This Christmas, we have had a man dressed as Santa killing his family ; a man shooting a group of people on Christmas day because they were talking too loud at the movies, and assorted shootings and murders throughout the city during the entire Christmas season. This should come as no surprise .This time of year inspires violence and crime.Just as the vampire is repelled by the crucifix and Holy water ; so too are the evil people that infest our society repelled by the celebration of the birthday of the Son of God.That's why they try so hard to ban Nativity displays and other Christmas related decorations. The sight of them pains those who are evil like a canker sore. |
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas; A threat to evil
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Greatest of All Time; George W. Bush
Displaying the reflexes of a panther; President Bush dodged not one ;but two shoes that were hurled at him by an angry Iraqi reporter , during a recent visit to Baghdad. Bush's skillful dodging of the missiles and his casual humour after the incident gives one more reason to consider this man the greatest President of all time. His other assets are; Greatest War President.We have been safe for eight years from an enemy that is determined to destroy us. That is no accident Bush Haters. Greatest Tax Cuts.He pulled out all the stops to make sure his cuts were enacted and also extended. Greatest appointments of conservative judges.Judges that will correctly interpret the Constitution. Greatest aid to Africa and the fight against Aids and poverty; in fact,he may wind up getting a Nobel Peace Prize for his work.He certainly deserves it more than Al Gore did. Greatest in living a scandal free life as President.Not even Reagan could compare, since Nancy was heavily into Astrology and was a bit of a control freak. And, last but not least ,most physically fit President in History. Sure ,Kennedy looked good,but was a physical wreck hooked pain killers and Obama smokes like a chiminey. Yep, when you look at all the evidence ; including his ability to dodge objects hurled at him with casual grace and the agility of an teenager,Bush has to be the Greatest President of all time; except for George Washington ; maybe. |
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Obama and Hillary ; The Art of the Big Con
So, now Obama claims that he never spoke to Illinois Gov. Rod Blogojevich about the filling of his vacant Senate seat.Blagojevich, of course has been recently arrested on charges of trying to "sell" the senate position , which if true ,is probably the sleaziest political manuvering in the history of Chicago pay to play politics. The Obama saga just keeps getting better and better,and he hasn't even taken office yet. He didn't know Ayers , the terrorist, he never heard of Rev. Wright's racist rants,he never was involved in slumlord Tony Rezco's sleazy dealings ; and now , he says he never spoke to Gov. Blagojevich , despite his campaign manager David Axelrod's statement that he, in fact, did. Add to all this the appointment of Hillary as Secretary of State as well as most of President Clinton's previous staff as his cabinet ; and you have a man who doesn't remind you of Lincoln or Kennedy ,but Paul Newman from The Sting".As a matter of fact I'll bet that as soon as he is sworn in both he and Hillary will probably give each other that sly wink and finger to the side of the nose that Redford and Newman gave each other at the end of the movies sucessful "Big Con".Add to the mix the keeping of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates; one of the architects of the Iraq War ; and you have a con that would be dismissed by the "Stings" screenwriters as far fetched and implausible. |
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Walmart Kill Crew Shopping Spree
In the aftermath of the death of a Wal Mart employee at the hands of a rabid bargain hunting mob of morons, I can now readily understand why department stores pushed so hard to get the word "Christmas" out of the holidays last year. After all , if you're in the middle of killing someone who is slowing down your pursuit of sweat socks on sale;you certainly don't want a replica of the baby Jesus staring you down,possibly casting judgement on your actions. Yep,taking the"Christ" out of Christmas was a real good idea wasn't it?You know,it might be time for the man upstairs to unleash another flood or two, you know, just as paybacks for the wonderful way that we celebrate his son's birthday. |
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Give Thanks To The Man From Texas
This Thanksgiving, I would like to give thanks to those who truly deserve it most. First, President Bush, who kept us safe for eight years from terror attacks.We all owe him a debt that can never be repaid. I n the face of cowardly jackals that called him a liar and a murderer that masterminded 911 he remained steadfast and resolute; and did his job as commander in chief. Forget the nonsense by the looney left that asked where the WMD,s were , or said that Saddam Hussein was not responsible for these attacks. He had them and we are still finding them.Yellow cake uranium was just found a few weeks ago; in addition to all the other weapons we found that Saddam used against his own people.800 thousand people slaughtered by this madman and his evil sons and there are still jackasses who think we should not have taken him out. He had the weapons. We gave him a lot of them, sop we know he had them. So, his evil ass is gone and Iraqis now have a democratic parliament and free elections.Stick that where the sun don't shine you miserable cowardly liberals.Saddam was a long time sponser of terror by funding them with his own cash and providing them with training facilities and hospital care. If you are still one of those people that don't get that then you should pull your head out of your liberal un American ass and face reality.The war in Iraq is won. Our brave troops that are , by the way, volunteers, did a magnificent job , and they are the ones beside our commander in chief that I thank for protecting us and our families, so that we can all enjoy another Thanksgiving in a free nation.Frredom isn't free , and we owe the president and our brave soldiers a debt that can never be repaid . So sit down, shut up , eat your turkey, and stop bashing the man from Texas who endured your pathetic nonsense for eight years because he loves this country and our freedom we enjoy More than you who mocked him, That's for sure.Ask the troops if the war is just, their opinion counts more than yours, since they know what the hell they are talking about. |
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Never go against the family , Barack
Some say that Barack Obama is the new Kennedy. Some say he's the new Lincoln. Some even say that he's the living embodiment of Franklin Roosevelt. But, I think these comparisons are way off base. Actually , Obama is more like Michael Corleone from the Godfather movies. Like Michael Corleone, Barack Obama may find that it is much easier to play "armchair quarterback" , than to actually be the one in charge , who must make life or death decisions against those who are dedicated to destroy him and his "family" of fellow Americans. The Bush Doctrine is very similar to the Corleone doctrine ,both basically emphasizing pre-emptive strikes against enemies before they grow into more serious threats.And Obama , like Corleone,believes himself to be above the brutal methods of his family , and feels that he can do it better ; with reason and diplomacy ,rather than violence and killing. However, that was before he met with President Bush , and before his top secret security briefings revealed to him the truth behind the war against terror ,and the Iraq conflict. Now he knows the truth. The same truth that Bush knew, that Clinton knew,and now he can no longer have the luxury of sitting back and bragging about being against the Iraq war and saying that the intelligence was 'manipulated". Now, as President, he will be forced to do the one thing that has eluded his entire political career up to now. He will be forced to make decisions. Many of them of a life or death matter . No more Bush lied and boys died, no more accusing soldiers of air raiding villages and killing civilians. Now, due to his security briefings ,and meetings with the President,he knows the truth , and it may force him to become the living embodiment of Bush's third term. In the movie , The Godfather , Michael becomes an even more brutal killer than his father or brother; realizing that meetings and diplomacy with the enemy were the tactics that led to the death of both of them. He finds that his version of The Bush Doctrine serves him very well indeed. Obama now faces a Presidency that must deal with a war on two fronts with no easy way out.He must continue the war and fight to win, since defeat would cripple his effectiveness as commander in chief and damage his image as President both at home and abroad. Economically , he will be a disaster of heavy taxes on the very industries that create jobs . He will eventually be forced to abandon most of his promised programs and have to cut taxes for all Americans or be damned as the new Jimmy Carter ; a lame duck President both at home and abroad. Like Michael Corleone, Barack may be forced to govern according to the established methods of the previous administration ; or face utter failure , and because of the terror threat, potential destruction. |
Friday, November 14, 2008
Obama and the myth of Camelot
It's no secret that the motivation of the press and media in their protection of Barack Obama during his run for President was a romantic notion that this man would somehow restore the good old days of the Kennedy administration . In fact, they pretty much regard him as the second coming of JFK. Unfortunately , this is a magnificent example of romantic myth overcoming grim reality. First, the Veitnam war was , in fact, escalated by the Kennedy administration.Before Kennedy, the United States was in Nam only in an advisor capacity, and during Kennedy's time as President, there was no outcry by the other Obama clone, Bobby Kennedy , regarding the war, until he himself was running for President. Strange how he would then say that freedom is only important when it's for our own people and when it doesn't cost "billions" of dollars. The other myth is even harder to understand.JFK and RFK did nothing to further the cause of civil rights.That was accomplished by Lyndon Johnson,who's name should be synonomous with the entire civil rights era.He did it all, really and he should be the one that Barack Obama should admire and emulate. There was one person who worked on the campaign of JFK who knew full well about the complete lack of concern by the Kennedy's for civil rights. That person was Sammy Davis Jr., singer and entertainer, who , after a tireless effort to help get out the vote for Jack,was told in no uncertain terms by Bobby that his presence at campaign rallies was unwelcome and might hurt Jack's chances to get elected. Wow!, no wonder Obama admires these brothers so much. No wonder the liberal media regards Barack as the next JFK. Jack and Bobby. What uniters. What champions for the dream of Martin Luther King. What nonsense.Hey Obama supporters, stop believing the "myth" of Camelot and face reality. Obama is no Kennedy, and with JFK's stance on strong military,low taxes, support of Viet Nam war ,and no regard for civil rights , he shouldn't want to be. |
Sunday, November 9, 2008
P.T. Barnum's Disciple of Change
Congratulations Mr. Obama, tonight with your half hour infomercial you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that your word is worthless. Remember your promise on campaign finance reform?I assume you don't because if you did you would not have run this stiff , phony, half hour indoctrination film that made Kim Jong Ill's propaganda films look warm and down to earth. I like the fact that you were depicted in an Oval Office Setting looking very Presidential. Don't count on this becoming reality, Obama fans. Always remember the words of Obama's mentor , P. T.Barnum ; You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the voters, er ah, I mean people, all of the time. But I must admit I really liked the film , but I was kinda hoping that they would show his other one. You know , the one that the L.A. Times has that shows Barack toasting and praising his other radical friend Rashid Khalidi , you know , the palistinian terrorist supporter and anti semite that thinks Israel is a terrorist state |
Friday, November 7, 2008
Barack Obama ; Bush's Third Term?
