Thursday, July 17, 2008

Charlton Heston; The missing link.

Spain has recently passed a law that recognizes apes as having the same rights as humans do.Seems rather smug and arrogant to bestow on a species rights that DNA analysis already has. Apes, chimpanzees in particular, share with humans an almost identical genetic code; maybe one per cent difference in there, according to scientists.
The question is not whether apes are equal to man,but whether man is equal to the ape.
Apes are stronger than us, can make tools as we do, and have recently scored higher than college students in selected aptitude tests. The arrogance of man in his attempt to morally judge the the apes is ridiculous, to say the least, considering the state of the world today; under man's rule.
When a king is near the end of his reign; he should not be looking to extend his realm; but to who might possibly , with honor, suceed him.
I think Charlton Heston summed it up best when asked why he would journey to the stars in the movie Planet of the Apes.
He said;"Somewhere in the universe , there has to be something better than man;there has to be" Yep. Modern man may yet turn out to be the missing link between the ape ; and the human being.

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