Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Slap the Bracelets on em Sheriff Obama!

Barack Obama still refuses to visit the troops and has now stated that he feels the Court system should be the way to prosecute the terrorists, despite the fact that this method ; which was used during the Clinton administration resulted in 911.Court systems and police are used to deal with crimes that have already been perpetrated . So apparently President Obama would be perfectly happy to wait for another attack, and then slap the cuffs on those pesky terrorists.Then give them a fair trial of course.I hate to break it to Mr. Obama,but it was the Patriot Act, Gitmo Bay,and the surveillance of terrorist  communications that have prevented another attack on our soil since 911, not the court system.
We are at war , you fight to win, you strike first and you strike with a scorched earth policy.That's how you protect the lives of our troops and citizens. This isn't a boxing match;there are no FAIR FIGHT RULES.We are fighting to preserve peace and freedom in the world,you destroy the enemy; then and only then can Sheriff Obama slap the bracelets on those yellow bellied sidewinders.

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