Congratulations to President Elect Barack Obama on a hard fought, hard bought victory. I think has purchased a fine young puppet, er, ah, I mean President. I felt the most touching , most heartwarming moment of victory night was when Obama's wife and children were escorted off stage , so that Barack could bask in the adulation of his disciples without the annoying distraction of family or Vice- Presidents to steal his spotlight. Another warm hearted moment was hard working Acorn volunteers,showing up to get paid for their tireless efforts to get the "Messiah" elected , only to be told that the "check is in the mail". Yeah, sure it is . But , you should'nt be surprised Obamaites.Barack Obama breaks promises like it was a bodily function.Get used to it , and don't expect any money from this man,expect to have it taken from you .That's what he means by"Hard work and sacrifice".And don't expect Barack to sacrifice himself. No , Based on his work record up to this moment , I would say that Barack has adopted Curly from the Three Stooges attitude regarding the job;"I became President so I could retire" , NYUK, NYUK NYUK !! But, on a positive note, Brack has already met with Pres. Bush , ans has been briefed on top secret security issues involving the war.What this means is Obama's day's as a Bush bashing radical are over. He now knows security issues that the President is supposed to know, and he is now realizing that all the talk of "pulling out of Iraq " is nonsense , and he will have no choice but to defend this country and it's interests , because that , as he has now discovered, is what the commander in chief of the armed forces does. Forget Bush lied and boys died. Forget blood for oil. Forget 9-11 was an inside job. As President,he now knows the truth. He will either accept it and rise, or fall from grace very quickly and be damned by history.The choice is his ,and his future and his country's future and freedom are at stake. Hopefully he will forget the "CHANGE" nonsense , and act like the commander in chief of the armed forces he was elected to be , and keep his hands out of our wallets. |
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Obama 's Fatal Flaw, McCain's greatest strength
On the eve of election day, the biggest issue has still not been addressed .This election is an issue of good versus evil. I don't mean that Obama is evil . He is just a politician who believes in the radical socialist ideas of the aging ex- hippie professors preachers and homegrown terrorists that he has surrouded himself with . I guess he thinks they're cool , or something. The main reason , beyond any other, that Obama should not be president; now , or ever, is his most fatal flaw , his inability to recognize evil.That's it. Pure and simple.If you cannot recognize , or acknowledge the existence of evil , how can you possibly defeat it?Barack Obama's pattern during his years as an upcoming politician has been to surround himself with people that could help him politically, even if those people were questionable in character or possesed criminal backgrounds.Two issues prove my point. One , he sat in the church of a race baiting hater of America for twenty years, and did not seem bothered by the Rev. Wright's hate filled rhetoric.Number Two, when the state of Georgia was attacked by Russia Obama's response was to scold both sides equally. He seemed not to understand the difference between the two,despite the fact that Georgia was a democratic state , fighting to remain free . That is a fight that a future president should always support, but unfortunately, Obama failed this crucial test , and failed to show the resolve the President of the United States needs in situations of this nature. Forget healthcare, forget education forget taxes. The President first and foremost must defend this country from its enemies , foreign and domestic. That is it. Pure and simple. At the saddleback forum, Obama, s response to the way to deal with evil was to confront it , but to be careful not to commit evil in the process of fighting it. That statement, beyond all else that has been said by him,proves that deep down, like most liberals, he really doesn't see a difference between good and evil , he just feels that they have opposing viewpoints , nothing more.Obama as president would prefer to psycho- analyse an evil dictator, try to understand his viewpoint . This is nonsense. You don't explain evil , you destroy it , pure and simple. John McCain and Sarah Palin understand this , most Americans understand this , and that is why the Presidency and Vice Presidency will belong to McCain Palin. |
Friday, October 31, 2008
Holy Communist , Batman! Part 2
but recognize the fact that you are a socialist , perhaps even a communist, and that your views are shared by Hugo Chavez of Venezuela , and other communist dictators. As Bruce Wayne said ; "I know who you are"., and recognizing the enemy is the first and most important step in defeating it. |
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Holy Communist , Batman!
