Saturday, May 30, 2015


America has effectively withdrawn from the world, and for all intents and purposes, has become an isolationist nation, that has turned it's back on our allies, and retreated from our enemies.
President Obama and the liberal left, in the guise of the Democrat Party, have spent the last 7 years putting their anti American agenda into effect, and the results have been predictably disasterous. The left has always believed that it's America that has caused all the problems and turmoil in the world, and if America's presence in the world is diminished,then the world's problems would be diminished as well.
That theory has not only been proven dead wrong, but the exact polar opposite has been proven to be the truth.America must maintain a constant presence around the globe, or the worldwide destruction will be the result, every time.There it is.The one, single theory that the left has based their entire movement on, does not work,....nor did it ever work, just like all their theories. Without America, the world simply reverts back to what it once , and always was,since the beginning of time. A violence filled collection of poverty , despair, and tyrannical regimes, , constantly in bloody conflict, with no moral restraint whatsoever.
This is what Obama and the Democrat Party have always wanted.An invisible America, an America diminished by it's own sins of the past and forced to finally let other nations lead the world. And the goal of these other would-be leaders of the world?Nothing short of world dominance , with all opposing nations crushed beneath the boot heel of their tyranny.
Russia has grown ever bolder, and has now taken complete control of the Ukraine, and carrying out mass killings of its citizens in the process.These are the very same Ukrainians that America, under Clinton and Bush, promised to protect with all our military might, if they would agree to withdraw their defense systems, in a gesture of peace with Russia.
China grows bolder as well, continuing to build its military , and is now using two islands in the Phillipines  to stockpile armaments.China, now seems poised to overtake the United States militarily, and is prepared to compete with Russia for the right to call itself, ...the number one superpower in the world.
And the Middle East? It has now effectively fallen to the forces of ISIS and Al Queda. Syria is all but defeated, with the city of Palmyra being the latest area to  submit to the terror state.And Iraq? The key city of Ramadi has fallen,... the very city that was a key victory for our troops during the surge that gave America complete victory in the Iraq War.Syrian , Libyan, and Iraqi rebel forces , trained and armed by the United States military, ..have failed spectacularly, and despite having superior numbers and firepower , have dropped their weapons and retreated ,rather than face ISIS.Many of them, in fact, are converted Sunnis, and are now unwilling to engage an enemy that it seems to agree with,..on so many levels.
And, all the while, ISIS continues to burn, behead, and crucify all those they deem to be enemies of Islam,..and the newly formed Islamic State.
And , on American soil, chaos reigns as well, as Democrat controlled cities such as Baltimore , Ferguson, and New York , continue to see increases in violent crime, with shootings and killings becoming a daily event. Baltimore's Mayor, Stephanie Rawlings Blake, and her District Attorney, Marilyn Moseby, have promoted the Obama racist cop agenda perfectly, and this is the result;..a City under siege, criminals that now know the police will not risk intercepting criminals , now that they know the elected leaders in Baltimore have placed a bullseye on their backs, all in the name of creeping socialism, monetary greed, and political ambition.Like with our military in the Middle East , and the rest of the Globe, the Democrat left has withdrawn our police forces from the cities and streets that they control, and it has indeed created disaster , destruction destitution, and death.
Whether overseas or on a domestic level, when the Democrat left withdraws the military force that protects America , and the world, Evil takes notice, and quickly moves in to take control of our cities, states, and nations, worldwide.
You see, quite the opposite of what the left believes, it is only America that has kept the world from falling into chaos and destruction .
It is only America that kept ISIS non-existent, and Al Queda  on the run.
Withdraw , retreat, isolate ,has been the left's war strategy for the last seven years, and now we see the grim results.ISIS has established the first Terror State in the formerly Democratic Iraq, and is poised to take Syria, and the rest of the Middle East as well.
And all the while, Russian President Vladimir Putin, now dreams of a new Iron Curtain, and is invading the Ukraine in an effort to make that dream a reality.
China has similar ambitions, and  has increased their military arsenal  and air force ,even as America cuts its military budget to the bone.
And, all the while,America's cities and streets are now being controlled by anarchists and career criminals who loot, vandalize,and murder at will.
Yes Folks, this is the Utopia, the perfect Socialist Nation , that the left has always dreamed of.
America,...not a Superpower,..not the Leader of the Free World,..but just another third world nation, no better or worse,..than any other nation,..and just as unwilling as other nations to stand up and fight for freedom and liberty. America is now just like other nations , who are unwilling to fight against terror, against evil,..against oppression.
Yes, Americas, despite having the airpower to destroy ISIS in less than a week,..will now only strike limited, pinpoint targets that risk no casualties and gain nothing ,..just like all other nations.
It's now known that our military has known weeks in advance , not only where the headquarters of ISIS was located, but when they were planning to strike at the Iraqi city of Ramadi.
Even the Pentagon, and General Martin Dempsey, himself, have now admitted there is not now,.,.nor has there ever been,..a war strategy to defeat ISIS, or AlQueda, for that matter.
We should have stopped them.We could have stopped them,..but ,..we didn't.
And, at home,..our cities are crime ridden, and our police now rendered,..indifferent.Just like all the other third world countries.
Yes Folks, America has finally become what the left has always wanted it to be;.....
Equal Among Nations.
America is equal with the rest of the plight stricken world, that has always refused to fight against the forces of evil, while keeping it's citizens in abject poverty.
America is Equal, last.
And,the forces of ..Russia, China, ISIS and Al Queda ,..know it.
They are all poised , like vultures, ready to strike,...ready to bring lasting defeat to the once Great America,..the last, best hope for the world.
But,..America has already fallen, to the only enemy that could ever defeat it.
America itself.

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