Friday, May 1, 2015

"Those Who Survive!"

In the wake of the unexplained death of career criminal Freddie Gray,while in Police custody, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake said she would give protestors,"space to destroy", and gave her police force orders to "stand down", in the face of rioting looters and vandals. Now, why would any Mayor , Governor, or any other government official, elected to protect the security of their state and it's citizens, make such a statement, or give such an order?
Because , just like the Mayor of Ferguson , Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake is a card carrying member of the liberal left, and the left believes , first and foremost, that it is America ,..not the Baltimore thugs and criminals , that is really guilty of robbing, looting , and pillaging ,..all other nations all around the globe. America is racist.America is sexist.America is anti-gay.America is an imperialist invader that has stolen it's wealth and power from other nations and it must be punished , and reduced to the lowly level of a third world nation in order to even the score, and finally bring peace , wealth and prosperity , to the rest of the world.
This is why hardcore leftists like Stephanie Rawlings Blake will take an incident like the still unexplained death of Freddie Grey , and use it as one more golden opportunity to use the race con to attack the police, and the military, for that matter, who are perceived by the left to be symbols of the white power structure .In other words, symbols of hated,Imperialist, criminal America. Ironically, however, Baltimore is not only Democrat controlled , and has been for fifty years,but it's government officials and police force, are predominately African American as well. How's that for a dose of reality? But despite this, the police and military, symbols of White America ,must nevertheless be brought down , and ultimately placed under the control of the Federal Government. That's the left's game. State rights to run their own local police force, or anything else , as they see fit, must be done away with , and all police must be brought under Federal control because they are inherently racist and corrupt, and cannot be trusted.
In other words, a National Police State must be imposed on American citizens , if the left is ever to achieve the socialist utopia it has envisioned since the 1930's. It is, in fact, the final step to achieving a Marxist style government .
First, you impose National Healthcare.
Then , push the race agenda.
Then, gun registration.
Then, gun confiscation.
Then, impose a police force that answers only to the Federal Government, and the leftist elite that runs it.
It's the perfect plan.
It's the plan that's been used by every tyrant ,dictator, and despot in history, to gain power and control of their nations.
And, make no mistake, it is the plan being implemented in America, by the left , right now, every liberal controlled state in our nation.
Of course , liberal Democrats like Baltimore Mayor Blake blame Republican policies for the poverty and crime that exists in her city, but that assertion is laughable , and lacks all credibility .As stated before,..Baltimore, like Ferguson, is Democrat controlled and has been for many decades.
So too, is the entire state of California.
So too, is Chicago Illinois.
So too, is Detroit Michigan.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke out about the Baltimore incident , and stated that Freddie Gray's death while in police custody is part of a pattern that has been going on for a long time.Indeed it is. But, not the "racist cop" pattern that she is alluding to. Like all liberal Democrats, Hillary is trying to blame Baltimore on Republican policies, no doubt hoping to boost her fading Presidential election chances that are already being imperiled by the Benghazi and  Clinton Foundation deceptions.No, despite what Hillary says, the reason this has indeed been going on so long, because of Democrat policies, and nothing else.
This cannot be denied.The historical evidence makes it clear. Every state in our union that is run exclusively by the Democrat Party, is in poverty and despair. Record levels of unemployment high crime, drug dealing, and drug use ,are the normal state of affairs in every Democrat controlled city or state. Not surprising really.When your main economic policy is to increase taxes and regulations endlessly,  to increase taxpayer funded entitlement programs,to enact gun bans on citizens, to push for union control of all things free market, and to demonize our military and police ,...this is always, always, always,..the inevitable result.
For, if not, why are there no race riots in Republican controlled states like Texas?
Why are there no race based riots that destroy the hard work of free market business owners in any Republican controlled City or State?
Because, Republican States have good economies , due to tax and regulation cuts that enable business owners to prosper and create jobs.
Because Republican States support our Second Amendment rights , and allow their citizens to use those rights to protect themselves, and their property.
Because Republicans cut entitlement package deals that embolden the lazy, the unmotivated, and the illegal.
Because Republican States support union charter schools that create a  free market competition in education and ends Democrat union monopolies.
And, most importantly, because Republican States support our military , local police, and firefighters strongly, and understand that without them, , vandalism, looting , and general destruction is always the result. Evil rises when good retreats , and, despite their other faults, Republicans never retreat in the face of evil, unlike their Democrat counterparts who permit thugs and criminals , backed by leftist communist organizations , to control the streets of their towns and cities, in the name of so called, "social justice".
Make no mistake, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake  of Baltimore,..despite her denials after the fact, did indeed say that she would allow criminal thugs the "space to destroy", if that is what they wished to do.After all, she said,.. it's "only property".
And, make no mistake, ..Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake, of Baltimore,..did indeed order her police force to "stand down" that first night , and allowed her city to be destroyed by worthless, entitlement scum , that she only supports ,..because they vote Democrat.
That's all this is ,just a push for more political power , and once again,..the racism con, the weapon of choice. Baltimore, like Ferguson ,..can burn to the ground for all the Democrats that run them care. What matters is the agenda. By allowing their their cities to burn,..their chance for re-election ,..actually increases. For, beyond any shadow of a doubt,..those racist Republicans, and those racist cops,..will always be blamed,..despite the overwhelming evidence that the trillions of dollars spent , since the 1960's, Democrats to improve their cities has done nothing,..except increase poverty, and create permanent entitlement zombies,..who will indeed continue to vote Democrat,..for eternity ,..just so they can survive in a world that their chosen Party has left them woefully unprepared for.
A World where only the individual,..
...the independent,....
..the self-sufficient,...
..and the strong,....
....A Republican World.

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