There's a line in the movie , Batman' , with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson that sums up perfectly our current political race.Bruce Wayne leans over to the Joker's ear and whispers,"I know who you are".That phrase could easily be applied to Barack Obama , his supporters, and the democratic party in general. When you look at the eight years of attacks on a President who simply destroyed an evil dictator and sponsor of terror who commited genocide on his own people., and the attacks on a man known simply as Joe the Plumber,;a hard working guy who dared to ask a question of a politician who supposedly represents him. And the attacks on Christianity and christmas , in particular,and of course,the obviously biased reporting on a man who, because of his radical beliefs and associations ,should never have been seriously considered for President. This man believes that money should be taken from the sucessful working man and given to someone else,by order of the government.The phrase "I know who you are" applies very well here. Sarah Palin stated at one of her rallies that there are parts of the country that are the "Real America".If you are deeply offended by that statement and yet have participated in these attacks on Christianity,President Bush, Joe the Plumber ,and yes, most recently Sarah Palin, then you should wake up to reality and stop being so sensitive.If you are one of those people who defended Barack Obama no matter what,participated in voter fraud with Acorn and believe that " redistribution of wealth" is , in fact ,the way this country should be moving , then don't be offended by Governor Palin's "Real Americans" statement. You should instead get up, look in the mirror , and accept the fact that if you truly believe in all these things , then you are indeed Un American . Accept it. Deal with it. Being American is more than just living on the soil it was founded on; it means that you also embrace the principles of freedom that God carved into our hearts and souls.And let no man , Obama or otherwise, tear those beliefs asunder and still dare to call themselves "AMERICAN" So, keep believing that Obama is right, and that the military should be reduced , and that the country should focus on free health care and tax credits for people who don't pay taxes |
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
P.T. Barnum's Disciple of Change
Congratulations Mr. Obama, tonight with your half hour infomercial you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that your word is worthless. Remember your promise on campaign finance reform?I assume you don't because if you did you would not have run this stiff , phony, half hour indoctrination film that made Kim Jong Ill's propaganda films look warm and down to earth. I like the fact that you were depicted in an Oval Office Setting looking very Presidential. Don't count on this becoming reality, Obama fans. Always remember the words of Obama's mentor , P. T.Barnum ; You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the voters, er ah, I mean people, all of the time. But I must admit I really liked the film , but I was kinda hoping that they would show his other one. You know , the one that the L.A. Times has that shows Barack toasting and praising his other radical friend Rashid Khalidi , you know , the palistinian terrorist supporter and anti semite that thinks Israel is a terrorist state? Now that would be a film worth delaying the World Series for. |
Monday, October 27, 2008
John McCain The Real Robin Hood
Joe the Plumber, just an ordinary citizen , asked a presidential candidate a question regarding his tax policies ; and is now being investigated in a real old fashioned KGB style character smear. The laughable part is that the organization known as Acorn used their own computers to do the microscope up the butt checks on this hardworking man who simply wanted to know why Obama wants to take his money; once he becomes moderately sucessful. The liberal Media, who has been desperately trying to get rid of the patriot act; because it could be used to spy on ordinary citizens seems to have no problem with the spying on ordinary citizen Joe the Plumber. After all Joe brought it on himself , by daring to question Soviet leader Obama on his Joseph Stalin style of taking money from people who earned it , and giving it to people who did'nt. Yeah, Barack has a lot of good ideas and plans to help all the poor struggling people in the world , and all he needs to accomplish it is your money . He even has the stones to promise a tax refund to people who do not pay taxes!!! Sounds great , coming from a man who is a multi millionare , yet only gave a couple of thousand dollars of his own money to charity last year . That goes for his cheapskate partner Joe Biden as well who even outdid Obama in his stingy amount of donations. These guys have such charitable ideas ; but really short arms and looong pockets!!! |
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Say It Ain't So Apocalypse Joe!
Well Joe Biden , the law of averages has finally caught up with you. You finally made an accurate statement. Mr. Biden has stated , that beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there will be an international crisis when Barack Obama is elected President .What's interesting about this is it backs up his earlier statement that Obama is simply not ready to be President , and maybe he's beginning to get a little nervous as election day looms. Notice that he did'nt say anything about John McCain being tested , because he knows that HE'S READY ON DAY ONE TO PROTECT THIS COUNTRY and will do what is necessary to protect this country .And, most importantly, our enemies know it too. Why do you think terrorist regimes around the world are rooting for Obama?It's because they know he's weak and will give them the opportunity to attack us again on our own soil. The root of Obama's weakness is not, despite popular opinion, his lack of experience , but his lack of character. This is a man , who like many liberals, simply does not recognize evil and the need to destroy it. His response to a question regarding the existence of evil at the saddleback forum confirms this . He stated that, although he evil exists, we must be careful how we confront it or we may be commiting evil too . This is a ridiculous statement and proves that Obama simply views evil as just anther point of view. Remember, this is a man who believes that if you shoot an intruder who has broken into your home, you should go to jail. The President's main function is commander in chief of the armed forces . The forces that destroy evil to keep us free , and to bring freedom to citizens around the world. How can Barack O bama lead these fine young men and women , when he fundamentally disagrees with thier mission and the morality of it? |
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Moderates and Undecideds ; too chicken to be liberal.
There is no such thing as a moderate.There are only conservatives and liberals. No middleground. Thes e groups that are rounded up for these debate polls that claim to fit into these catagories are full of it. They are liberals who just don't have the cojones to take a stand on what they believe. Ronald Reagan ran on a hard core conservative platform and won handily,both times. The reason is simple.The principles of conservatism are the foundation of the freedom we enjoy in this country, and they are written in stone. No compromise allowed. Small government, low taxes, strong military are always the winning combination. Reagan knew it. John Kennedy knew it. McCain and Palin know it.Hell ; even Joe the Plumber knows it. My question is; why don't you know it Mr. Obama? |
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Obama Hood ;He robs from the poor , at the moment their rich.
Obama fans, get ready to race riot. Because Barack is going to lose and lose in a landslide. Obama actually had the nerve to tell a plumber that it's not that he doesn't want him to suceed in his business ;but he thinks that the wealth should be "spread around'. Hey Barack! Why don't you reach into your own pockets and spread your own wealth around , Mr . Multimillionaire.Use the cash you got helping Freddie and Fannie bankrupt the country. Apparently, not only is Obama a proven liar,{ he lied about associations with Rev. Wright ,Bill Ayers , and voter fraud organization Acorn,which he gave 800 thousand dollars to};but to top it all off he's also apparently a cheapskate. Obama has all these "plans" for a better America, but what it really comes down to is he wants to do it with our money ,that ; unlike Obama ,we actually had to work hard for. How can any right thinking American vote for a man whose every associate is a well known radical that hates America ?And more importantly,how can you , as a right thinking American, vote for a man who is telling you right to your face that he has big plans for your money? And if anyone's curious as to who tops the list for charitable donations among politicians; don't look at Obama or Biden; who both have reputations for short arms and long pockets. No believe it or not , liberals it was none other than Dick Cheney who has consistently been the most giving during his time in Washington .So chew on that Obamanuts!! |
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Bush Lied or Genocide?
Barry Obama made an interesting statement during his debate the other night with John McCain. He sais that we should be prepared to use military force ; if necessary , to prevent genocide in the world , he mention Darfur as an example of a situation where military options could not be taken off the table, Really ? I find this position rather puzzling , considering the massive amount of genocide that had occured in Iraq before the war.Bush lied and boys died, war for oil; where are the weapons of mass destruction? and my personal favorite load of crap; Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9-11. He was a long time sponsor of terror. He paid people to commit terrorist acts. If you blew yourself up like a good jihadist; Saddam would pay the family of the human bomb and pay them quite well. His sons ran training facilities and medical institutions for the sole benefit of terrorists.And , best of all you bleeding heart Darfur liberals ; he was commiting mass murder on his own people for many years, sometimes just to test a weapon. In fact our soldiers are still finding the mass graves of Kurdish men , women and children; even to this day.Sounds like genocide to me , Mr. Obama . Oh , and I almost forgot to mention, Saddams wonderful son, Uday; who would take underage girls from the schools , take them back to his place , and rape them repeatedly. He did this all the time, and if the family complained, they were usually killed.Starting to sound like Darfur style Genocide yet people? Ya see , the reason why Matt Damon and George Clooney will never stage a benefit for the Iraq genocide , but will for the Darfur genocide is really quite simple. No Muslim terrorist in Darfur. And when it comes to muslim terrorists liberals are just plain chicken. That's really the root of it . They're all for helping people; whether it's aids, starvation , or good ol' fashioned genocide; just as long as there's no chance of pissing off some Islamic Extremists that might be causing it. I guess it's a good thing for the Iraqis and kurds that we have a president that's not afraid of Islamic terrorists; or those that sponsor them, and kept us safe from them for the past 8 years.Guess he wasn't afraid of liberals or their opinions either. |
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Golden Rule of Losing Elections ; By Barry Obama
Question; How many times in political history has a promise by a candidate to raise taxes won an election? Answer; Never!!! And ' with the results of McCain winning this debate handily now rolling in, I think this basic political axiom has , once again been proven in this second debate, as it will be proven in the election,Ask George Bush senior , he'll tell ya. Ask George McGovern ; boy!! he can really tell ya! And ask poor Barry O bama in a couple of months , cause I think even he might have figured it out by then, Once the cries of racism from team Obama die down that is!! |
Monday, October 6, 2008
Bailout; part 2
She is correct. We can never again let govt. control one iota of our free market system;which if allowed to work on it's own will always correct itself .
