Saturday, April 19, 2008

Can you spare some change Mr. Obama?

So, Barack Obama has stated that he doesn't see the need for further debates. Really? Mr. Obama wants to quit just when the questioning was getting  interesting. His attitude seems to be ,"Look you inferior humans,don't you realize that I am the answer to straighten out your worthless miserable lives, and how dare you bother me with your bitter, pro-religion, pro-gun questioning? Can't you see that I am your superior? Yes folks, this so-called "polished speaker" can't seem to open his mouth lately without putting his liberal , Marxist foot in it, and then seems not to have any credible explanations for his "mistatements" and long standing associations with race baiting reverands and professors of terrorism. Let's face it, George Bush can talk rings around this racist , elitist loser.
If you want to be President, Mr. Obama, you better climb down from that ivory tower and start answering questions of the people you are going to be working for . And it wouldn't kill you to swallow a Philly Cheesesteak or two along the way also.
Obama has stated that the issues regarding past associations and comments about "bitter Americans" are not important and that he is trying to make American lives better.
What arrogance! I don't need an elitist snob who went to finishing schools in Hawaii to make my life better, Barry Obama. All I need is the freedom that God granted me by birth and to continue to live in America; the greatest country on mother earth.

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