Monday, August 25, 2008

You can run, Barack but you can't hide

Well with the first night of the Democratic convention over, I am left with the sense that it was a wated night .A lot of fluff and no substance. Michelle Obama's speech seemed to be designed in the same spirit as Richard Nixon's infamous "checkers" speech. Esentially' to take the heat off of some controversies by throwing in a lot of folksy Ozzie and Harriet style smoke and mirrors; appear corney and syrupy but at the same time bringing a more human and down to earh spin to Obama and his wife.In other words, she seemed to be trying to say; look, see , we are humans too !!
In fact ' the entire evening seemed to be wasted in just trying to humanize Obama; trying to make him seem less Messiah and more man. However it backfired. The stiff Businesslike conversation between Obama and Michelle reminded me of the warm fuzzy exchanges between Mike and Carol Brady on the Brady Bunch.So the "just regular folks thing did'nt work and in fact only added to the scripted feel that everything Obama does has.
If this man is to stand any chance of beating John McCain; two questions must be answered. One, Why did this man, on the eve of running, visit William Ayers; convicted terrorist? And two; why does this man who claims to be a Christian, believe in all forms of abortion; even if the child survives the procedure?If he does not clear up these issues then he is a security risk and therfore unable to be President , and also the most pro infanticide government official since King Herod.

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