Let the companies declare bankruptcy; hold people responsible for their mortgages , and permit private takeovers of companies and the whole thing will turn around slowly but surely.
It is riskey, yes ,and that is always a good thing because it's an American thing. You want security for life?Try Russia or China or North Korea or Cuba .
They all guarantee cradle to grave jobs , Healthcare, and homes. All it costs is your spirit and soul.
Bailout of the American way
Charles Lindberg once said: "A life without risk is not worth living". Do we wish that the first ships from England had not risked the trip to America? Or that the first settlers had not risked their lives to create the first colonies in our country? Or that the colonists had not risked a war with England to create a free America? What about the risks of the Civil War to eliminate the scourge of slavery that threw our country into chaos; and cost the lives of thousands of Americans. Do we wish the first Apollo astronauts had never risked their lives in space or that we had never risked walking on the moon? Risk is what this country is all about.It's what freedom is all about. This bailout may,in fact work.It may protect investors and the money of our citizens; but at what cost?There is no security in freedom.There are no guarantees. You can suceed or fail in a free market system ; but make no mistake about it;freedom and the free market is the only ; God given way to live. When you take it from man;he loses something in his spirit that cannot be replaced. Freedom must be constantly fought for and protected by vigilant Americans because there will always be those who will offer the temptation of security in exchange for the political power that these individuals gain. Governor Sarah Palin said; "Never Again" in reference to the Wall Street debacle, during her debate with Joe Biden.She is correct. We |
Monday, September 29, 2008
Freddie and Fannie ; The "What Me Worry?" Kids.
In regards to the idea of hard working , American taxpayers bailing out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae ; I think the best way to sum it up would be in the words of Michael Corleone from Godfather II ; "Here's my offer to you; nothing."They knew the risks they were running and were warned of potential disaster as far back as 2004 , when both President Bush and John McCain brought their concerns before congress repeatedly only to be told by Barney Frank and other Democrats that ther was no need for concern. So , now citizens of this country that had nothing to do with this debacle are now being called on to turn over more of their hard earned cash to save irresponsible greedy execs and deadbeats who aren't financially responsible enough to live in a cardboard box ; let alone a house with a mortgage. You want a solution that makes sense? Make the guys who got rich off of these worhless loans give back every penny , and have them investigated for fraud.And in addition; make the bums who took these mortgages knowing full well that they had no intention of paying for these homes that they were squatting in follow through. No government rescue for them; garnish their wages if necessary and force them to make good on their payments ' or throw them out of thesr houses that they have no right to squat in; anymore than you have a right to keep a car that you refuse to make payments on. These people remind me of the people in Galveston. They were told to leave town ; or face almost certain death at the hands of the storm. They stayed anyway ; even after repeated warnings by Governor Perry and even President Bush that they would be on their own if they did ; and would most likely die. And what happened? they stayed by the thousands and then seemed shocked that they were stranded in a town with no food water or electricity ; so, they resorted to the old Katrina standby; and blamed the government and President Bush for their slow response to aid their plight.Sound familiar? Let's face it friends; the moral of these two disasters is simple; Greed , fear, and stupidity seem to be the dominant traits of a lot of people these days and what really makes them even more intolerable is their worst, and most dominant trait; Blaming others for your own problems.Yep ,unless people start taking responsibility for their own moronic behavior and decisions; I think we will continue on that slow ; but steady march towards total government control ; and therefore an end to freedom and democracy and the birth of communism in America. |
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A question of race or a race of question?
Let me explain something to all the Obamanuts that are living in Denial USA. Sarah Palin was the Mayor of Alaska. Sarah Palin is the Governor of Alaska. Sarah Palin reformed Alaskan government and passed legislation that cut wasteful spending. In other words, she has legislative experience .Obama has no accomplishments, no bills , no legislation to attach his name to; unless you want to count his unwavering support of late term abortions.
He accomplished nothing as a State Senator; he accomplished nothing as a Washington Senator.Community Organizing is simply getting illegals to vote,so if you want to count Chicago thug politics as experience; go right ahead.It doesn't change the fact that this man's resume is wafer thin; and you are only backing him because of the color of his epidermis. Here's a newsflash people.Skin color counts for nothing in determining the worth of a human being; now or ever!!! My race, and your race , and McCain's race and Obama's race is called the human race. Accept that fact of reality and stop living in a made up world of hate ; and then maybe you'll see Obama as he really is ; just a guy who is not ready to be President.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Pitchforks Torches and Grinches
The reaction of the liberal left to Sarah Palin 's outstanding speech reminded me of the look on the Grinch's face when he finally realized that he hadn't really stolen Christmas. Sarah Palin is a charming natural speaker, but the things she said were not really that remarkable. She just spoke the truth. Nothing unusual about that, unless you're not used to hearing it, that is. Pontius Pilate once asked, "What is Truth?".Well, it's simple. Freedom is truth and the right to live free is the ultimate truth that Sarah Palin believes in with her heart and soul. Obama doesn't get this, of course as evidenced by his big government policies that restrict the right of the citizens to suceed or fail on their own, without government interference. Obama seems most upset over Palin's attack on his career as a "community organizer". Well, what exactly is a community organizer anyway? Near as I can tell; it's sort of like when a mob of villagers attacks the Frankenstein Monster in a horror movie. A " community organizer" would be equivalent to the guy who hands out the pitchforks and torches. Well,grab your pitchforks and torches ; liberals, it's going to be a rough ride , and this " monster" might be more than you can handle. |
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
When all else fails; Race Riot!!
