Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jesus Christ , Part Man , Part God , All Republican.

With Christmas  now upon us, it's time to address some issues that seem to really bug some secular liberals about this holiest of holiday seasons.First, there is the issue of what we are actually celebrating ,which seems to be up for debate , in some very confused minds.
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the Son of God, pure and simple. If you have a problem with that, then don't celebrate it.Don't wander around in malls desperately looking for the perfect gifts for family and friends and work yourself up into a holiday stress syndrome if you are offended by the phrase "Merry Christmas". After all ,the word "Christ" is in the name of the holiday, for Christ's sake! It's a religious holiday, not a shopping orgy mall rats! Even Santa Claus is a saint , ya know, Saint Nicholas, who just happens to be a real guy by the way.
The next issue is this annoying habit all liberal Bush haters seem to have when they disagree with the president. They  love to throw up the theory that Jesus would not  approve of war ,and would certainly approve of socialized government programs that give freebies to people by taking the money from hard working people. This is NONSENSE. First, Jesus was not a pacifist who believed it's somehow wrong to defend yourself , your family, or your country against evil. On the contrary,The Bible strongly contradicts this.
First, on the issue of defending the innocent, Jesus states clearly that any one who harms an innocent child should be flung into the sea , with a millstone around his neck, and he further stated that it would be better if such a person were never born to begin with.
He physically defends the adulteress who is about to be stoned to death, and uses a whip to forcefully drive the moneychangers from his father's house, which is the Temple , of course.
And, as far as the "turn the other cheek" line goes,Jesus himself when he is struck by  a temple official verbally challenges him, and states that if what he said is true then he does not deserve to be hit . In other words, he is angry at the unjust assault and lets the priest know it, in no uncertain terms.
He also instructs the apostles to carry swords for protection , and peter uses his to cut off a soldier's ear in defense of Jesus!
In fact, most of Jesus life was spent in a very confrontational and agitational manner , and never passed up an opportunity to call the religious and govt. officials of yhe time "Hypocrites".
And, for all you tree hugging ,Greenpeacers out there, remember that Jesus once touched a fig tree and made it wither, simply because he was annoyed that the tree had no figs for him to eat!
Finally there are the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, "I come not to bring peace, but a sword".
So, in conclusion, I think that all this evidence proves that not only was jesus not a pacifist, but would probably make an excellent Vice President if anything happens to Dick Cheney!

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