To the anonymous individual who comments on my blogs and calls most of Americans ignorant; let me set you straight you Bush hating communist loser you. Asocialist isn't someone who doesn't believe in capitalism you thick headed tool. A socialist is someone who wants to make money off of the hard work of others; and then distribute it among the lazy asses who don't work. they think that if you provide a necessary service like oil for example;and make a nice profit from it, that you should be forced by the government to give up a certain amount of that money to those who did'nt earn it and don't deserve it.It's my money. That's how capitalism works. I don't need Obama and Hillary telling me that Ineed to give up my money to give some out of work bum free health care. If you Mr. Anonymous, believe in a commie concept like free health care in a fre enterprise capitalistic free market country; then reach into your own moth ridden wallet and send some of your own cash to the bums of your choice. You won't though; becauseits more fun to take it from some rich guy by force just because you are jealous that he has more cash than you. That's what liberalism is based on anyway. Jealous bitches that don't like the fact that sombody has more than them; so let's vote for idiot politicians that promise to give us free stuff and take away money from those rich bastards. Yeah!! That makes you envious jealous losers feel better doesn't it?Obama will lose and lose royally; because he has no solid opinions on any issue and isn't too fond of this country either.The only thing OIbama seems to have strong opinions about is killing babies and taking my money and my guns. He certainly doesn't waffle on these issues does he? Oh and one more thing. Drill for oil . there is no alternative fuel source. all of our products ; from plastic items to fuel for jets is oil based . Alternative fuels are a joke; cause more pollution and are more expensive to produce. Stop living in a fantasy world Mr. Anonymous. Oil is it . And its all natural tree huggers. it comes from the earth!!! |
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
How to argue with a liberal without becoming thick as a plank
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According to the dictionary:
so·cial·ism (ssh-lzm)
1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
A) So explain how Obama or Hillary...or anyone in American politics is saying that the "means of producing and distributing goods should be owned by the government"? At least try to learn the meaning behind the words you use, without just repeating whatever the Far Right whack jobs have brainwashed you into repeating.
The economic debate in American politics is just one of various strains of capitalism. To deny that is to live in some Right Wing fantasy world (which seems to be where the Rush/Hannity listeners live). And both parties support fairly significant government involvement in this capitalistic system with just different emphasis on where that involvement. In true capitalism, banks and airlines wouldn't be bailed out when they failed. We wouldn't be spending 60% of our federal budget on 3 programs - social security, medicare, and Defense, 2 of which are safety nets.
B) I believe in capitalism. I don't want our country to stagnate. But at the same time we have to face reality. If we're going to embrace globalization and keep sending good jobs to China and India in exchange for cheap labor/goods, then we need to provide more safety nets for the American people. Save social security, expand health care and make it more affordable, and make it easier for kids to get affordable loans for college, etc. These are all things that those in the reality-based world are in favor of doing. Then let the free market do what it does, at least knowing that basic needs will be taken care of and the same opportunities are available for all.
C) The question arises...then how do you go about doing all of that? Well, we can't even pay for the government we have now. Budget deficits have exploded to record levels. The Trade deficit is at record levels. A responsible caretaker of the economy, not worried about getting re-elected, would have to call for some combination of higher taxes and lower spending to wipe out the deficit. Getting us out of Iraq combined with raising the marginal tax rates on those making $200K a year will provide most of the money needed to fund the things cited in (B).
D) I think any objective analysis would agree that some combo of higher taxes and lower spending is required. And I think voters who refuse any tax increases, given our real desperate financial straits, is either ignorant, and/or selfish, and/or immature, and/or irrational. We have no power to do anything about China because they are financing our debt. If we continue on that road, in 20-30 years, China will be the world's next super power and we'll be the like Britain was in the 20th century....a former great power licking its wounds.
E) The bottom line is we both love this country and want this country to remain great. The difference seems to be that you and I don't agree on what the problems are and what the flaws are in our society.
I love my country like a best someone I can speak honestly to and tell him when he is being an asshole. Tell him when he's had too much to drink and needs to go pass out. A lot of people like yourself seem to love the country like a daddy that can do no wrong.
It's good....this is the kind of healthy debate the candidates should be having about where they intend to take the country. Will we have 4 more years of Bush or a return to what the government offered in the 90's? Hopefully we'll have a real campaign on issues in the next 2 months and not on these vague, intangible issues that have been at the center of it so far like "patriotism", "fear", "honor","celebrity", and the subtle racial messages that are going to be sent..."he's not one of *us*."
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