Fatima Ali; columnist for the Philadelphia Daily News has decided that ; with Barack Obama's credibility vanishing under the cold ,hard light of the Weather Underground controversy that the foolproof strategy to get Obama elected is to threaten race war. This has to be the most unique campaign trick in history.And, it just goes to show you how nervous and desperate Obama supoporters are.They have protected this man and hiscloset full of cemeteries for a long time now, but the his time is almost over. As the great Joe LOUIS ONCE SAID; "You can run, but you can't hide"., and the William Ayers information that has been hidden in the shadows is now finally coming to light. Which , of course, means that the show is over for Barack. A personal and business association with a convicted home grown terrorist is a security risk; and makes Obama's nomination automatically null and void. Besides' Fatima Ali should watch the race riot threats. Remember, if McCain wins, you will have a president and vice president who are both supporters of the Second Amendent, both NRA members ' and believe me most of the people who will elect them will be too. So trust me, Fatima. When it comes to a race riot; you will find that most McCain Palin backers are well capable of protecting their families ,homes and property while the backers of Obama all think like him . That guns are evil and should only be used by criminals and should not be in the hands of the common citizen like you and your fellow Philadelphians. And please stop with the starving americans crap. Philadelphians in particular are the fattest bunch of Bush haters that Ihave ever seen and yet they claim they can't put food on the table. They sure don't look like starving Ethiopians to me! Stop whining Ms. Ali , there is no food shortage, no job shortage and no Health care shortage. Just a shortage of people who want to put down the beer and cigarettes put down the bag of chips, and get off the recliner and get a job instead of living off welfare like its some sort of entitlement program. Or, to put it another way,Race riots are like a gentle summer rain to an NRA MEMBER!! |
Monday, August 25, 2008
You can run, Barack but you can't hide
Well with the first night of the Democratic convention over, I am left with the sense that it was a wated night .A lot of fluff and no substance. Michelle Obama's speech seemed to be designed in the same spirit as Richard Nixon's infamous "checkers" speech. Esentially' to take the heat off of some controversies by throwing in a lot of folksy Ozzie and Harriet style smoke and mirrors; appear corney and syrupy but at the same time bringing a more human and down to earh spin to Obama and his wife.In other words, she seemed to be trying to say; look, see , we are humans too !! In fact ' the entire evening seemed to be wasted in just trying to humanize Obama; trying to make him seem less Messiah and more man. However it backfired. The stiff Businesslike conversation between Obama and Michelle reminded me of the warm fuzzy exchanges between Mike and Carol Brady on the Brady Bunch.So the "just regular folks thing did'nt work and in fact only added to the scripted feel that everything Obama does has. If this man is to stand any chance of beating John McCain; two questions must be answered. One, Why did this man, on the eve of running, visit William Ayers; convicted terrorist? And two; why does this man who claims to be a Christian, believe in all forms of abortion; even if the child survives the procedure?If he does not clear up these issues then he is a security risk and therfore unable to be President , and also the most pro infanticide government official since King Herod. |
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
How to argue with a liberal without becoming thick as a plank
To the anonymous individual who comments on my blogs and calls most of Americans ignorant; let me set you straight you Bush hating communist loser you. Asocialist isn't someone who doesn't believe in capitalism you thick headed tool. A socialist is someone who wants to make money off of the hard work of others; and then distribute it among the lazy asses who don't work. they think that if you provide a necessary service like oil for example;and make a nice profit from it, that you should be forced by the government to give up a certain amount of that money to those who did'nt earn it and don't deserve it.It's my money. That's how capitalism works. I don't need Obama and Hillary telling me that Ineed to give up my money to give some out of work bum free health care. If you Mr. Anonymous, believe in a commie concept like free health care in a fre enterprise capitalistic free market country; then reach into your own moth ridden wallet and send some of your own cash to the bums of your choice. You won't though; becauseits more fun to take it from some rich guy by force just because you are jealous that he has more cash than you. That's what liberalism is based on anyway. Jealous bitches that don't like the fact that sombody has more than them; so let's vote for idiot politicians that promise to give us free stuff and take away money from those rich bastards. Yeah!! That makes you envious jealous losers feel better doesn't it?Obama will lose and lose royally; because he has no solid opinions on any issue and isn't too fond of this country either.The only thing OIbama seems to have strong opinions about is killing babies and taking my money and my guns. He certainly doesn't waffle on these issues does he? Oh and one more thing. Drill for oil . there is no alternative fuel source. all of our products ; from plastic items to fuel for jets is oil based . Alternative fuels are a joke; cause more pollution and are more expensive to produce. Stop living in a fantasy world Mr. Anonymous. Oil is it . And its all natural tree huggers. it comes from the earth!!! |
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Honesty, McCain's dirty political trick.
Sorry Barack. John McCain won the saddleback question and answer forum on saturday night.He did not cheat as some in your entourage may have suggested afterwards.However; I can understand how you may have reached this conclusion.He answered the questions openly, honestly, and directly without hesitation, without a hint of political correctness or partisanship. This ; of course , is an alien concept to Barack Obama ; who seems to have no honest opinions ; just calculated , scripted opinions designed to keep his backers happy.His hesitant stuttering delivery was testimony to his uncertain opinions on every issue. He is unsure on the issue of confronting evil. He is unsure on the issue of gun ownership.He was shockingly unsure of his stance on the rights of the unborn; and when life actually begins; particularly disturbing since he claims to be a devout Christian and was addressing a roomful of Evangelicals, who of course know that life begins at conception. Strange that Barack the Christian does not believe that, and refused to give an opinion; claiming that issue was "beyond his payscale". The one thing that Obama does seem very sure of is abortion rights. Odd that a man who is not certain about the rights of the unborn would be so sure about the right to terminate that life. He is so sure abut this issue , in fact that he supports even late term abortion even if the aborted child is born alive!!! Yep, Obama better be carefulin this area; not to protect his campaign; that ended for all intents and purposes, on saturday night's saddleback. No he needs to be careful that his abortion opinions don't make him the most infamous child hating political figure since King Herod. |
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Burgomeister Obama
Obama's European tour was a raging sucess, and apparently the Germans are ready to appoint him Burgomeister Obama .Sure except that he's running for President of the United States, not Germany. I think Obama the most supreme needs someone to remind him that the office he seeks is not that of a dictatorship, but a democracy.America belongs to the citizens of this country, that's who run it.Obama is an employee of ours;if he's elected, that is. So he was a big hit with the Germans huh?Amazing what free beer and sausages will do for your popularity. What's next?Whiskey for the Leprechans on his tour of Ireland? Not only does he snub the troops while on his Octoberfest tour; but then upon returning unleashes the meanest one on one interaction with a 10 year old child since the Grinch took Cindy Lou Who's candy cane while she slept. Give up on this lemon, Obama supporters. This is a man who voted '' present'' over 100 times in the one year he was Senator. This proves that he doesn't have the strength or character to make decisions ; and that would be disasterous for this nation, if he becomes Commander in Chief .This man is a security risk who socializes with known terrorists ans cannot possibly be elected' no matter how good his "jump shot" is. |
Monday, August 4, 2008
No free lunches, only fences.
The old saying, there are no free lunches", is quite accurate, and applies to our immigration and health care problems. First, to solve the illegal immigrant issue is really quite simple,build a fence,protect the border.If this is a country and not an international soup kitchen we must have borders.Otherwise,we live in a big lump of dirt, which certainly then does not require a flag or a constitution, or even an official language, for that matter. Sounds kinda like one giant penal colony , like that movie Escape from New York .Iguess that would make president Bush the Duke of New York, like the Issac Hayes character. Build the fence, for Christ,s sake! If fences don't work , then why do they put them around prisons? Next, punish companies and employers who hire these people.If you hire an illegal, a monetary fine and possible prison sentence would certainly persuade companies to check backgrounds of potential employees. If they can't get work, they will be back over that border faster than Speedy Gonzales! Now, Health Care. You can't have free health care. This country is a free democracy , not a socialist bread line. Affordable health care in a free market where the buyer can pick and choose in a healthy capitalistic competition is how it works in free nations with free enterprise economies.If you don,t like it, go live in a socialist country that gives handouts and free health care.If you like waiting several months for emergency surgery that is. All the people of France and Canada come here for treatment when they are really sick. The reason?According to these foreigners, we have the best health care in the world! Shocking isn,t it?After all, freebies usually are the best indication of a high quality product, right? And it is not free, by the way.These countries are just more brazen at picking their citizens pockets with taxes that pay for the treatment of people too lazy to work, and too lazy to exercise,quit smoking ,or watch their diets.Whats next? Free Lunches?? |
How to save the world in three easy lessons
