Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Pontius Pilate Syndrome

Should Scooter Libby be pardoned?Absolutely not. You see,in order to be pardoned of a crime, there has to be a crime to begin with. Despite the fact that Valerie Plame's husband ,Joe Wilson,had been telling everyone including their housekeeper,what his wife did for a living for years, and the fact that the special prosecutor knew that it was actually Richard Armitage who had "outed" Plame, the fate of Scooter Libby seemed almost pre-ordained.
The reason for this is simple, good ol' fashioned political scapegoat-ism.You see, when our new democrat dominated congress was elected, complete with speaker of the house Pelosi,it was expected,as one of it's first duties, to bring down the Bush administration by impeachment.George Soros and his pals over at Move On . Org has invested a lot of time and money toward this end, and now Pelosi and crew could make this happen.
However, when Speaker Pelosi made it clear that she would not pursue this time and money wasting endeavor,someone else had to be brought down, as sort of a consolation prize.
Enter Scooter Libby, scapegoat and all around fall guy for the Bush administration.And this time the liberal need for conservative blood was so strong,that even the overwhelming evidence of Libby's innocence could not save him. For twisted political ideology and hatred of Bush-Cheney he had to fall. Sure, the President can still pardon him , should his appeal fail, and he probably will, but even a full Presidential pardon cannot erase the disgrace of  this entire kangaroo court fiasco ever occuring at all.
 But Libby shouldn't feel too bad , since he's not the first innocent political figure to be convicted to appease the masses. Pontius Pilate did the same thing to Jesus Christ, simply to keep peace withinhis political party and to appease the bloodthirsty crowd during Passover.But, at least Pilate had the decency to express guilt and regret over his crucifixion, and didn't gloat over it , like Pelosi and company.
And incidentally, in case anyone's interested, you can't "out" a C I A agent that wasn't covert for over five years!!!

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