Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama 's Fatal Flaw, McCain's greatest strength

On the eve of election day, the biggest issue has still not been addressed .This election  is an issue of good versus evil. I don't mean that Obama is evil . He is just a politician who believes in the radical socialist ideas of the aging ex- hippie professors preachers and homegrown terrorists that he has surrouded himself with . I guess he thinks they're cool , or something.
The main reason , beyond any other, that Obama should not be president; now , or ever, is his most fatal flaw , his inability to recognize evil.That's it. Pure and simple.If you cannot recognize , or acknowledge the existence of evil , how can you possibly defeat it?Barack Obama's pattern during his years as an upcoming politician has been to surround himself with people that could help him politically, even if those people were questionable in character or possesed criminal backgrounds.Two issues prove my point. One , he sat in the church of a race baiting hater of America for twenty years, and did not seem bothered by the Rev. Wright's hate filled rhetoric.Number Two, when the state of Georgia was attacked by Russia Obama's response was to scold both sides equally. He seemed not to understand the difference between the two,despite the fact that Georgia was a democratic state , fighting to remain free . That is a fight that a future president should always support, but unfortunately, Obama failed this crucial test , and failed to show the resolve the President of the United States needs in situations of this nature.
Forget healthcare, forget education forget taxes. The President first and foremost must defend this country from its enemies , foreign and domestic. That is it. Pure and simple.
At the saddleback forum, Obama, s response to the way to deal with evil was to confront it , but to be careful not to commit evil in the process of fighting it. That statement, beyond all else that has been said by him,proves that deep down, like most liberals, he really doesn't see a difference between good and evil , he just feels that they have opposing viewpoints , nothing more.Obama as president would prefer to psycho- analyse an evil dictator, try to understand his viewpoint . This is nonsense. You don't explain evil , you destroy it , pure and simple. John McCain and Sarah Palin understand this , most Americans understand this , and that is why the Presidency and Vice Presidency will belong to McCain Palin.

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