Okay, let's get down to brass tacks here. First, erosion of our moral principles and values. Solution? Get back to basic family values, you know, like mom and dad actually participating in their childrens lives in a positive way ?Not trying to be their friend, or letting them drink or do drugs as long as they do it around the house, but cracking the whip and laying down the law on them, and raising them in a religion based house, preferrably , Christianity , the one our constitution was based on and the one that has the most common sense values . You know, peace love and the brotherhood of man? Makes more sense than raising them in a religion that teaches hate , like radical Islam.Here's a clue to those picking a religion, if the God in question in the religion tells you to kill specific groups of people, it ain't God you're talking to pal , it's probably the other guy , you know the guy with the pitch fork and horns? If you're looking for a perfect example of the kind of family unit I'm talking about, look no farther than the Bush family. Very religious, very involved in their children's lives,and the evidence speaks for itself.Not only are they very accomplished people, but seem to be very nice friendly people with a strong sense of moral values. This all is reflected in their strong family ties that are quite admirable. Next, the War in Iraq and the controversy over it. This one is simple. the wae is just, the only way to world peace is through war, history proves this , and to dispute this is to refute history,like our friend ahmandenijad does .Right holocaust disputers?As long as there are coumtries that are run by petty dictators that think they can run peoples lives better tnan they can run them, we will be sticking our red white and blue noses in them and ousting them by force if necessary, not just for their benefit, but for ours as well. The simple fact is that free countries that are run democratically by free people do not I repeat, do not make war on each other .This is a simple , blatant, and painfully overlooked fact. The more countries we free , the more dictators we force out , the more peace we have in the world . Why is this so difficult to understand? This brings me to my third and final point,recognizing the enemy, whether it's the liberal Bush haters, MoveON. ORG, or the Iranian leader who gets to speak at Columbia University, while the R.O.T.C was denied the same right on the same campus. It's laughable to think that this evil sponsor of terror was applauded many times during his speech ,and treated with more courtesy than he deserved , while American right wing figures like Ann Coulter are hit in the face with pies during their visits to this campus. What's the root of this behavior? Simply this, Stockholm Syndrome. Alarge number of left wing liberals in this country are simply scared and intimidated by these radicals, and to compensate for this they side with the terrorists and show them that they too hate George W. Bush and all he stands for, somehow thinking this will spare them in the next attack on our country.Very basic, give the bully in the schoolyard my lunch money so that he leaves me alone mentality.Nothing more, nothing less. Now the other aspect of this attitude from a political point of view is that these are people who believe that a democratic , capitalistic society like we live in is simply blantantly unfair , and that socialism , or , as I call it communism is the way to go .They like the idea of equal shares for everyone, even those too lazy or shiftless to work.The rich have too much , and should be forced to give their money to the poor, who have nothing.Sounds good huh? Except for the fact that communism has never worked in any country that it has been tried in.And it isn't equal, because there is always that one guy who thinks he's smarter than all the equal people, and decides to run the show, and in the process, makes himself a little bit "equaler". than the commoners.In the basic vernacular, this is known as a DICTATOR! This, by the way, is what MoveOn.Org is all about. Their billionaire benefactor, George Soros, Has stated in interviews that he wants the U.S to go back to the feudal system of merry old England, when Kings ruled their loyal subjects , who accepted whatever crusts of bread fall from his palace roundtable.The knights and Lords rule under him, and likewise rule over the peasents who were not fortunate enough to be born into royalty.This is his vision for America , and the true purpose behind MoveOn.Org , and their financial support of presidential candidates such as Hillary Clinton , who embodies this socialistic philosopy to a T. It's easy to beat the dems once you understand this is what they are about. Unfortunately for them, and their political aspirations, this is not what America is about. Now or ever! |
Monday, July 28, 2008
Words of wisdom from Quint the shark Killer
Well what can I say? Imean it goes without saying that Obama's run for Emperor of the Earth is just going splendidly; the Germans seem to love him and all it took was a free concert and that old time politicians trick of free beer.How can ya not vote for a guy who gives out free beer ?Except for one small detail. Obama's running for President of the United States ; not chancellor of Germany. He did give a rousing speech in front of the victory Tower however, which was the favorite of another great speechmaker; Adolf Hitler. Yep ,ol, Adolph gave many a rousing speech in front of this monument; and gave out lots of free beer too; in the process. Obama sure does learn from the best.
Barack,s run for the Presidency came to a crashing end when he chose to ignore our troops and went to the local german gym instead.Well , why would he? If he refuses to admit that it was the surge that has resulted in a more peaceful Iraq; and still says he would not vote for it , despite the obvious sucess; then why bother to visit the soldiers that really had failed in their mission?Truly a Dukakis moment for Emperor Obama; sealing his fate and assuring a McCain victory.After all, soldiers get to vote too.
Ithink the best way to sum up Obama's European tour would be with a quote from our old pal Quint, the shark killer;
"You go on tour ;tour go to germany; soldiers in germany; our soldiers,
Farewell and adieu to my dear spanish ladies; farewell and adieu to my ladies of Spain; for we recieved orders for to sail back to Boston; and so nevermore will we meet you again"
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Charlton Heston; The missing link.
Spain has recently passed a law that recognizes apes as having the same rights as humans do.Seems rather smug and arrogant to bestow on a species rights that DNA analysis already has. Apes, chimpanzees in particular, share with humans an almost identical genetic code; maybe one per cent difference in there, according to scientists.
The question is not whether apes are equal to man,but whether man is equal to the ape.
Apes are stronger than us, can make tools as we do, and have recently scored higher than college students in selected aptitude tests. The arrogance of man in his attempt to morally judge the the apes is ridiculous, to say the least, considering the state of the world today; under man's rule.
When a king is near the end of his reign; he should not be looking to extend his realm; but to who might possibly , with honor, suceed him.
I think Charlton Heston summed it up best when asked why he would journey to the stars in the movie Planet of the Apes.
He said;"Somewhere in the universe , there has to be something better than man;there has to be" Yep. Modern man may yet turn out to be the missing link between the ape ; and the human being.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Sensitive Flip Flopping Changing Obama
So Obama is offended by the cover of New Yorker magazine. It depicts him in muslim garb and his wife in some sort of guerilla terrorist ensemble. How interesting.This man wants to be president, yet can't even tolerate a satirical cartoon by a magazine that actually supports him.In fact, most of the left wing media was outraged by this offensive cartoon and said so repeatedly.
And yet it was perfectly all right for the very same media and various publications to depict the president for the last eight years as Hitler or at least a Nazi; usually complete with a swastika emblazoned proudly on G,W'S forehead , or some other part of his anatomy.
The difference is one of character. You see, the president never once paid any attention or acknowledged these insults with direct comment; that would be beneath his dignity and the dignity of the office of the President of the United States. In fact most political figures in our government just ignore political cartoons ; it's just part of the game, it doesn't upset them.
You know who does get upset by political cartoons? Yep ,that's right , Muslims!!! What is Barack trying to tell us?
Friday, July 4, 2008
The United States of Almighty God
In reference to the idea put forth by the Phila. Inquirer goon who wrote that we should not celebrate the fourth of July this year , let me just say this ; I will celebrate it , with fire and rockets red glare and cookouts and with Kate Smith's God Bless America blasting out of my stereo speakers at full volume. You see, this is the greatest country on earth , and continues to be the only one who continues to fight for free people all across the globe, since that is all God guaranteed us when we were born.
There is no free health care
There is no free housing
There is no free schooling
Thereis no free ride in this country period.
What there is , and what we have that is better than any other country's is freedom.
Pure and simple.
Freedom to suceed
Freedom to fail
Freedom to live in a cardboard box , if that is the goal you seek .
But freedom is a double edged sword, and has to be won by blood from the tyrants and elitist that want to take it from you.
Don't let them
Don't let anyone tell you that you can't celebrate your love of the day freedom came to this country.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
McCain and Rambo, unfit for command.
General Wesley Clark has stated that having your plane shot down and being a prisoner of war for five years does not qualify you to be President.Well, I guess that disqualifies Rambo too. Yeah, Rambo may be a one man army but he's definitely not commander in chief material, Oh well.
Barack Obama, in response to Gen. Clark's attack on John McCain's qualifications and military service , once again dodged the issue, refused to mention Gen. Clark or his comments,and instead turned the incident into another opportunity to bash those who would question his patriotism.Well,if you don't want to wear the flag or put your hand over your heart during the anthem, questions will arise; legitimate questions.
He should have denounced Clark's comments directly , but his response is typical for a man who flips, flops and skirts every direct question like a, well,typical politician.
Remember, this is a man who believes that child rapists should get the death penalty, but believes it's okay to kill a child in a partial birth scenario.Add to this his anti-gun stance and you have a man who essentially believes in killing child rapists,and killing children if they are kinda, sorta, born,but thinks it's wrong to kill either the rapist or the child if you use a gun to do so. Hmmm; maybe Rambo for President is starting to sound pretty good after all!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Alfred E. Obama , The "What me worry" candidate.
