The time has come for Al Gore to run for President again.Based on what? A film showing a doomsday scenario of ice caps melting and polar bears drowning? Even Hans Christian Anderson would dismiss this film as a fairy tale.
Besides,let's say the ice does melt.Polar bears are extremely aquatic, and can swim in frigid waters for hundreds of miles; that's more than Al Gore can say.And let's say you're a polar bear, and you're stalking your prey, which in this case is, let's say, Al Gore.
Now, do you think the polar bear has a better chance of stalking and killing Al Gore on solid grass and dirt, or on a sheet of ice?True, Al doesn't look like he's too swift a runner,but you have to admit the bear would have a much easier time catching and killing Al on dry ground than on ice.
So,finally, Global Warming doesn't really look that bad, after all. The grass is green,the flowers blooming, and Al Gore has made a significant contribution to saving an endangered polar bear's life.
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