", is quite accurate, and applies to our immigration and health care problems. First, to solve the illegal immigrant issue is really quite simple,build a fence,protect the border.If this is a country and not an international soup kitchen we must have borders.Otherwise,we live in a big lump of dirt, which certainly then does not require a flag or a constitution, or even an official language, for that matter. Sounds kinda like one giant penal colony , like that movie Escape from New York .Iguess that would make president Bush the Duke of New York, like the Issac Hayes character.
Build the fence, for Christ,s sake! If fences don't work , then why do they put them around prisons?
Next, punish companies and employers who hire these people.If you hire an illegal, a monetary fine and possible prison sentence would certainly persuade companies to check backgrounds of potential employees. If they can't get work, they will be back over that border faster than Speedy Gonzales!
Now, Health Care. You can't have free health care. This country is a free democracy , not a socialist bread line. Affordable health care in a free market where the buyer can pick and choose in a healthy capitalistic competition is how it works in free nations with free enterprise economies.If you don,t like it, go live in a socialist country that gives handouts and free health care.If you like waiting several months for emergency surgery that is. All the people of France and Canada come here for treatment when they are really sick. The reason?According to these foreigners, we have the best health care in the world! Shocking isn,t it?After all, freebies usually are the best indication of a high quality product, right?
And it is not free, by the way.These countries are just more brazen at picking their citizens pockets with taxes that pay for the treatment of people too lazy to work, and too lazy to exercise,quit smoking ,or watch their diets.Whats next? Free Lunches??
You are correct Healthcare is not free in Europe and Canada. Nothing is free. Police and firefighters aren't free. Trash collection isn't free. The library isn't free. Public school isn't free. Our national defense isn't free. We all pay for this stuff with our tax dollars. A universal health care system that covers you from cradle to grave would not be any different. The real fear of conservatives is that a majority of Americans might actually prefer that system once it was instituted.
The system proposed by John Edwards and a version of it by Barack Obama would cover you on a basic level for checkups and basic care. If you had the money, you could always seek out better care in an open market. You wouldn't have to go to this particular doctor or surgeon. But your basic needs would be covered. In many ways it'd be just like our system today, except everyone would be covered for basic procedures and the government would be paying it instead of insurance companies.
Cut out the insurance companies (the middle men, basically) of the mix. They are the biggest contributor to high health care costs which covers less and less each year.
I agree American health care is good. But I don't think it's the best in the world. How do you explain the World Health Organization rating Americans' health care system somewhere in the 30's overall. We still have infant mortality rates that rival 3rd World countries. Our life expectancy is nowhere near the top.
And people don't wait in line for emergency procedures in Europe and Canada. You do wait longer for elective surgery and monthly checkups and the like, but not emergencies. That's a talking point of the Right Wing that (as usual), just isn't true. But if you repeat the lie enough, enough people get scared and believe you.
I always inspired by you, your opinion and attitude, again, thanks for this nice post.
- Norman
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