Hey Barack! Mad Magazine called, they want their Presidential Seal back! In all fair ness, that seal would have made a great cover for the magazine,, and I'm sure that Mad is probably kicking themselves that they didn't think of it first. I can just picture it; Alfred E. Newmann standing behind the podium, looking all presidential, and Obama's seal of approval right there for all to see.Maybe they could still use it, just have Obama and Alfred behind the podium maybe having a tug of war over the seal! That's Gold Jerry! Hope your reading this Mad staffers. After all, you have to milk this comedy cash cow Obama for all that he is worth; before he self destructs completely, which probably won't be too far off, the way he's going. Remember , this is a man who is for partial birth abortion, and against your second amendment right to defend your life with a gun. So, in Obama's world, you can kill a baby , just as long as you don't kill him with a gun! Now, that's what I call real Mad Magazine logic! What me Worry? You better believe it! We should all worry about this specimen being elected President.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Slap the Bracelets on em Sheriff Obama!
Barack Obama still refuses to visit the troops and has now stated that he feels the Court system should be the way to prosecute the terrorists, despite the fact that this method ; which was used during the Clinton administration resulted in 911.Court systems and police are used to deal with crimes that have already been perpetrated . So apparently President Obama would be perfectly happy to wait for another attack, and then slap the cuffs on those pesky terrorists.Then give them a fair trial of course.I hate to break it to Mr. Obama,but it was the Patriot Act, Gitmo Bay,and the surveillance of terrorist communications that have prevented another attack on our soil since 911, not the court system.
We are at war , you fight to win, you strike first and you strike with a scorched earth policy.That's how you protect the lives of our troops and citizens. This isn't a boxing match;there are no FAIR FIGHT RULES.We are fighting to preserve peace and freedom in the world,you destroy the enemy; then and only then can Sheriff Obama slap the bracelets on those yellow bellied sidewinders.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Obama; Community Rabble Rouser Supreme.
Well, Barack Obama has found something new to be outraged about.Apparently, while Obama praises John McCain for his many accomplishments, including his military service to his country, John McCAIN has steadfastly refused to acknowledge Barack Obama's many accomplishments.
However I feel this was not done to insult the overly sensitive radical Marxist Obama. He simply couldn't think of any accomplishments worth mentioning.
This isn't exactly fair, however, since in addition to having a long standing record of over 100 votes of "present" in the senate, Obama also has extensive experience as a community organizer in the mean streets of Chicago,the windy city itself. Sounds good on paper .But what exactly is a "COMMUNITY ORGANIZER" anyway?
Well , it's really quite simple. Remember the movie Frankenstein" with Boris Karloff? Well, remember the scene where the villagers discover the body of the little girl that the monster drowned accidently? Naturally, everyone is standing around in shock until that one villager starts ranting and raving about Dr. Frankenstein and the evil that he's brought upon the village with his unholy creation ; and how we have to gain vengeancefor the poor child by storming the castle with our torches and burning the monster out of existence once and for all?Well, that raving villager is what's known as a community organizer.And he was pretty good at it too, since he not only "organized" the community to get the Frankenstein Monster, but Dracula , the Wolfman and a Hunchback too in the sequels. Let's see Barack Obama top that record of ''COMMUNITY ORGANIZING". Of couse, back in those days they did'nt call it community organizer. They used a less politically correct term; Rabble Rouser.
Yes it seems that Obama could organize any thing back in those days, unlike now, when he find it difficult to even organize a trip to Iraq; to visit the men and women that he wants to be commander in chief of.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Obama , The First American Dictator
The idea that the Florida and Michigan votes should not be counted is utter nonsense,and proves that the Democrat agenda is to get Obama the nomination , by hook or by crook. The vote of every citizen counts in full, not a half vote or any other kind of compromise.
Obama is complaining that he wasn't on the ballot in these states, but whose fault is that?Obama is the one who took himself off those ballots, out of some misguided sense of arrogance and false self confidence. The liberals complained endlessly about the votes not being counted when it was Bush vs. Gore.It would be total hypocracy to not count all the votes now, and they know it.Bend all the rules you want to get this lemon nominated , but remember this;Barack Obama has refused to visit the troops in Iraq , the very same troops that he wants to be commander in chief of. Contemplate that before you make your decision to turn this country over to a man who has nothing but contempt for its citizens and our military. And remember, they did'nt count the votes for Hindenburg and the result was a nomination of Adolf Hitler ; by way of delegate votes , of course.
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Abominable Obama of the Liberal Democrats
First , this being Memorial Day, let me just say one thing that is without dispute. This country and the soldiers that fight for her have liberated more people from evil tyrants and dictators than any other country on earth, period.Forget the angry liberal nonsense that we invade countries and kill their citizens, because that's a load of crap. We kill tyrants that enslave and murder people and then we leave them to start their own democracy with fre elections and freedom for all their citizens. Wedo not and never have taken over any country and we still continue to be the most helpful and generous country on earth. Just ask Africa. President Bush HAS DONE MORE TO HELP THIS COUNTRY THAN ANY i REPEAT ANY other administration previously. Now, on to Obama. Where to start? this man can't run for commmander in chief. He's friends with racists, he's friends with terrorists, His wife hates this country and has stated so as far back as her college days.And you can't even mention these issues without the abominable one getting on his high horse and sneering at any one who would dare question him.And don't you dare interrupt him when he's eating his waffles either. He seems to be in full celebrity mode , don;t bother me , just elect me president; because I'm better than you peasents and how dare you question what I say, think or do?
Forget it Obama supporters. This arrogant ,terrorist befriending pain in the butt has about as much chance of becoming president as Raul Castro does.REmember three things when you go to pull that lever for this man. One, He has told you right to your faces that he is going to raise your taxes, he didn't even have the decency to lie about it. Two, he is against you protecting yourself and your family and property with a Second Amendment guaranteed gun of your choice.No concealed carry permits ,and if you shoot some one in self defence, in Obama's world you go to jail, period. And third, he is close and I do mean close friends with a man who proudly Bombed the Pentagon' the Capital building and P olice stations , has stated recently that he wishes he had done more!! This is the most important issue to consider. When Obama first announced that he would run for President, He kicked off his campaign with a little get together party at William Ayers home! Why should we elect a man who boasts a rogues gallery of friends that would make Blackbeard the Pirate's crew look like a sewing circle?The bottom line is that you are known by the company you keep. We cannot trust a man to the most important position in the free world based on his say so, when all the evidence points to a man who is not just a bad candidate ; but one that is dangerous for America and it's future.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Obama; The snowflake in the furnace.
Should Hillary stay in the race? Is the Pope a Kraut? She should stay in because she will win the nomination.Barack Obama cannot win the nomination and most certainly cannot win the Presidency.Forget about the Reverand Wright controversy, he knew what the man was preaching for 20 years and he just lied about it ; period.
The big issue is his association with the weather underground leader William Ayers,who is a home grown terrorist who proudly bombed the Pentagon and police stations and to this day has no regrets about doing it. When Obama announced his run for President, he met with this man at his home for a ritualistic "approval party" with his terrorist friend.He lied about his association with this man also , but the evidence is there. He knows and associates with this man frequently .Obama is beginning to fall apart in the cold hard light of reality.
Much like O.J Simpson,Obama's message seems to be that even though the evidence is to the contrary; I am telling the truth.Hillary is the only logical nominee because the Anti- American,hate filled Obama will survive in the general election about as long as a snowflake in a furnace. The man is campaigning for commander in chief of the armed forces of the United States. How can a man who associates with Wright and Ayers; individuals who openly hate this country and all it stands for , possibly have the character and good judgement to do the job?
So, don't drop out Hillary; both Obama and his hate - filled elitist wife will not survive the scrutiny;he simply cannot hide who he is and what he truly believes; at least not for very long. As P.T. Barnum once said; You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all of the time!
