Before the number of injured was even tallied, before the dead bodies were even cold, and before there was a shred of credible evidence as to the real cause of the Amtrak Train crash in Philadelphia, former Governor of Pennsylvania, Ed Rendell, could not wait to set the record straight , and make it crystal clear, that he knew exactly what the cause of the crash was. Governor Rendell said it was a "failure of infrastructure".Quite a remarkable statement, really, considering the fact that the actual cause seemed to be just human error, since the train had been traveling at 106 miles per hour, around a 50 miles per hour curve in the tracks .Nevertheless, Governor Rendell cut right to the heart of the problem and blamed it on lack of government spending on "infrastructure", pure and simple. How absurd, and how predictable really.After all, Rendell is a Liberal Democrat, and as fellow Democrat , and former Obama Advisor, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel once said, "You should never let a crises go to waste".How true. And the left, certainly never does. The Amtrak crash is just the latest "crises" that Rendell and the Democrat Party has used as an opportunity to push for higher taxes on hard working Americans. The irony is that most of these "crises"are actually created by the Democrats themselves, and just used as convienent excuses to bilk the American freemarket out of money that is, and always will be , used for Democrat Election Campaigns, Democrat entitlement and green energy programs , funding Democrat Unions, and funding America's enemies overseas , as well.
Every State in our Union that is run by the Democrat Party is bankrupt and crime ridden.That's a grim fact. And, every State run by the Democrats is constantly demanding government bailouts for their list of con jobs, such as "education", "infrastructure", "green energy" , and "job creation".Billions of dollars were already given to these collapsing, Democrat run,states for their endless list of entitlements in 2008, when Obama was elected.And yet, today, every Democrat State still has failing schools, still has record high unemployment, and yes, ..still has failing infrastructure. The reason is clear;..Democrats use every tax dollar the American people gives them, to just fatten their own wallets, and the wallets of the Democrat Union bosses. , that's all. If this wasn't true, the problems they have had for decades,that they claim they want to solve,..would be solved,..wouldn't they?
Since the days of Woodrow Wilson, and Roosevelt's "New Deal", the Democrat Party has taken over 30 trillion hard earned American dollars,and "invested" them in ;.creating jobs, better education,..better infrastructure, welfare handouts,.and green energy programs,..and it has accomplished nothing , and has actually made things a lot worse. Not surprising really.For, you see, total economic collapse will always be the result when you take money from those that earned it, and give it to those who didn't.
And the latest "con" from the left is an accelerated push from Democrat controlled States to demonize local police forces as 'racist".The purpose is clear;..create riots,and create a racial divide in the community, and you create new Democrat voters , new reasons to petition Washington for more tax dollars , and a new excuse to bring local police under Federal control.
Ferguson , Baltimore, New York, and Chicago, are the chief offenders in this racist cop con, and the results are riots, looting, and wholesale destruction of the property and businesses owned by hardworking , freemarket, capitalist Americans. This matters little to the Democrat politicians who run these cities however.For, like Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake, and her chief prosecutor Marilyn Moseby , who both orchestrated the destruction of their city, by pushing an entitlement agenda and police hatred, they know that the more destruction , the more race baiting, the more government imposed poverty,..the more Democrat votes and union control as well. They also know , and so do all Democrats , in every Democrat controlled State, that by declaring the police 'racist" and calling for a Federal takeover of them, and by keeping the citizens in poverty, keep the Federal government tax payer bailouts coming .
And the blame for these failing Democrat cities and states , will always rest squarely on the shoulders of the Republican Party. That right folks.Blame your smoking, charred ruin of a city on the Republicans who withheld funding for, "education" and "infrastructure".It's their fault.It's always the Republicans fault, and the Democrat Party will always make sure their voting constituents know it.
Republicans are racist tightwads that are keeping Americans poor in order to fund their rich, corporate pals.That's the scenario they spin , in order to assure that the people suffering under their socialist policies continue to vote for the Democrat Party. And now, we have Amtrak as the latest part of this elaborate con on the American public. Amtrak ,in reality, is just part of the larger "infrastructure con".Amtrak was actually created by Republican President Richard Nixon, and it is totally funded, by taxpayer money. And, in all the years it has operated, Amtrak has never made a profit .Never. And, just like all the Democrat controlled government programs, has always been a complete and utter disaster , waiting to happen.
And now, that disaster has happened .8 Americans dead, and more than 50 injured in a crash that was clearly caused by the engineer , who was either too drunk, too high, or simply too incompetent to realize that you cannot make a turn in a train going 106 miles per hour. Even House Speaker Boehner weighed in on the issue, calling the claims of failing infrastructure ridiculous, and stated that the train was simply going too fast, end of story. The engineer has lawyered up, and is refusing to answer questions .He will, no doubt, be held responsible, eventually. But, that's not what's important , according to the Democrat Party.What's important, is the fact that , once again, the Democrats have a good, solid, crises on their hands,..and they will most certainly not let it go to waste. They will use this tragic crash as just another tool, another weapon, to be wielded against those on the right, who still believe the absurd notion that government should be subservient , to the citizens it serves.
The Republican Party should take heed, and regard this attempt by the Democrats to turn a train tragedy into a train robbery of the American taxpayer as a warning by the hand of fate, that the Democrats must remain a minority Party,...permanently,... and have no part in the governance of America's future ,....if America is to have a future.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
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