The mass beheadings crucifixions, and burnings of Christians, Jews, Yazidis and Muslims as well, are happening for one reason;...America has forsaken its role as the leader of the free world.
If America is not an Imperialist, Nation building, destroyer of tyrants around the world, then the world is plunged into chaos and overwhelmed by evil.When good retreats, evil advances.That's human nature, and the simple truth is that America, under President Obama and the Democrat Party's rule, no longer willing to use it's power to battle evil, then no other nation will either.
America remains the first and only Judeo -Christian based,self governed , self ruled, Free Market Republic in the world .
America is unique.
America is powerful.
And,America has always been a force for good.
But , with great power , must come great responsibility,and an even greater sense of duty as well.
Simply put, if America was still the imperialist , global despot destroyer that it was under Republican rule, Iraq would be a free Democracy,and ISIS would not exist , their terror state would not exist,the beheading of thousand of Christians and Jews would not be happening, Benghazi would have been protected and defended on the Anniversary of 911,and Iraq would not be getting 50 billion American tax payer dollars,to sign a treaty that virtually assures they will have the nuclear weapon they need to destroy Israel, and the Great Satan, America.
The grim reality is;..World War Three has now begun. And, just like our previous two World Wars, it has been caused by Democrat weakness and appeasement of evil. The solution is simple;..the Republicans now control the largest majority in the House ,Senate, and State Governments , since the 1930's .They must use their power to thwart the President and the Democrat agenda, make sure that our next President in 2016, is a Republican,..and reduce the Democrat Party to a permanent political minority .
On the Anniversary of 911 in 2012, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was working at the State Department as the Libyan Embassy in Benghazi was attacked by muslim terrorists..Despite pleas for help from the Embassy's Ambassador, a stand down order was issued by the State Department that doomed the embassy.That stand down order could only have been issued by one person ;..Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.,the same Hillary Clinton who then blamed the attack on a YouTube video, erased all government emails connected to her time as Secretary of State ,wiped her illegal server clean, and is now accused of using her "Clinton Foundation" to make herself rich off of donations from terror sponsoring nations, and committing treason, by selling American Uranium interests, to a Russian based company. Marvelous.This is why Hillary, or any other Democrat,..can never be President of the United States , ever again,or hold the reigns of government power .That power must always remain in the hands of the American people , and the Republican Party that represents them., if America is to be restored, and this new Christian genocide is to be stopped , once and for all.
But, all is not bleak for the left . You see, there is one great, positive accomplishment that Obama and the Democrats can claim in their 6 plus years of rule. They have finally disproven a theory that is essentially the motivation for everything they believe in and everything they do. You see, the left has always believed that America is the problem .America is the reason the world is in chaos , is in poverty,..and engulfed in mass slaughter by terrorists.The left has always believed that it is American Imperialism , American interference , in other countries , other governments, ..around the globe, that has created a world of disease, poverty , and despair.They believe that America has stolen it's wealth , it's prosperity, it's number one status,..from other nations , and left them to wallow, third world misery.
The Liberal Left, in tax payer funded Academia ,...whether it's Ward Churchill, Bill Ayers, ..Noem, Chomsky,..or any other America hating, overrated, terror supporting ,Marxist indoctrinating hack,..they have all believed, and have all taught,..for decades,..that if America was no longer a factor in world affairs , then the world would know peace,..and prosperity.
President Obama and the Democrats , for the last eight years now,..have made that vision of an invisible America ,..a reality. And,..the result has indeed been,..World War Three.
Terrorism has increased, both at home and abroad.
ISIS was created , a grew , unchecked, into the first terror state in existence.
Mass slaughter of Christians, Kurds , Jews ,Yazidis,and Muslims as well,....has increased ,..worldwide.
The results of the left's diminishment of American influence, and presence in the world,..are clear;..with America now invisible ,disinterested, and detached from world affairs,evil has grown .And now ,Iran is on the verge of having full nuclear capacity, including missiles obtained from Russia.
The Middle East, and the world , on the brink of a nuclear arms race that will leave no victor, except the pale rider known as death.
Yes.This is President Obama and the left's greatest ,..and only ,..worthwhile achievement.They have finally implemented their plan to diminish America,..and it has failed spectacularly,..proving, beyond a shadow of a doubt,..that after eight years of Democrat rule,..
They were always wrong,..on everything,..
And the Republicans,..were always right.
They have proven that the world, without America, a very dark and dangerous place indeed.They have proven that the world,..without America,..simply cannot survive. They have proven that,..a world without America , a world that may soon vanish , the blinding flash of a nuclear holocaust,..that may very well turn out to be Obama and the Left's only,..and final,..Legacy.
Friday, April 24, 2015
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