Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Obama and Hillary ; The Art of the Big Con

So, now Obama claims that he never spoke to Illinois Gov. Rod Blogojevich about the filling of his vacant Senate seat.Blagojevich, of course has been recently arrested on charges of trying to "sell" the senate position , which if true ,is probably the sleaziest political manuvering in the history of Chicago pay to play politics.
The Obama saga just keeps getting better and better,and he hasn't even taken office yet.
He didn't know Ayers , the terrorist, he never heard of Rev. Wright's racist rants,he never was involved in slumlord Tony Rezco's sleazy dealings ; and now , he says he never spoke to Gov. Blagojevich , despite his campaign manager David Axelrod's statement that he, in fact, did.
Add to all this the appointment of Hillary as Secretary of State as well as most of President Clinton's previous staff as his cabinet ; and you have a man who doesn't remind you of Lincoln or Kennedy ,but Paul Newman from The Sting".As a matter of fact I'll bet that as soon as he is sworn in both he and Hillary will probably give each other that sly wink and finger to the side of the nose that Redford and Newman gave each other at the end of the movies sucessful "Big Con".Add to the mix the keeping of Secretary of Defense
Robert Gates; one of the architects of the Iraq War ; and you have a con that would be dismissed by the "Stings" screenwriters as far fetched and implausible.

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