Some advice for those who commented on my recent blog entries;
First,when you start off your arguement with a personal attack or insult , you have already lost the debate ,just like the bully in the schoolyard who loses the fight , so he resorts to name calling out of frustration.
Secondly, when Emailing a counter point , don't have the name of the left wing blog on the comments you send. It gives the impression that these opinions and statistics that you are spouting aren't really yours, but those of the Bush bashing blogosphere that you have slavishly memorized. It,s okay to have an opinion,even though you're wrong of course, but back it up with statistics and information obtained from independent sources, not these sites that spin the stats and facts to suit thier plan to have the hated and evil Bush ogre impeached and banished from their liberal utopian fantasy land.
Third, and most important, children, use only facts, proven facts,in yor arguement , not hate filled sour grapes theories and conspiracy scenarios.
Yes, Virginia, there is no Santa Claus, no Tooth Fairy , no Boogyman, and no 911 Bush Saudi inside job . But, if you can't deal with the reality of the facts and hard evidence that supports this, try reading material more up your alley , like Hans Christian Anderson or The Brothers Grimm. Although, even these guys would dismiss your stories as fairy tales.
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