Barry Obama's visiuon for America is a selfish , elitist, socialist utopia where the privileged and the wealthy rule over the common man,who is simply too feckless and simple- minded to take care of themselves . It's called Communism, and barry Obama is one of it's staunchest supporters and hard core Marxist practitioners.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Can you spare some change Mr. Obama?
So, Barack Obama has stated that he doesn't see the need for further debates. Really? Mr. Obama wants to quit just when the questioning was getting interesting. His attitude seems to be ,"Look you inferior humans,don't you realize that I am the answer to straighten out your worthless miserable lives, and how dare you bother me with your bitter, pro-religion, pro-gun questioning? Can't you see that I am your superior? Yes folks, this so-called "polished speaker" can't seem to open his mouth lately without putting his liberal , Marxist foot in it, and then seems not to have any credible explanations for his "mistatements" and long standing associations with race baiting reverands and professors of terrorism. Let's face it, George Bush can talk rings around this racist , elitist loser.
If you want to be President, Mr. Obama, you better climb down from that ivory tower and start answering questions of the people you are going to be working for . And it wouldn't kill you to swallow a Philly Cheesesteak or two along the way also.
Obama has stated that the issues regarding past associations and comments about "bitter Americans" are not important and that he is trying to make American lives better.
What arrogance! I don't need an elitist snob who went to finishing schools in Hawaii to make my life better, Barry Obama. All I need is the freedom that God granted me by birth and to continue to live in America; the greatest country on mother earth.
Monday, April 7, 2008
The Lion is Dead and the Jackals Attack
To all you cowardly worms that have used your blog space to attack Charlton Heston and celebrate his death,this is a man whose boots you are not worthy to lick. This is a man who devoted his life to serving this country that he truly loved, whether it was serving during world war two, or marching with Martin Luther King to promote Civil Rights, his belief in America and its freedoms was unwavering and genuinely patriotic.He was also the kind of movie star that they don't make anymore,his courage and honesty showed througfh in his performances, no wonder he played so many heroes so convincingly, there was much of himself in the caracters he portrayed.So go ahead and celebrate you weasels, you hate heston, you hate this country you hate Jesus and Christianity, you hate the President., but mostly it's just that you hate yourselves, that is the real root of your ignorance. But it's not all bad. After all, you do like the Taliban and all terrorists that attack this country, they are after all, in your commie eyes; Patriots. Just keep rooting for them, comrades becauseyou'll be the first ones they go after, since they know how much you hate guns and defending yourselves.You can really help them get those 72 virgins by just holding still , so they can take take your bloated commie heads off in one clean swipe of their swords.But you can die with the smug liberal satisfaction of knowing that at least it wasn't one of those evil Charlton Heston Guns that killed you.Now that's what I call Liberal Heaven!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
John McCain ,The Bizzaro Superman.
In the spirit of the Easter season, Iwould like to quote Pontius Pilate as he confronted Jesus during his trial."What is Truth?" he asked during the interrogation.Well,the truth that Jesus represented was quite obvious, except to those who didn't want to see it, and in that respect, this has not changed, even to this day.
Here are some other obvious 'truths" that people don't want to see .
- President Bush served 8 years in office, and will not be impeached, nor will Dick Cheney.
-No proof has ever been shown that he lied about the war, none.And he has never been caught in any lie since he has held office.
-Barack Obama knew that his mentor and pastor Reverend Wright was a racist that hated this country . He listened to him for twenty years. He is lying if he denies it, that is obvious.
It is also obvious that a man who would stay a member of this church cannot be president.
-Hillary is lying whenever her lips move, as recent fantasy war zone scenarios have shown.
-John McCain is a confusing puzzle.He backs the war on terror, he backs the tax cuts,but he favors an open border and wants interrogation of terrorists to stop. He also believes in the liberal myth of Global Warming, despite scientific evidence to the contrary.
At first glance, this brave war hero looks like Superman, but on further examination, he is more like a Bizzaro Superman, a hero who repeatedly contradicts his own noble intentions.
-McCain will win the Presidency.Why? Because he at least understands the importance of the war on terror and supports permanent tax cuts, and most importantly, he is not a serial liar like Obama and Clinton, who believe that a punish the rich and equal shares for everyone, communist style of government is the future of America.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Barack Obama, The Yankee Doodle not so Dandy.
Why does Barack Obama want to be President? He refuses to wear the flag,put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem,is friends with a pastor who is a known race baiter, ans is married to a woman who has admitted in public and in college that she is "not proud" of this country and regards America as "mean spirited".Add to this his association with a member of the Weather Underground, an organization that bombed the Pentagon and his refusal to vote with any conviction on any issue as a congressman or senator , and the mystery deepens further . Of course, one of the few times he was sure of a vote was when he voted against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, he is willing to bomb Pakistan, an ally in the war on terror.Go figure.
Let me clear this up for all you who are living in this 'Obamanation' of fantasy.Barack Obama is not JFK. He is as far from JFK as Ghandi is from Rambo. Kennedy was strong on military defense, strong on tax cuts, and increased our military buildup in Viet Nam. And he certainly believed in American know how and independence, whether it referred to the space program, the arms race, or free market solutions to the economy and health care. JFK DID NOT BELIEVE IN GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS.What do you think he meant by ,"Ask not what your country can do for you , ask what you can do for your country".?
The main function of the office of the President is commander in chief of the armed forces.Why does a man who shows contempt for our military want that title so badly?Enemies of our country have always felt that they can destroy us from within. Is this the true objective of this man?Hillary is as socialist in principle as they come, but she understands that military force is the real source of preserving our way of life, not sitting down with dictators and mass murderers over tea and cakes and talking about 'our feelings'.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Al Gore, Emperor of Mars
Well, the verdict is in, and Al Gore's Global warming scare has turned out to be nothing more than "An Inconvenient Myth". After all, you can't have global warming unless the entire globe is warming. That's why the word "Global" is part of the description. When the North Pole is warming and the South Pole is in a deep freeze,it kinda makes the whole theory lose some of it's luster.Yes, most leading scientist have now come forward and stated the obvious, that whatever warming cycle is currently happening, it is the result of the earth;s natural cycles , and not me leaving the living room lights on all night.
So I guess you might say that a liberal views the earth as half melting and a conservative views it as half frozen. But, this is no reason for Al Gore to despair over his lost cash cow , after all, ther are plenty of other worthy myths that could use Al's help.How about Bigfoot for instance? This creature needs to be protected, not exploited just to sell beef jerky, for God's sake.And I'm sure Al could put together one hell of a slide show for this one!
How about the Loch Ness monster?Al could make the case for ending the persecution of this creature by goofy monster hunters.The Scots should stick to drinking whiskey, playing golf and eating Haggis, and stop profiting off of Loch Monster merchandise!
Now, if these causes are too mundane for Mr. Gore, how about Mars?It's been reported that Mars may be in danger of being hit by a meteor, potentially wiping the planet out.Mr. Gore could go on an epic crosscountry crusade,raising money and awareness for Mars's plight.Al could explain that mars is essential to the survival of the human race, since we will have to move there after we turn this world into an unbearable Dante's Inferno , with our shameless leaving of kitchen lights on and wasteful Sunday afternoon drives.This could really be Al's ticket back to stardom. He could really be instrumental in saving all life on Earth, by finding a way to prevent that meteor from destroying our new home.And in gratitude. Ithink it only fitting that we honor him properly, namely by declaring him emperor of Mars.What a Martian leader he would be! He certainly would'nt let us ruin this planet, that's for sure.No kitchen lights left on needlessly on this planet, no way!
I also feel that we should appoint Hillary Clinton as Emperess of Mars.Why you ask? Well you know if we don't give her the position, there is a very strong possibility that she will cry. Do we really want to risk that again?
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