Friday, May 22, 2015

The Lost Victory

The Iraqi City of Ramadi has fallen to the forces of ISIS.Yes, Ramadi, of the key cities that our military took during the surge that gave us complete victory in the Iraq War,has fallen, to an enemy that has cut a swath of terror across the Middle East , leaving in their wake an endless pile of burned, crucified, and beheaded Christians,Jews, Yazidis, and Kurds. The crime they committed that warranted such treatment?They refused to bow to the evil god that ISIS worships.And, in the same week, the Syrian City of Palmyra has also fallen to ISIS.And all the while, our President still refuses to develop any kind of war strategy, and even refuses to admit that we are losing this war,..and losing fast.
America has the power , to crush AlQueda and ISIS in ;less than a week, but the President is simply unwilling to participate in this war.
President Obama is unwilling to fund our military.
And, President Obama is still unwilling to admit that ISIS is even a credible threat to the United States,or her allies.He believes Global Warming is the bigger threat to the world , and said so during a speech to the graduating class of  the Coast Guard Academy.That's right, just as he had done before the graduating class of West Point, in 2014, the President of the United States told our elite military , that Global Warming was the threat they had to be prepared to fight,..after graduation.
There is one thing that the President was willing to do, however, and that was to pull all of our troops out of a Democratic , stable Iraq, and leave it to the mercy of the Iran backed , invading forces of AlQueda , and ISIS.Make no mistake, all that is now occurring in Ramadi, Fallujah, and Palmyra as well,is the direct result of the complete troop withdraw from Iraq.The Iraq war was won, and a relatively stable , Democratic Iraq had been created.This was our victory, as hard fought victory that required the blood and sacrifice of our brave men and women in uniform.
Now,all that has been lost, because President Obama failed to heed the warning put forth by his predecessor, President Bush, in 2007.President Bush stated quite clearly,and quite prophetically,..that total troop withdraw from Iraq, in the aftermath of the war, would result in an unstable Iraq, that would soon become a safe haven for AlQueda .President Bush was dead right. Yes folks, the man who for eight years was vilified and condemned by the left, ..was right after all.
About the withdraw.
And, especially about the Iraq War , in general.
The Iraq War was indeed a war that needed to be fought , despite all the second guessing by the left , the liberal media,..and yes,..even the Republican Party.
In fact, the issue has now resurfaced as the key question the media is asking each and every Republican Presidential Candidate. "Knowing, what we know now,..would you have authorized the Iraq War? Many of the candidates say no, including Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.Jeb Bush , however,..wanted it both ways,first saying he woulds authorize the invasion ,..and then, later saying he wouldn't.
This question has replaced gay marriage, and abortion,..and become the new "gotcha", that the liberal press will use to demonize Republican Candidates, or to simply make them look like babbling fools, as they struggle ,..Hamlet like,..for an answer.
But ,why is this such a hard question to answer?The Iraq War was justified, period. After 911, President Bush made it quite clear that ,"the people who knocked down these buildings will hear from all of us,..soon.
President Bush also stated that,"those who are not with us,..are against us".
President Bush made it clear, as he stood upon that smoking pile of rubble at Ground Zero that he would not only target the terrorists who brought down the towers, but any and all who gave them aid and comfort.
Saddam Hussein not only had  the Weapons of Mass Destruction that he used on the Kurds,but he was also, first and foremost, a major sponsor of terror.Saddam gave money, weapons, medical treatment,training,..and safe haven to all Islamic Terrorists , including those who carried out the attacks on the Pentagon and Twin Towers,..on 911.
Saddam was a Chief Sponsor of Terror, who had WMD's, that he used to massacre thousands of his own citizens.
Saddam had violated the cease fire truce from the Gulf War, and had fired upon American jets.
Saddam had targeted George Bush Senior,..for assassination.
Saddam refused to cooperate with weapons inspectors.
Saddam trained, funded, and gave safe haven, to all Islamic terrorists.
Saddam has to go .
We didn't declare war on Iraq,..Iraq declared war on us, the day that the very same  terrorists that he had funded and trained , killed  3000 American Citizens.
As President Bush had said;...
"Those who are not with us,..are against us".
And,..President Bush was as good as his word, and brought down the tyrant , and his two murderous ,..child raping sons as well.
And now, with the 2016 Presidential Campaign looming ever nearer, we have the left's narrative , once again,..being pushed .We had faulty intelligence ,..or Bush lied,..or both,..because there were no WMD's in Iraq.Total nonsense.The Pentagon compiled a list of all captured weapons in the wake of the war, and they did indeed include massive amounts of chemical weapons , or ,..Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Bush was right.We should have gone in,..then,..and now. And, we should never have pulled our troops out once victory was achieved, in Iraq, Afghanistan,..or anywhere else in the world where we have engaged the enemies of freedom.
Bush was right again.
And, every Republican Candidate worth his salt, should recognize this, and say, without hesitation,.."Yes.'"Knowing what we know now,I would still authorize the War in Iraq, for the world is a better place without Saddam Hussein , a mass murderer who gave comfort and aide to America's enemies.
Our Presidential Candidates need to understand that the War in Iraq is not something that needs to be regretted.Our soldiers, who fought it,..sure don't.
What needs to be regretted is the election of a President whose seething hatred of America led him to withdraw our troops from the world, and allow evil to grow and fester.
America must always be a strong presence in every part of the globe , if the evil of Al Queda and ISIS are to be defeated.
The Iraq War was just, and no one, not one man , woman, or child shall ever be burned, beheaded, or crucified , by a hate filled enemy of humanity , because America failed to act,..while under my leadership".
That is the answer that every single Republican candidate should give, the next time they are forced by the liberal media, to ponder the "Iraq Question".
There is no question.
There is no doubt.
There is nothing to ponder.
America is the number one superpower , the single deadliest , most destructive force on earth.
With that power, must come great responsibility.
America has an obligation and a solemn duty to use that power to battle any evil that threatens the peace, safety, and prosperity of mankind.
And, if you want to wear the mantle of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, must acknowledge this,..and swear an oath that , under your command,..America will never again,..retreat in the face of evil, and let innocents be slaughtered ,..because she failed to act.
Was the Iraq War justified?
Damn right.
The eternal battle of good against evil,..always is.

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