There are three reasons why Hillary Clinton must not become President. Number One, she is a communist. Forget about Hillary Care, Higher taxes for the so called rich, and the complete inability to answer a simple yes or no question regarding whether illegals should have valid drivers licenses, the simple fact is that she makes Stalin look like Yankee Doodle Dandy .This is a woman whose mentor and idol in college was a professor who made no bones about the fact that he was a card carrying commie.It takes a village?Forced Health Care for everyone? Sorry comrade Clinton, but in America we believe it takes an individual, a free individual, who can decide himself whether or not he wants health coverage , from a free market run, not government run, Insurance company.She believes in big government and small , insignificant citizens , who will just shut up and vote for her with no questions asked. After all, who are we to ask her questions about her qualifications to be president? Don't you realize she was married to the President for eight years?
Secondly,she is a woman.Now, don't get all upset ladies , let me explain what I mean. As a woman, she is subject to more emotional reactions to decisions that could affect the security of our nation. Do we really want someone with PMS to have access to nuclear missles?Or an entire army, airforce, and navy for that matter?And we already know she has a vicious temper, just ask Bill.
Let me put forth a hypothetical scenario just to illustrate what I mean. Hillary is PRESIDENT, and her relationship with her husband is far from cozy and cuddly. A Russian spy is recruited to Wine and Dine President Clinton and ultimately get her to fall in love with him. Sound like crazy James Bond nonsense you say?Picture this if you will;
Russian Agent: " You know, you are really quite beautiful , my dear". "More wine?"
Hillary:"You really think I'm beautiful?" Well, all right, I guess I could show you a couple of the missiles ".
Third reason; Hillary will divorce Bill. That's right Bill Clinton fans . If you are voting for this unqualified pain in the ass just to see Bill back in charge, dream on, folks.She only stayed with this letcherous loser this long to further her political career , and if she becomes president, she will no longer need him.So, she will dump him, shack up with a russian spy that sweeps her off her feet, and then tells him all the missile launch codes during a prolonged session of "pillow talk".
So in conclusion , a vote for Hillary will ensure Communist takeover and possible nuclear war. Think before you pull that lever, comrade.
I fail to see what's wrong with being a communist. If you like capitalism where greedy corporations make money off the backs of hard working Americans, then maybe there isn't any hope left for you. But in this day and age, wealth redistribution is the only way we can get the poor people up to the standards of everyone else. Hillary is the only recognizes this. And it's not like we're all going to be communist over night. She knows the negative repercussions that would result in attempting to change a system of government so quickly. That's why we will first convert to socialism and only after the people have adjusted, will we go more towards communism.
That almost makes me want to vote for her...
but in America we believe it takes an individual, a free individual, who can decide himself whether or not he wants health coverage , from a free market run, not government run, Insurance company.
I just love this comment. This might be the case if it were actually possible for an individual get get health insurance. Lets assume the individual is actually able to afford non employer provided health insurance. what does this independent policy cover. Not a damn thing. And if you try to file a claim to get something covered that the policy states is covered have fun trying to get them to cover it. It will take hiring a lawyer and threatening to take them to court over it before they do. There are people out there who's insurance companies are refusing to pay for treatments they need and when they get sick because they can't get the care they need the companies are refusing to pay for treatment for those illnesses. My husband had a 30 thousand dollar surgery to repair hernia's a few years ago and when his doctor filed the claim they insisted that my husbands policy didn't exist. it turns out they had his social incorrect. After the correction they said it was a new policy and still refused to cover the surgery. We had to declare bankruptcy.
This is not government run health care. Have you even read her policy on this matter. The is policy says you can keep your employer provided health care and it cannot be terminated if you choose to leave your job and take one without it. It also says we are entitled to the same health care senators receive and will give us access to there health care packages. She also says we should be allowed to "opt into" health care such as Medicaid instead of having to jump through hoops to "qualify" for it.
You are joking, right? Your arguments for not voting for Hillary is not really that she is a communist (because she isn't) or because she has a period?
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