Friday, May 8, 2015

The Spartacus Strategem

A Bounty has been placed on the head of Pamela Geller, the Director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative.The reason?She held a "Draw the Prophet Muhammed Competition in Garland Texas, and by so doing, committed an act of blasphemy, that is punishable by death..The question is;..blasphemy to who?Blasphemy to Al Queda who killed 3000 Americans on 911?Blasphemy to ISIS,who beheads , burns, and crucifies Christians, Jews, Yazidis, and Kurds,all across the middle east and around the globe?Blasphemy to Saudi Arabia and Iran, who sponsor terrorists, oppress women, and murder homosexuals?Blasphemy to who,..exactly?To Islam, a religion that condemns all non-believers as infidels , deserving of death? Blasphemy to an intolerant religion that demands the death of any individual who would simply draw a picture of the Prophet Muhammed? Is this the blasphemy that we are supposed to concern ourselves with?
Time for a wake up call.Pamela Geller is an American, not a Saudi, not an Iranian, not a member of Al Queda, and not an ISIS recruit. She is an American, living on American soil, and as such, she is not subject to the petty , intolerant demands of a petty , intolerant, and violent religion. Our religion, America's religion, is based on freedom , individual rights , and the brotherhood of all men.It's based on the idea that all men were created by God, to live free , ruled only by themselves. Our religion is the basis , the foundation, for the greatest system of self government ever devised by the mind of man.Our religion is the basis for our constitution ,the blueprint that makes us the greatest nation that ever was, or ever will be. Our religion is based on Judeo Christian principles, the teachings of a man called Jesus, who taught us to love God , and our fellow man, as we love ourselves.  Peace, love , and the brotherhood of man, is the religion of America. Hatred , violence , intolerance,and  oppression, is the religion of America's enemies, the religion called Islam.
The word Islam does not mean, "peace",contrary to popular opinion. The word Islam means, "submission".Submission to an evil god , and an evil Prophet  that demands the death of all those who dare to reject them, and instead, embrace freedom.
America dares to reject all that Islam stands for, ..and Pamela Geller dares as well. And, for this sin, this blasphemy, Islam demands the death of not only Pamela Geller, but of America as well.
You see, the Mayor of Garland Texas , the media pundits , and the liberal left in general, that dared to condemn Pamela Geller as an agitator , who deliberately provoked Islamists by mocking their Prophet , are wrong, wrong,..wrong! They are dead wrong,..and history will indeed judge them so. We are at war people, both at home, and abroad .The CIA has now determined that there are over 71 terror sleeper cells living in the U.S., ready to strike. Pamela Geller did not agitate , or provoke Muslims , or anyone else. Pamela Geller defended the First Amendment.Pamela Geller defended the Constitution. And Pamela Geller defended America, from an invading terror army that is determined to take this land for Islam and the Prophet Muhammed, and will not rest , until the flag of ISIS is flying from the White House Lawn, and every State in our Union is forced to live under Sharia Law.
Defending America from her enemies on our own soil .That was the purpose behind Pamela Geller's drawing competition .For Pamela, like our Founders before her, knows that the root of freedom is the refusal of the individual ,to submit to the will of another, and live under his rule. ISIS has called for the death of any who would dare to mock the Prophet, by depicting him in an illustration.And, in every nation on earth that has dared defy them on this edict, has paid the price in blood, and has indeed submitted to the Will of Islam. England , France, Germany , the Netherlands ,...all of them, and the rest of Europe as well, , have Sharia Law imposed on them, mosques on every street corner, and constant terror attacks against civilians, and police alike. They have all submitted to the will of Islam, and those exceptions, like the staff of the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo, who didn't,..paid a heavy price
The Flag of ISIS is flying proudly from all these nations now , because they did not wish to agitate , anger, or provoke an enemy determined to destroy them.
But,...not America,..not yet, anyway. Not as long as We the People have stand with the America Freedom Defense Initiative,..and it's Leader Pamela Geller,..who understands that America is a living symbol of defiance that not only has the right to draw the Prophet, but it has an obligation and a duty , draw the Prophet Muhammed, if  for no other reason than Islam has told us we cannot. We said "no", to British taxes, and religious oppression. We said,"no", to Nazi socialism and genocide. We said "no" , to North Vietnam, China, and Russia's communist forces.
We must now stand with Pamela Geller , and with a united voice, say "no" , to those who tell us we can't draw a cartoon depiction of a man whose life was one long, murderous rampage, against Christians, against Jews, against women, and against homosexuals , who were all put to the sword ,..his sword ,..for refusing to obey his will, and the will of his evil god.
Pamela Geller does not stand alone.
We the People stand with her, and will draw the Prophet.
Will reject Sharia.
Will reject all the evil and oppression that Islam seeks to impose upon us, and our great nation.
There is no safety in hiding, or submission .We the People must stand united and fight,or stand divided and die. In the 1960 Stanley Kubrick film , "Spartacus", the Romans sought to destroy the rebellious gladiator army by isolating the leader of the rebellion , and making an example of him .This , they reasoned,would put fear in the hearts of his followers , and bring an end to the  rebellion, by showing them the price they would pay for such rebellion.The Leader of the Roman forces, Marcus Crassus,..gave the captured rebels a choice , betray their leader, or suffer mass crucifixion. Their leader ,the Gladiator Spartacus, stepped forward , to identify himself, and save his men, . but his followers would have none of it. One by one, they all stepped forward , and all identified themselves , ..with the cry, .."I am Spartacus!" They were all united,with their leader, in their defiance of the evil that was Rome.
We the People, here,, the New Rome,..the Rome created by our President, and the Democrat Party,..must employ this same Spartacus strategem , and declare to America's enemies that the bounty imposed by ISIS on the head of Pamela Geller , is on the heads of every other American as well.
Pam Geller will not stand alone, and the "Draw Prophet Muhammed" terrorist trap that she devised ,that brought about the deaths of two terror sleeper cells at the hands of a Garland police officer. ..will be used again, and again, in every City, and every State,..all across  our Nation.In truth, it must be.
Who is Pamela Geller?
We the People are Pamela Geller, ..and we have no other choice.. but to fight with her, ..and if necessary, die with her ,.....defending our Nation from the scourge that is Sharia.

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