Thursday, November 27, 2008

Give Thanks To The Man From Texas

This Thanksgiving, I would like to give thanks to those who truly deserve it most. First, President Bush, who kept us safe for eight years from terror attacks.We all owe him a debt that can never be repaid. I n the face of cowardly jackals that called him a liar and a murderer that masterminded 911 he remained steadfast and resolute; and did his job as commander in chief. Forget the nonsense by the looney left that asked where the WMD,s were , or said that Saddam Hussein was not responsible for these attacks. He had them  and we are still finding them.Yellow cake uranium was just found a few weeks ago; in addition to all the other weapons we found that Saddam used against his own people.800 thousand people slaughtered by this madman and his evil sons and there are still jackasses who think we should not have taken him out. He had the weapons. We gave him a lot of them, sop we know he had them. So, his evil ass is gone and Iraqis now have a democratic parliament and free elections.Stick that where the sun don't shine you miserable cowardly liberals.Saddam was a long time sponser of terror by funding them with his own cash and providing them with training facilities and hospital care.
If you are still one of those people that don't get that then you should pull your head out of your liberal un American ass  and face reality.The war in Iraq is won. Our brave troops that are , by the way, volunteers, did a magnificent job , and they are the ones beside our commander in chief that I thank for protecting us and our families, so that we can all enjoy another Thanksgiving in a free nation.Frredom isn't free , and we owe the president and our brave soldiers a debt that can never be repaid . So sit down, shut up , eat your  turkey, and stop bashing the man from Texas who endured your pathetic nonsense for eight years  because he loves this country and our freedom we enjoy More than you who mocked him, That's for sure.Ask the troops if the war is just, their opinion counts more than yours, since they know what the hell they are talking about.

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