The debate over electronic surviellance cameras in the streets of our cities continues to rage on.Those opposed to them feel that they are a violation of their privacy and freedom, suggesting that it,s just another example of the government taking away a basic right guaranteed by the constitution.
In response to this,I must ask the question, what right are you really concerned with anyway? Earlier this week,a World War 2 veteran was car jacked by a young thug who struck the elderly gentleman at least twenty times to the head in an effort to get him to relinquish his vehicle, while several witnesses just stood staring, as helpless and pathetic as sheep.The entire incident was captured on hidden camera,fortunately,which will hopefully lead to the capture of this mindless animal who gives pond scum a bad name.Now the question is, what right are we defending here by objecting to this on street surviellance? The right to beat an old man in complete privacy? The right to watch the beating like timid cowardly sheep without being shamed by a video recording ?Or is it just the right to not be bothered by such depressing images on the news at night, images which may remind you that some camera may one day capture your criminal activities for all the world to see and judge.What kind of rights do we think we have anyway?
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